Liberals and medicine just don’t mix well.
There’s a White House . gov petition to allow gay men to give blood now. Critics say the ban is a hangover from the early, fear-filled days of AIDS, stigmatizing gay men and ignoring advances in treatment and detection in the decades since. Supporters of the policy say politics, not science, is driving the proposed change, which would heighten the risk of spreading HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, when the medical demand for blood donations is decreasing.
Liberals and medicine just don’t mix well.
There’s a White House . gov petition to allow gay men to give blood now.
Critics say the ban is a hangover from the early, fear-filled days of AIDS, stigmatizing gay men and ignoring advances in treatment and detection in the decades since.
Supporters of the policy say politics, not science, is driving the proposed change, which would heighten the risk of spreading HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, when the medical demand for blood donations is decreasing.
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Who will be getting this particular blood?
Old white Republicans, perhaps?
There’s no need for this change.
It’s politically driven.