The Hill
A strong majority of Americans say Democrats should look to cooperate with President Trump to strike deals, according to the inaugural Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively by The Hill.The survey found that 73 percent of voters want to see Democrats work with the president, against only 27 percent who said Democrats should resist Trump’s every move.The findings are significant as Democratic leaders in Congress are under growing pressure by their liberal base to obstruct the president’s agenda. The poll shows the party is divided on how to deal with Trump: 52 percent of Democrats polled say they should cooperate with him on areas of agreement and 48 percent saying they shouldn’t.Those figures are nearly identical when the question is flipped – 68 percent of those polled say that Trump should be willing to compromise and find ways to work with Democrats in Congress. Thirty-two percent said Trump shouldn’t bend at all, even if it means finding ways to achieve his agenda without congressional approval.
Fat chance of that ever happening the demac-RATS are too busy trying to undermine all that trump has done after all the demac-Rats are Big Goverment liberals working with the Useless Nations and the CFR to end our nations soventry and merge us into the NWO and the North American(Soviet)Union
Where was the Republican cooperation when Obama was attempting to deal with the worst and most prolonged economic disaster the nation had seen since the Great Depression? Or when he was trying to come up with workable solutions to decades-long problems with the nation’s health care system? Or when he was trying to deal with ISIS?
So now you think Democrats should cooperate cheerfully and fully with Donald Trump in the wholesale destruction of the nation’s regulatory agencies and institutions, the handing over of all control to the same greedy bastards who have repeatedly screwed the public, the taxpayers, and nation in general, and the abandonment of facts and reason in favor of the elevation of generalized ignorance and stupidity.
Feel free to hold your breath while you’re waiting.
If you want cooperation, try proposing something that’s genuinely worthy of it.
Jay Sekulow Provides EVIDENCE Obama Set Up Coup Against Trump
Jay Sekulow is one of the best. He carefully sources his topics and he knows the law as well as anyone. Do not overlook this story, or neglect to pass it on.
Thing is except for approval of Supreme court we dont need the Democrats, they can just sit there and watch.
Sure he is. A 2005 article by Tony Mauro, of Legal Times. It was archived from Law (dot) com: The Secrets of Jay Sekulow
I don’t know why the right always seems to have a blind spot when it comes to recognizing con men, grifters, and snake oil salesmen of every conceivable description. The more successful they are the less likely they are to be spotted, which is possibly a clue to the nature of the blind spot.