Should a guy who’s trying to jam a bill through in 36 hours really be scolding people for insufficient diligence?
Ryan reacted in an animated fashion when asked about Rubio saying the deal would make it harder for people to achieve the American Dream. Ryan looked off-camera briefly and then suggested that Rubio should “read the deal.”
“Read the deal and get back to me,” Ryan said. “People are going to do what they need to do. Look, in the (Republican Senate) minority, you don’t have the burden of governing.”
Ryan was then asked again about Rubio coming out in opposition shortly after it was announced.
“I thought it was a little strange. … It is what it is.”
What deep nuances would Rubio have gained from poring through the text that weren’t already clear from the details that leaked beforehand? (Actually, here’s one.) Normally I’d pat Ryan on the back for being a stickler for detail among his critics — but not when the whole point of the bill from the GOP side, let’s face it, is simply to prevent another shutdown. The details of whether the $20 billion in chump change we’ll save will be front-loaded or back-loaded over the next 10 years are almost incidental. If Ryan wants to knock tea partiers, the better critique is simply to say, “I don’t like it either but it’s the best we can do when liberals have a chokehold on government. Let’s take back the Senate and do a real deal then.” Instead he’s acting like the criticism is unwarranted.
And it is warranted.