Answering a question from Bill O’Reilly, Texas Governor Rick Perry created a buzz by responding that President Obama is a socialist, though the GOP candidate was quick to add that the president loves his country and simply doesn’t understand how America’s market-based economy works. If the president understood the private sector, Governor Perry explained, he wouldn’t pursue tax and regulatory policies that crush job-creators and prevent wealth creation.
There are two types of socialism. One is authoritarian socialism seen in the Eastern Bloc countries (many of which are now free-market economies) and some nations in Central and South America. It’s used by harsh and oppressive authoritarian regimes that repress their people.
The other type of socialism is a big-government philosophy that uses wealth redistribution to fund a massive nanny state of cradle-to-grave entitlements. We see this type of socialism in many Western European and Mediterranean countries that are friends and allies of our country, such as Spain, Italy, France, and Greece.
Governor Perry was referring to this Western European socialism. Those who support Western European-style socialist policies don’t understand the power of private markets, or government’s inefficiency and incompetence. President Obama believes that government has all the answers if led by enlightened leaders (as he fancies himself), and believes he will improve everyone’s lot. Perry referenced Obama’s infamous exchange with Joe the Plumber, where Obama infamously said when government spreads the wealth it’s better for everyone.
The term “socialism” is misunderstood by many, and the Left spins it as if calling someone a socialist is a personal attack. They do this to avoid serious discussion of socialism’s impact.
There are two components to socialism. It’s a philosophy that government owes to everyone in society a certain standard of living. It includes government-provided or subsidized food, housing, education, and healthcare.
Socialism provides entitlements through massive taxation, and socialists believe that heavy government regulation leads to a better society. The ideology does all this in the name of “social justice.”
No honest person can deny that President Obama’s policies fit these criteria. Government-run healthcare (and calling it a fundamental right, despite the fact that it’s nowhere mentioned in the Constitution), federal control of education, government picking winners and losers in the economy–these policies are textbook socialism.
Having just picked up Rick Perry’s book Fed Up, I know Rick Perry gets it. He understands the constitution and its orginal intent. He has a vision for the changes that need to made to turn this country around.
He is the only candidate running that has executive experience (governor of the world’s 13th largest economy) and has served in the military (pilot and he volunteered) and his convictions are genuine and his insticts are conservative. He is also the only one running that has created the enviroment for job creation in this poor economy. Getting into this race late has really been a hinderance and his rooky mistakes were all made in the limelight. Hope he gets a second look.
Understatement of the century. I see that even Democrat Polsters are saying this loser should drop out. Republicans and Tea Party Patriots will do all they can do to assist on this one.
RICK PERRY when he blank it was not a big deal but everyone who don’t care for him, made it to be
a big deal, and it happen to most public speakers, who are ask to answer in seconds a question demanding minutes, forcing the
CANDIDATES to shrink his answer, which go against the memory function on everyone,
many will fill up the blank with a stupid joke or a phrase which has no sense, and you see that often in FOX OR CNN NEWS guests who will say anything to fill up a blank, if you pay attention.
those debates are not a necessary requirement for a CANDIDATES TO BE PRESIDENT,
the requirements are other qualities you mentioned and his love for AMERICA,
his knowledge of what she need, and his dedication totally genuine
To me personally Perry is the most conservative candidate, with experience. However – there is this one thing that bothers me about him, it’s his Bilderberg participation. I would like to hear an explanation of why he went there, because the Bilderberg meetings are that of those who run, and are currently tryong to destroy the USA at their selected heor obummer.
yes the question should be ask, and answered too
because the BILDERBERG invite most democrats in their meeting,[they are mostly get hooked easy]
maybe he went with someone else who was invited,
or just to learn of their agenda which is good to learn about and where they are at after all theses years,
but I doubt it would be his thing to be adopting the WORLD POWER MOVEMENT,
not for any other destructive movement, but it’s good to know how they tick tack as a danger to AMERICA, if you are running for the PRESIDENCY HIGHEST POSITION OF POWER.
thank’s for the info.
funny, but I just come back from FOX NEWS, and among other , the subject came about the UN, and he said that he would be talking of getting the money they where paying them back for AMERICA,
and would cut aids that are not necessary to keep paying, because AMERICA NEED
TO BE TAKING CARE FIRST, and so on, and so on, that is what I thought too.
that answer the question.