‘Pleading’ distress calls made from US consulate on night of Benghazi attack

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Catherine Herridge:

State Department employees at the Benghazi compound knew they were in a death trap and made a series of radio distress calls to the CIA annex during the terror assault last year, according to congressional sources familiar with recent testimony on the attack from five CIA personnel.

Sources told Fox News that the radio calls, which were described in closed testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, were characterized as almost frantic, with State Department employees who knew they could not defend themselves “pleading” for their lives.

When the CIA team arrived from the annex about a mile away, they found the State Department employees without guns that could adequately protect them; one of the agents was found hiding in the consulate, apparently in a closet. The testimony lends more weight to repeated claims, in the wake of the attack, that the consulate was not adequately protected despite being located in a volatile and violent area prone to attack.

When the CIA personnel were asked for their reaction to the administration’s initial explanation that an anti-Islam video and a demonstration gone awry were to blame for the attack, Fox News is told they were seething with anger because everything on the ground — from their perspective — showed it was a premeditated attack.

At least three of the five — who were all in Benghazi — responded to the scene that night. The witnesses testified that five mortars rained down on the annex in less than a minute. They pointed to those details as more evidence of a professionally trained team, describing the attack on the annex as akin to a professional hit on the operation in order to drive it out of Benghazi.

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obama had to make a political decision: Should he get some sleep for the fundraiser the next day, or stay up and help the officials in Benghazi. With liberals, fundraising ALWAYS seems to come first. You can always replace lives lost, but you can’t replace money not raised.

Our People are expendable and can be replaced.

Is there a real chance that somebody or somebodies will be accountable for this mistake??
This is gross incompetence.

@Old Guy: #3
What about the stuff we haven’t heard about yet?

Absolutely nothing this regime has to say has any merit.

Those Americans were left to die because it simply wasn’t good politics to go in and get them. The thing that infuriates me the most is that one of those responsible parties will end up being the Democrat nominee for President in 2016. Those who would vote for her truly have no moral compass.

Smorgasbord #4.
You are right the unknown stuff might be worse. Maybe the next DOJ will have an investigation that covers the 8 years of BHO and co.

Hearing about these calls is distressing in itself.

Remember how rumors persisted about the Clinton’s hand in some deaths?
Obama has had a few of those rumblings, too.
(All gays involved in the church he attended in Chicago.)
But Obama likes (according to many) older white men to ”service” him sexually.
Ambassador Christopher Stevens was gay and an older white man.
We never learned how it was he got that job as Ambassador.
Was it an assassination to keep Stevens’ mouth shut about something he knew firsthand about Obama?
All Obama needed to do was sign a Cross Border Authorization and some of these men could have been saved.
I bet, had it been his own daughters (as he alleged) he would have signed that paper.

@Bobachek: #6

Those who would vote for her truly have no moral compass.

Morals have a value. Unfortunately, for some, the value is $$$$$$$$$$$$$. Put enough of them together, and too many people will sell theirs for the free stuff the government gives them, the federal money that states get to brainwash our kids with common core, and the exemptions people, companies, organizations, and states got to vote for, or to encourage others to vote for obamacare the Affordable Care Act (obama doesn’t call it obamacare any more).

@Old Guy: #7

Maybe the next DOJ will have an investigation that covers the 8 years of BHO and co.

This is why there should be what I call a Political Crimes Tribunal. It would be like the War Crimes Tribunal, only it would go after politicians who committed crimes while in office, and there wouldn’t be a statute of limitations.

@Nan G: #8
The suggestion of a possible kidnapping attempt of Stevens hasn’t been proven wrong. I’m not saying I believe that it was the reason for the attack, but all possible reasons should be investigated.

@Nan G: NanG Quite possibly you’re sickest comment to date.

@Richard Wheeler:
A ”shoot the messenger,” fallacy!
That’s so old it started when Adam tried to blame Eve for his eating of the forbidden fruit!

It’s just a thought experiment, RW.
What makes sense?
Why did Obama go to bed rather than authorize Cross Border assistance?
It only took a signature on his part.
The Special forces would have done the real heavy lifting.

” Obama likes being serviced by older white men. Stevens was gay and an older white man.”
You call yourself a Christian, Nan?—I say you got a nasty mind.

@Old Guy: 3

Is there a real chance that somebody or somebodies will be accountable for this mistake??

Somebody is accountable, but HE will not be held accountable. The savior is never to blame.


the Affordable Care Act (obama doesn’t call it obamacare any more).

So true, and it was he that said that when it became very successful, conservatives would take his name off of it so he wouldn’t get ‘fame’ for it. Seems as if it is He that has taken his name off it, he doesn’t want the ‘blame’ for it

@Richard Wheeler: Oh, for goodness sake Richard the Pious. Surely you’ve been hearing the Obama and Older white men stories for years. True or not, the stories are out there.

