OK, so Nancy Pelosi doesn’t actually say “Never mind the Constitution” in this clip, but she practically has before and she might as well have this time, too. While I firmly believe that the Founding documents are best understood in conjunction with each other (as Rick Santorum says, “If the Constitution is the “how” of America, the Declaration of Independence is the “why”), the Constitution is far more relevant to the authorization of Obamacare than, er, the Declaration of Independence, which is not a blueprint for government but a philosophical statement on the origin and nature of the authority to form a new government in the first place.
That’s all irrelevant, though, because the Declaration of Independence doesn’t provide support for Obamacare in the way Nancy Pelosi suggests anyway. Here she is, Ms. Obamacare:
First, she conveniently ignores what the Declaration has to say about the origins of rights. “We are endowed by our Creator,” Jefferson writes, not, “We are endowed by our government.” Then, she seems to think the Declaration references the right to “a healthy life” and the “liberty to pursue happiness.” Both of those phrases signify something different than “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The Declaration doesn’t say we have a right to be healthy or even to be happy.
Just the opposite has happened!
Health plans in at least four states have announced they’re dropping children’s coverage just days ahead of new rules created by the healthcare reform law. (Sept. 2010)
Health plans and state insurance commissioners in July 2010 raised concerns that the new rules could lead some insurers to stop children-only coverage because families could wait until their children get sick to buy coverage.
The new healthcare law forbid insurers from turning down children with pre-existing conditions starting Sept 25 2010.
This is what happens when Dems try to repeal the laws of economics.
In July 2010, even Dems and Obama had not ruled out turning sick people away from an insurance program created by the new healthcare law to provide coverage for the uninsured.
Turns out they underfunded it, so they’ll run out of money LONG before January 1, 2014:
That’s when the program sunsets and health plans can no longer discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions.
Yup, the CBO recently admitted that Obama’s numbers were off by hundreds of billions of dollars.
But I gotta say: Nancy would have gotten an “F” in any one of my 7th through 12th grade government classes had she tried to claim that “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,” twisted into ”the liberty to pursue your happiness.”
Woa, Minority Speaker doesn’t even know how the Declaration came about at all? Does this woman know that the British Empire was enforcing strict taxation policies, service impressements, and attempts to force people to buy British sancationed goods at the expense of being more pricey than Dutch/French/Colonial rival market goods?
This woman is mad…
What I find the most interesting about Pelosi is that she is so out of touch she believes Fox News was the reason she is no longer Speaker of the House. How could she possibly know what’s in the Constitution, she can’t even read!!
Nanzi Pelosi is delusional. Nothing new. I still remember her lies about her knowledge of waterboarding the terrorists. She squirmed worse than an eel trying to lie her way out that predicament.
The US Federal Courts system, including the Supreme Court have continually held that the Declaration of Independence has no weight on the constitutionality of laws. It is not a legal document and holds no legal authority whatsoever in our courts system. It is of course a very important historical document, which stated to the English monarchy that the American Colonies were revolting, and why.
The US Federal Courts system, including the Supreme Court have continually held that the Declaration of Independence has no weight on the constitutionality of laws. It is not a legal document and holds no legal authority whatsoever in our courts system. It is of course a very important historical document, important on the founding of this nation. However is was fundamentally a declaration to the English monarchy that the American Colonies were revolting, would no longer accept the authority of Great Britain’s rule over the colonists, and why. It predates the Article of Confederation and the Constitution, but it is not by any means enforceable or legally binding on the “law of the land”.
(I experienced an error while posting # 5 above, hence the unintentional duplication.)
Thank You, Ditto, this is a very important point. When morons like Pelosi assume to have a moral superiority by misquoting an historical document, that literally has no bearing on the situation at hand, we are reminded of the inherent problems that result by allowing simpletons and jackasses into positions of power and control.
I would like to not bathe for a week and take all of the fromunda cheese that accumulated and wipe it in this b!tches teeth.
Unfortunately, Skook, the allowance of such simpletons and jackasses to attain positions of power and control is more reflective of the general ignorance and stupidity of the population where such people come from, than of those people themselves.
As for Pelosi herself, I have a hard time believing that she would be qualified to do more than be the cleaning lady at my power plant, and even that is questionable at times. But, she has power to render law affecting the operation of the plant I work at.
Ditto@#6 – Skook@#7 – johngalt@#9
Said Perfectly!!
I found a site I have been sifting through now and again. It’s actually a very interesting site with some very old [classic] movies, documentaries and even some archived stuff…
In my ‘sifting’ I found a gem – It’s from a 3 part series of documentaries running about 11 minutes each, and looks like they were made in the 1950’s.
Documentaries may be on the hokey side by today’s standards, but, that is not the point.
I watched it [them] and was amazed at the irony of what we are [still] ‘fighting for’ today – 50 years later!!! AND, they show our ‘Conservative Message’ has been truthful and [Consistent] for the same 50 years!….[while the left has been the same hypocritical intolerant liers, socialist/communists, and basically brainwashed all these years!!]
” In Our Hands, Part 3: How To Lose What We Have”.
http://www.classicmoviescinema.com/play.php?v=990#In Our Hands, Part 3: How To Lose What We Have
I’ m curious if anyone happens to watch let me know what you think of the irony 50 years later. Do you think they would show this message in a Public School year 2012?