A week ago I wrote about the trend away from partisan politics in America, with both Republicans and Democrats losing millions of members (as measured by voter registrations). In that trend Democrats were losing more ground than Republicans, and new numbers from Rasmussen backs that up showing Republican affiliation up a small amount while Democrat affiliation hit its lowest level ever recorded by the polling company.
The number of Republicans in the country increased by a percentage point in December, while the number of Democrats fell back two points to the lowest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports.
During December, 35.4% of Americans considered themselves Republicans. That’s up from 34.3% in November and just below the high for the year of 35.6% reached in May.
At the same time, just 32.7% of adults said they were Democrats, down from 34.9% in November. The previous low for Democrats was 33.0% in August of this year.
It’s telling that the number of independents grew the most of all, nearly two percentage points.
I think Democrats are taking the brunt of this because they’re perceived (and in fact are) running the show in Washington DC right now. Obama is president, and Democrats control the Senate.
These ought to be the proportions used in any polling for it to even purport to be an accurate snapshot of how the nation feels at any one time.
Of course, these are NOT anywhere near the proportions used!
Otherwise Obama wouldn’t look as good on paper as skewed polls claim he does.
Leftist polls are trying to create a bandwagon for the unthoughtful to grab onto.
In recent years, a lot of independent voters have been voting for democrats by default. When you can’t abide what you perceive as anti-middle class economic policies or highly regressive social agendas, what else are you left with?
If a republican were to come along who was genuinely middle-of-the-road on social issues, who advocated a genuinely balanced and proactive approach to balancing the budget, and who didn’t sound ready to wage war at the drop of a hat, I’d be giving that person careful consideration. Unfortunately, I don’t see such a republican.
So Greg, I guess you voted for McCain then?
Nan G. #1 The whirring of helicopters.
How bout an informal F.A. Poll on predicted order of finish in Iowa including %’s. Ladies first.
@MataHarley, #3:
Nope. I’ve always respected McCain and still resented how the Bush campaign had slimed him in the 2000 primaries, but I dismissed any thought of voting for him once it became clear that he was in total denial about the rising wave of job losses. That denial continued even as the impending 2008 economic crash became totally obvious. His choice of a running mate put a final seal on the decision.
I haven’t voted for a republican in a presidential race since Reagan. I’d given him a second term vote before realization had set in that the pitch and the policy results were two entirely different things.
I read a ton of articles at Real Clear Politics where I can sift through the facts and the drivel. As a bonus they have all sorts of polls, from the reputable pollsters to the Bamster, in the tank, sycophants. The campaigner in chief is in big trouble.
Just curious, Mata. When will you do a follow up on all those planes being shot down by those MANPADS stolen in Libya?
They haven’t found ’em yet, Ivan. Considering the post title was all about them being missing from Libya’s stockpiles, sorta makes an update moot when they are still missing, don’t you think? Guess the HUMINT has been seriously damaged by the WH leadership. We may not know where they are until they are used. Interesting thought to consider… since Obama is busy bugging out of Afghanistan, and we’ve already exited per the Bush SOFA in Iraq, why waste them now? If terrorist networks are in possession, they need only wait to see the backs of American soldiers leaving before letting them fly. Prior to that, a good waste of ammo during a withdrawal.
If bad guys get their hands on them, I doubt the targets will be focused only on military or civilian planes… of which they are still effective on both. In fact, in a Middle East or Asia, void of American presence, Zawahiri’s next phase of removing apostate Muslim governments and leaders may be their choice. But they certainly have effective damage on whatever they choose, despite their decades old technology. You know, you’d think that after Aye mopped the floor with your tush on the history of these missile attacks on aircraft – both military and civilian – you wouldn’t be so anxious to bring up what must be a very humiliating moment for yourself… Go no. Art thou a glutton for punishment, in addition to a sub-par pot stirrer? LOL
But I did see that Zawahiri has officially shipped his higher echelon AQ types to Libya, who’ve been busy recruiting.
So whatever militant suppression… even not attaining the impossible 100% mark … by Gaddafi in Libya can now be considered the good ‘ol days. And they’ll have a better chance at getting their hands on them. Oh yes… more good news is that the Pakistani militants have decided to call a truce to their infighting in order to again unite under Mullah Omar’s Afghanistan Taliban against NATO and the US/west. They are looking to speed up Obama’s bug out.
You may want to check this out, Mata:
My, aren’t you vituperative. I’ve been very civil to you, and you know that, and you now, again lower yourself back into the gutter.
Why, Mata? I asked you a simple question and you go ballistic.
The simple fact of the matter is that no missile attacks have taken place with these missiles.
whine whine, Ivan. Predictable. “again lower yourself back into the gutter”, you say? Damn… new year, same old Ivan rhetoric and whining. sigh….
If this is your idea of ballistic… a response to your snide (and inaccurate) revisions of past threads… then you truly need to find some reinforcement armor for your outer skin. Or perhaps you can rent a backbone.
Other than that, I’m quite content for you not to direct any of your conversation to me direct, in your attempt to pot stir just so you can again… whine. I’m not suffering from “Ivan withdrawal” in the least…. and it fact, it was a glorious vacation, not seeing you in my inbox.
, Where, Mata, they’ll be scooped up by US/NATO intelligence.
Have you thought about that possibility?
What “US/NATO intel” in Libya, Ivan? Just what “libyan government” is aiding in HUMINT? Do tell us…. In fact, make sure you make your revelations known to our CIA as well.
I think Ivan is cute. Next time he walks by, I’m dropping my hanky, and bending over s l o w l y.
Are you unfamiliar with the new Libyan government’s help from NATO both during the war and after Ghadaffy’s elimination?
Are you unfamiliar with the new Libyan government’s help from NATO both during the war and after Ghadaffy’s elimination?
I asked you a simple, basic question and you then start with the personal attacks. Why does Curt tolerate your improper behavior?
Do you call yourself a Christian? Honestly, I would like to know if you do.
You engaged, again and apparently as always, in ad hominem attacks against me, all because I wanted to follow up on a previous thread. I don’t have a way of contacting you unless it is through this forum.
Why did you do that? Is it that you can’t answer the question? Or, as I suspect, you were unaware of NATO’s and the new Libyan government’s efforts to find these weapons?
How is asking you a simple question “pot stirring”???
I think you don’t have the balls to admit you were ignorant of the collected weapons.
Care to fess up?
I’m waiting for your response to post #9.
How about this, Mata:
Do you think they just stumbled upon them or we were working with the Libyan Govt. in finding them?
Or would you rather dodge another tough question and go with the personal attack?
MATA is making some BLT, just for you, because she know you miss her.
Bees: I enjoy discussing subjects with Mata and have no hostility to her, only Christian love.
Yet her frequently hostile responses leave me puzzled. I asked a simple question and she goes ballistic! Still, she can’t answer how her comment conflicts with what has actually happened in the real world.
Take care,
you cannot change MATA, SHE SPEAK HER OWN LANGUAGE TO LET YOU KNOW what she think of your question, you have to be brave and read behind her words, she also speak my language very well.
she is the wizard of FA, you missed her last accomplishment, which was spectacular, like the great EAGLE PERCH ON A HIGH TREE TOP, AND SPOTING THE TARGET TO FEED HER 2 BABIES, SUDDENLY TAKE FLIGHT STRAIGHT DOWN TO HIT TARGET UNAWARE, and bring it back to break it in small peaces for her 2 babies,
are you in perversion too?