Alexandra Pelosi debuted a video she made for HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” last night. The video shows multiple welfare recipients in New York City proclaiming they were at the welfare office to get their “Obama bucks” and that they supported Obama because he “gives me stuff.” Pelosi reported that people at the HBO headquarters in New York had said to her “you can’t show this” even though just last week the ran a controversial video showing Mississippi voters saying inflammatory things against the president.
To her credit, and to Bill Maher’s, they showed the video and openly discussed how liberals would hate it. Pelosi said “I didn’t have to go far to find ‘freeloading welfare queens.'” They were, in fact, right across the street from her New York City home.
What is Bill up to?
Giving the Dems an excuse to give the $1 million back?
So, now he is what? Fair and balanced?
One thing Obama made possible was widespread welfare cheating.
He ordered all welfare officials to spend less than 1 hour reviewing any requests for benefits.
By the time we learned out that even DC teachers, firemen and police were signed up for Food Stamps and more.