The Occupy Movement succeeded early in seizing a media narrative, a feat that public-relations experts know is hardly easy to achieve. These professionals should be impressed by the ability of the movement to get its message across, right? Well, that’s the real problem, according to PR Daily. They don’t have one — and the media coverage is exposing the ugliness in the vacuum of a message (via Instapundit):
Dorothy Crenshaw, CEO and creative director of Crenshaw Communications, praised OWS’s canny cultivation of the media and public sympathy. Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s evacuation of Zuccotti Park seems to have strengthened the movement, she suggests. But she sees risks in the protesters’ tactics of shutting down streets and subway stations.
She adds: “If they start to disrupt the commute or work schedule of so-called ‘regular people’—part of that huge 99 percent who are just trying to get through the workday and earn a living—I think they risk losing the very group that should be most sympathetic.”
The movement’s PR efforts drew derision from Fraser P. Seitel, managing partner of Emerald Partners and author of The Practice of Public Relations. OWS, he says, has “botched an opportunity to capture public opinion and achieve something. Americans, by every measure, distrust the politicians who run Washington and lead major institutions. So public opinion was ripe for the plucking.”
However, the movement blew it by having no overriding purpose, stated goals, or visible leadership, he says, and it is increasingly perceived as a bunch of publicity-hungry complainers intent on disrupting others who are making a living.
“Occupy Wall Street is right about one thing,” he says. “The whole world is watching. And it’s generally repulsed by what it’s seen.”
That sounds like a fair description, doesn’t it? In Oakland, they threatened workers at the docks and succeeded in shutting down commerce not for the 1% but for 100% of the people who depend on the port. They also went on a vandalism spree that didn’t even spare their corporate lackeys. In New York, the Occupiers tried to disrupt the New York Stock Exchange, where where 70% of Americans have investments through direct purchases or retirement accounts.
The title was almost spot on… instead how about..
……Regular People experts: Occupy movement a self-defecating disaster
Occupy Los Angeles has caused crime rates to triple and arrests to double.
One CVS drug store across from the Occupy tent city reported that 700 packages of toilet paper have been shoplifted since the beginning of the movement.
Now backpacks must be left at the store’s entrance.
The Occupiers were also in the same CVS demanding FREE syringes!
They seem to have an issue with personal/private property.
BTW, for the funniest, yet most insightful video of the OWS’ers see this!
Samantha Bee is brutal!
Media pick up on and promote anything that helps destroy our culture and capitalism – regardless as to whether it’s noble or makes sense. It’s part of pop culture. They are IN BED with those commie #OW protesters ideologically speaking, and I wouldn’t be surprised if members of the media are in the streets protesting with them, just like they were in the streets with them protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.