Politico Reporter Embarrasses Herself Attempting To Defend ‘Christian Nationalism’ Smears

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by Shawn Fleetwood

Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla is in meltdown mode after receiving much-deserved blowback for penning a scaremongering report about how a second term of Donald Trump will bring about a wave of so-called “Christian nationalism.”

In their lengthy diatribe published Tuesday, Przybyla and co-author Alexander Ward warned that Christians close to Trump are secretly plotting to advance America’s founding Judeo-Christian values should the former president defeat Joe Biden this November.

These “Christian nationalists” (A.K.A. mainstream Christians), the two wrote, represent an existential threat to the republic because they believe America “was founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values should be prioritized throughout government and public life.”

Every member of every other religion can do so, but it’s horrible when Christians support policies that align with their faith! Also, it’s evil to love what made America great: its Founders repeatedly acknowledging that without Christianity, there can be no self-government.

Given her clear inability to understand basic facts about the American founding and Christianity, it wasn’t shocking to witness Przybyla present her lunacy to MSNBC viewers on Friday.

“The one thing that unites them as Christian nationalists — not Christians by the way, because Christian nationalists is very different — is that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority; they don’t come from Congress; they don’t come from the Supreme Court — they come from God,” Przybyla said.

Her full remarks on the subject are just as morally and intellectually disqualifying.

Gee, if only there were a historical document instrumental to the American founding and written by a Founding Father that contained the words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Przybyla’s smearing of the country’s majority religion isn’t shocking. Her checkered history of pushing bunk stories about nonexistent corruption among constitution-upholding Supreme Court justices and hyping baseless rape allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh are more than enough to disqualify her credibility as a “reporter.” What’s hilarious, however, is how much the Politico hack continued to double down on her asinine hatred for America’s founding creed and “reporting” in the hours that followed her dumpster-fire MSNBC interview.

In one tweet posted on X, Przybyla claimed, “There are different wings of Christian Nationalism [and] they are bound by their belief that our rights come from God,” and seemingly insisted that Christians who support pro-life policies are “Christian nationalists.”

“If you are Hindu, Jewish etc, this might help you understand the next part of my point, which is they are using this for a man-made policy agenda, which distinguishes this from other Christians who leave these God-given rights at our inherent right to ‘Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ — vs banning abortion, contraception etc.,” she wrote.


Przybyla continued to respond to critics on X throughout Friday afternoon, a desperate bid to defend her nonsensical talking points.



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Our rights do come from God. The government set up by the Framers intense it to protect those rights. The government of today abuses those rights while trying to take them away.

Our rights do come from God. 

“Rights” are whatever people in any particular culture agree upon at any particular point in time. We know that they don’t come from God because there is no God.

You are insane. Get help.

I’m insane for not believing in something for which there is no proof?

Well, no they aren’t. For instance, there is no “right” to an abortion. The laws and morality against murder have to be adjusted and waived. No one has the right to punish another person for what they think or say, yet some people suffer under such conditions because a few people determine it’s THEIR right to suppress others.

If a right is bestowed “by the Creator”, it is irrefutable and inviolable.

We are extremely foolish to allow imbeciles like this to drive so much of the public conversation.

Unfortunately we have a population that is completely ignorant of reality. They accept the disinformation spread by the government controlled media. They accept what they are told without questioning.

You’re so close to getting it!

And they come on here and post things like “You’re so close to getting it!”

Silly headline that creature is to dumb to be embarrassed by her ignorance.

This dizzy, dingbat liberal would have a hard time frying an egg. Triune JEHOVAH’s Ten Commandments, which He wrote Himself with his own hand (Exodus 31:18) should be foundational to every aspect of life in America. Today’s liberals are Marxist pagan dogs, with the blood of over 50 million murdered babies on their blood-stained hands. Hellfire forever awaits them all.

Last edited 11 months ago by Chris McMorrow

Another example of a leftist drawing their prejudiced conclusion then trying to backfill it with reason. Failure every time. They like the idea of our rights being the product of some elitist snob doing us a favor. Otherwise, how would we get the “right” of human sacrifice for convenience sake? God wouldn’t hand anyone that. That is a barbaric product of humanity gone wrong.

Well said, Deplorable. Whatever rights we have, the wicked elitists think they are doing us a favor by granting them to us. They tried to do the same thing to George Washington and the great American Revolutionary War Patriots.

Every member of every other religion can do so
