Porn Mogul Calls Trig Palin “Brain Dead Virtual Vegetable”

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PDS strikes again….


……In a new interview with the London Independent newspaper, Flynt rambled from topic to topic until he settled on Palin, who is considering whether to run for the Republican nomination for president this year. 

“Sarah Palin is the dumbest thing. But I made a fortune off of her. [He made a porn film called Nailin’ Palin, based on her],” he said.

Then, he went after Trig, saying, “She did a disservice to every woman in America. She knew from the first month of pregnancy that kid was going to be Down’s Syndrome. It’s brain dead. A virtual vegetable.”

That has got to be one of the most over the top comments coming from a leftist. I suggest he look up facts about Down Syndrome. Developmental delays doesn’t mean “brain dead” or a “virtual vegetable”.

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