Richard Wheeler
I heard story like that massage gay place he enjoyed to go to, IN 2009

@Redteam: I’ve heard a lot of baseless, nasty sex stories over the years. Why would Nan demean herself by even suggesting a sexual liason between Stevens and POTUS.? Creepy.

@Richard Wheeler:As Nan said above:

A ”shoot the messenger,” fallacy!

And you said:

I’ve heard a lot of baseless, nasty sex stories over the years.

My first question is: how do you know it’s baseless?, or nasty? Only because you don’t want to believe it? As one of your hero’s JFK said: “Where there’s smoke, there’s a smoke making machine” Something caused these stories to be out there. I’m not repeating them because I’m not interested enough to attempt to verify the stories or NOT to verify the stories. I will also assume you don’t know if true or not, either.

Oh, and are you saying there’s something wrong with being gay?


@Redteam: The POTUS has a wife and 2 kids. If you are gay RT, I’m certainly O.K. with it. I can’t speak for your wife.

@Richard Wheeler:

The POTUS has a wife and 2 kids. If you are gay RT I’m certainly O.K. with it. I can’t speak for your wife.

The subject was that you thought it was ” Quite possibly you’re sickest comment to date. ” for Nan G to suggest someone may be gay. I was just trying to determine why suggesting someone was gay was ‘the sickest comment to date’? If you don’t like your statements, don’t make them. Are you suggesting that my wife might be a conservative and not support liberals in their gay love

@Redteam: Nan suggested Stevens was blowing Obama. I consider that a sick suggestion. Her sickest to date.
Apparently you and Nan don’t think so.
I’m suggesting you’re wife, no matter her politics, wouldn’t support you getting “serviced” on the side.
I don’t think anyone should flippantly accuse a married man of having a homosexual relationship.

@Richard Wheeler: RW, you have a strange sense of humor.

Apparently you and Nan don’t think so.

Nan only stated what the rumor is (about Obama and older white men) which I have heard many times in other places and no one except libs seem to question it. But the thing that I find so humorous is that you imply from your statements that there is something wrong with being gay. You realize that libs, progressives, socialists official position is that being gay is normal. So when you find it an insult that someone is suggesting that Obama is ‘normal’ it kinda rings as if you don’t quite buy the liberal position that it is ‘normal’. A little liberal hypocrisy perhaps?

@Richard Wheeler:

I don’t think anyone should flippantly accuse a married man of having a homosexual relationship.

Just curious, is that worse than Slick Willie and Monica and his cigars?

@Redteam: Lets be clear RT I have no problem with you or Nan or anyone else being gay. Your choice.
I find it SLEAZY for you or Nan to accuse a married man of having an extra marital relationship
gay or straight when you have absolutely no proof.

@Richard Wheeler:

I find it SLEAZY for you or Nan to accuse a married man of having an extra marital relationship when you have absolutely no proof.

I find it kind of SLEAZY for you to say that either I or Nan accused a married man of anything. Stating what we have read on the internet, especially if it is a ‘quote’ is not an accusation. I do find it interesting that you seem to insinuate that Obama smoking a stogie is different than Willie’s use of a stogie. Is it okay if it ‘just extra maritial’? Oh my, these Libs have a strange sense of humor.

@Redteam: When you insinuate someone is gay doesn’t it make it more likely that you are gay RT?
I remember you said accusing someone of being a racist made the accuser a likely racist.

Do your rules apply here?

RW, here is the test for liberals. Is being gay ok? Would you vehemently correct someone if they suggested you are gay, in public?

@Redteam: What I’ve found interesting are the number of Conservative gay bashers like Swaggert who get CAUGHT in gay liaisons. see #29

@Richard Wheeler:

When you insinuate someone is gay doesn’t it make it more likely that you are gay RT?

First, let’s deep six your insinuation, that someone has insinuated that someone is gay.
Who and when did anyone ‘insinuate’ that Obama is gay? Stating that there are rumors about Obama is only quoting facts that are evident. I’m sure you could find hundreds of references on Google. I’m not interested enough to Google it. So, no, I don’t agree with your statement. Stating that there are accusations of someone being gay is not the same as saying someone is racist. Next.

@Richard Wheeler:

gay bashers like Swaggert

Who is Swaggert? who did he bash?

@Redteam: #16

So true, and it was he that said that when it became very successful, conservatives would take his name off of it so he wouldn’t get ‘fame’ for it.

I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.

@ilovebeeswarzone: #21
I hope we find out what actually happened at Benghazi, but I have my doubts. If the republicans get the congress and the presidency, I don’t expect them to look into it very much, or the democrats will release information about them they don’t want released.