Kristan Hawkins:
I cringed as I read what Donald Trump said in the media this week.
No, it wasn’t about blood or Megyn Kelly or John McCain. He said that we need to look at the good that Planned Parenthood does for women because that definitely needs to be funded.
Abortion rightly should not be funded by taxpayers. The thing is, federal law prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion technically so Mr. Trump was spouting off Planned Parenthood talking points. If he realized it or not is another story.
Bottom line is that no matter the good that Planned Parenthood does, taxpayer funding should be halted immediately due to many factors, the most recent being the undercover videos released from the Center for Medical Progress.
If you haven’t seen the videos, you’re probably working in the White House or a member of Congress who can’t find the time to watch them before voting to keep funding Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars. Or you are a member of the liberal media running as fast as you can from the story – or from theexpensive public relations firm that Planned Parenthood hired to squash the story.
The videos are gruesome – but that’s what abortion is.
Abortionists haggle over the price of body parts of aborted babies. One jokes she wants a Lamborghini. Another abortionist talks about how bad it would look if it became public that Planned Parenthood is selling the body parts of these babies. Another casually discusses how she crushes certain parts of the baby during an abortion in order to get the organs she needs to fulfill the day’s order.
The viewer is then taken into the “products of conception” lab where the baby has to be reconstructed to make sure no body parts were left inside the mother – oh, and to dissect the child to see which body parts can be sold.
What good could possibly outweigh the horrors done behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities?
Would testing and treating 1,000 cases of STDs do it? Would giving out free birth control pills to 5,000 teenagers do it? How about providing sex-ed classes with bananas and condoms to hundreds of high schoolers? Or referring 100 women for mammograms (remember, Planned Parenthood doesn’t do them — they just refer for them)?
What is the moral equivalent of good that must be done in order to atone for the harvesting and selling of body parts of aborted babies?
As has already been stated in other threads, this tactic of “but PP does more than just kill babies” is exactly the same as excusing the nazi holocaust of the Jews based on the fact they also built the autobahn, developed jet turbine engines, and produced the volkswagen.