It’s a well-known fact that liberals are more tolerant than conservatives or moderates. Superior liberal tolerance is such a fact that they will scream at you if you dare to disagree or debate them, demand that your advertisers bail on you, and pressure the FCC to get you banned from the airwaves. Does that sound like tolerance to you? A new survey from Pew confirms that liberals are the least tolerant of differing opinions, at least on line (emphasis mine):
Politics can be a sensitive subject and a number of SNS [social networking sites] users have decided to block, unfriend, or hide someone because of their politics or posting activities. In all, 18% of social networking site users have taken one of those steps by doing at least one of the following:
- 10% of SNS users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on the site because that person posted too frequently about political subjects
- 9% of SNS users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on the site because they posted something about politics or issues that they disagreed with or found offensive
- 8% of SNS users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on the site because they argued about political issues on the site with the user or someone the user knows
- 5% of SNS users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on the site because they posted something about politics that the user worried would offend other friends
- 4% of SNS users have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on the site because they disagreed with something the user posted about politics
Of course, that means that 82% of SNS users have not taken any steps to ignore or disconnect from someone whose views are different – or have not encountered any views that would prompt such a move.
Liberals are the most likely to have taken each of these steps to block, unfriend, or hide. In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates.
It’s not even all that close, as their chart shows:
A few years back a person invited me to be the moderator on her political forum.
I never blocked anyone for anything political.
But when they went off on another poster, with personal threats or attacks and even after a cooling off period refused to play nice I did ban two posters.
Oddly only one was a liberal.
The other was sort of a Pat Buchanan/Ron Paul ultra-conservative.
I know what a hard job being a forum moderator is.
I can’t disagree with Pew Polls, but I know, as a liberal blogger, I’ve been blocked from American Glob,the Other McCain, and American Thinker for reasons that I can only attribute to my contrary thinking. I guess that’s not so bad a record, considering the number of right-wing sites on which I blog.
I see far more vicious hateful crap from righty blogs. This poll is a sham, lol!
Sorry Curt, you are spelling ‘tolerance’ wrong it’s actually spelled like this – Hypocrisy.
That depends entirely on which side of the line one views the material from, liberalmann. I’ve trekked to Huffpo, DailyKos, and DU (and come back alive, albeit disgusted btw) and have seen quite a bit of awful nasty things being discussed there. I’d claim exactly the opposite of what you have, liberalmann. And most likely you’d defend the articles on those lefty blogs, correct? There are only three options here, liberalmann. Either you are correct, or I am correct, or we are both wrong.
Word of the day, liberalmann:
If you haven’t noticed yet, liberalmann, most polls are shams. Poll results depend entirely on how a question is asked, and they frequently are asked in such ways as to lead to a specific answer, and not necessarily reveal the actual truth.
However, the fact that you called Dr.J a “sleazeball” on another topic, and haven’t been banned from FA, is quite telling of our tolerance here, is it not? I wonder. How would that interaction have played out at, say, DU, if Dr. J had gone there and used that term to describe a liberal poster there? I’m pretty sure a ban would have been enacted, along with many more nasty, vile comments directed at Dr.J in particular, and conservatives in general. How do I know? I’ve seen it happen there with my own eyes. So, considering our tolerance of people like yourself, here at FA, I’d say your initial comment about seeing more on right wing blog sites is based on an unfounded perception. More likely is that you are simply projecting your own actions onto conservatives, based on bias built on emotion, and not reason.
I’ve gotten banned for forums if I point out that Obama is doing the very same thing Liberals accuse Bush of doing.
I’ve been fine in forums until I point that fact out and then all hatred on me as if they cannot stand the truth and are having a PMS attack using me as a fucking punching bag which they are total retards if you ask me! I am NOT the punching bag they think I am and will not be treated as such! I will fight back hand and foot.
I’ve often notice that in general online posters who post facts to their threads regardless they are an atheists,conservative or a spiritualist often get pushed to the side where the trolling and off topic comments continue.
Go to Yahoo Answers and it’s very much prevalent and some other major forums that have political discussions.
that’s why I like this FLOPPING ACES, here,
WE can give our opinion how we like,
some answer good or bad, but at the end we are among CONSERVATIVES,
and there is much more intelligence flowing than the libs who attack most of the time,
because they cannot follow the debate or don’t have a clue of the subject laid out.