by Sundance
Mike Pence was unlikely to make the Miami GOPe first-loser debate. Using the opportunity of his appearance before the Nevada Jewish Republican Coalition speech, pious Mike Pence exits the race with affirmations of his self-importance.
“The Bible tells us that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven. Traveling across the country over the past six months, I came here to say it’s become clear to me that it’s not my time. So, after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president effective today,” Pence said.
Inviting his wife Karen onto the stage, “we thank God for his amazing grace. He gave us the courage to step forward so many years ago. And the wisdom to step aside,” Pence said. “My fellow Republicans, thank you for your kindness, your support and your prayers over the many years. As we go home to Indiana, let me assure you we leave here with optimism and faith. We don’t know what the future holds. But we know who holds the future, and with faith in Him and boundless confidence in all of you, we know the best days for America and our most cherished ally for Israel, are yet to come.” WATCH:
I’m sorry folks, but I’ve seen this play… this Pence performance is theatrics, and what comes next is entirely predictable. I will not convey grace to those who shield their sanctimony behind faith. Yes, grandma’s rules apply, civility bites my tongue, but I know what Pence is going to do in order to try and block President Trump from office.
Good riddance.
Just think.
If DeSantis gets all 100% of Pence’s supporters he rises in the polls from 8% to 9%.
Are republicans who have rejected Trump in favor of others likely to turn into Trump supporters?
There are no “Republicans” that reject Trump. Those are Democrats in disguise. Trump supports the United States. Those who don’t support the United States oppose Trump.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a piece of corrupt, treasonous, pedophillic trashy shit.
I see. “No true Scotsman.” But logic is not the boss of you.
The ‘No true lawyer’ variant:
You don’t see. You are a leftist. You simply repeat what you are told.
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”
By the way, Pence IS pious. What does it mean that someone has turned “piety” into a target of mockery?
You’ve all been slowly boiled like frogs. Now look where you are,
Yeah, like I said.
Your cult leader mocks piety. He mocks a man who put the Constitution ahead of mindless loyalty to Trump. That’s where you are now, having been slowly boiled in propaganda.
Half of evangelicals believe Trump is anointed by God
Slowly boiled like frogs…
You live in your own fantasy world of delusion, and you do so by choice. You COULD know reality, but you avoid it.
Comrade Greggie, no surprise you would reference an Iranian Shia Muslim who is also a Islamic promotor, writing a book that says (violent) Muslims are taking the Koran out of context.
Aslan should be deported.
But no surprise a supporter of Nazis would link up to a Muslim. Your hero, Hitler, did the same.
While Jesus taught humility (Philippians 2:7), Biden is braggadocios. While Jesus taught us not to covet earthly possessions (Matthew 6:19), Bidem built his reputation on worldly riches. While Jesus taught his followers to love your enemies (Matthew 5:44), Biden disparages half of the nation’s voting population.
Do you think brain dead Joe Biden will ever to to East Palestine or are they just so far beneath him that he can’t be bothered?
Biden is braggadocious? So what does that make your cult leader?
Cult leader, cult leader, cult leader. That’s all you’ve got, Comrade Greggie. But hey, if you want to continue proving what an idiot you are, be my guest.
Personality cult – noun – excessive public admiration for or devotion to a famous person, especially a political leader.
“I was a truck driver”
“I backed down Corn Pop”
“I was recruited by Notre Dame”
“I was a professor at Penn”
“I was a freedom marcher”
“I was arrested with Nelson Mandella”
“I cured cancer”
“I shut down COVID”
“I met with Golda Meir”
“I talked Strom Thurmon into supporting Civil Rghts”
“I was a coal miner”
“I was arrested at the Capital”
“I was a member of Ukrainian secret service”
“I was a member of Polish secret service”
Yeah, he’s kind of a braggart… and liar.
Trump is a braggart. Trump built his reputation on worldly riches. Trump disparages half of the voting population.
Is it okay when he does it?
And Biden isn’t? I guess you didn’t think Obama wasn’t either.
Biden built his worldly riches on selling out this nation via his brother and his son. How much do you think he benefited from the Du Pont family and the credit card companies with his legislation. Biden wasn’t called “Senator MBNA” for lack of a reason.
But it is OK with you for Biden to disparage MAGA conservatives. Guess you don’t realize the cult you belong to (Democrat Party) knew from the git-go what a grifter Biden is.
And when it comes to answering questions, I see you are just as big a coward as Comrade Greggie. But most groomers are cowards.
He has never mocked piety. That’s the Democrat’s realm. Democrats hate and mock anyone that puts anything before socialism.
Weird isn’t it?
“Pious” Pence said he prayed and God told him to run.
Then, after nobody supported his run and he’d sunk $150,000 of his own cash into his campaign, “pious” Pence said Now God says I should NOT run!
Either God is fickle and playing around with Pence, or Pence is listening to someone else (not God) and thinking he’s listening to God.
BTW: Mohammad said he listened to god, “allah.”
But, read the koran and you find this contradiction in what “god, allah,” tells Mohammad in many places.
Donalds is a Trump tool. He’s making a pitch to be Trump’s 2024 VP choice.
A D&D campaign button would be hilarious.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a lying, corrupt, treasonous pedophile.
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Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
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Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump
Chris Christie Confident Mike Pence Exit Means He Could Pick Up Dozens of New Supporters

That is a laugher. OMG, the New Jersey orca.
There is not a current republican candidate who will get double digit support vs President Trump.
The Republican primary was for all intent and purposes, over the day Presdent Trump announced he was running again.
Dont back the camera up you will see no 3rd row