While the vast majority of Americans agree that it has been warm winter, there are sharp partisan differences over whether the cause is global warming, a new survey Wednesday shows.
Indeed, 79 percent of Americans believe that the winter, which officially ended with the beginning of spring on Tuesday, was warmer than usual, according to Gallup.
But the consensus ends at the cause of the mild winter. A majority of Republicans – 51 percent – believe the warmth is due merely to normal variations in year-to-year temperatures. Only 19 percent ascribe the warmer than usual winter to global warming.
On the other hand, a plurality of Democrats – 43 percent – believe that this past season’s temperate temperatures were caused by global warming, while 37 percent said that the temperatures were due to normal variations in year-to-year temperature.
Among independents, 51 percent attribute the warmer-than-usual winter to normal variations, while a comparatively higher percentage – 28 percent – points to global warming.
So does this poll mean that Republicans and Independents understand scientific principles better than Democrats? Maybe it means that more Democrats drank the Koolaid!
Global warming
I LOVE Global warming!
I need to buy a bigger SUV
I’m more convinced every day that knee-jerk cynicism is the main motivation of lefties.