Petraeus for VP — Obama’s nightmare?

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Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:

This one’s getting the siren treatment from Drudge.  Is Barack Obama worried that Mitt Romney may ask General David Petraeus — the hero of the Iraq surge strategy — to be his running mate? One of Obama’s donors says that’s what he heard — from the President himself:

President Obama whispered to a top fundraiser this week that he believes GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney wants to name Gen. David Petraeus to the VP slot!

“The president wasn’t joking,” the insider explains to the DRUDGE REPORT. …

Romney is believed to have secretly met with the four-star general in New Hampshire.

The pick could be a shrewd Romney choice. A cross-party pull. The Obama administration hailed Petraeus as one of history’s greatest military strategists. Petraeus was unanimously confirmed as the Director of the CIA by the US Senate 94-0.

Petraeus has steadfastly insisted for years that he has no political ambitions — and so far, he’s acted that way, too.  When his time came to come home, Petraeus could have opted to retire to the speaking circuit, building money and credibility for a run at political office.  Instead, he chose to accept an appointment to run the CIA, replacing Leon Panetta’s largely successful tenure when Panetta went to Defense.

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He would be an awesome choice and would be the best one to lead the country between himself, Obama, Biden, and Romney. Conventional wisdom still says Portman or Rubio. This will be the first time in a long time we haven’t had someone with military service on either ticket.

@another vet: From on Vet to another I agree. He went from General Betrayus to an American Hero. Be hard for the Democrats to turn around and impune the guy. Imagine what he knows about the real 0-bama!!

One has to wonder why an Obama source would leak this- maybe to diminish the real choice?

YES a MILITARY IN THE WHITE HOUSE would be a need for THE PEOPLE to regain the TRUST,
they lost with this WHITE HOUSE REGIME,
that would be a good match with MITT ROMNEY.

@Common Sense: He is the anti-Obama. I was hoping the Republicans would draft him like they did Ike in ’52. His leadership would be very welcome. What a refreshing change from it would be from the whining, divisiveness, blaming of others, lying, and not taking responsibility we’ve been subjected to the last 3 1/2 years.