Partisan Judge Sentences Steve Bannon to Four Months in Jail for Refusing to Comply With Congressional Subpoena

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by Ace

How many months in jail did Eric Holder get, again, for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas? Zero, right? @disclosetv
JUST IN – DC judge sentences Steve Bannon to 4 months in prison and $6,500 in fines for contempt of Congress.

Sean Davis @seanmdav
FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith fabricated evidence against the president and his campaign in order to get an illegal spy warrant.
Despite being convicted of a felony, he didn’t spend a single day in prison, and his law law license was restored.
Bannon didn’t talk to Congress.

They also brought this case to trial and sentencing very quickly, didn’t they? You wouldn’t want to risk Republicans winning Congress and withdrawing the subpoena.
I can only repeat: First order of business in 2024: Pass a law allowing defendants and prosecutors to move to relocate any legal action involving a political actor to a politically neutral jurisdiction. No more Home Court Advantage for leftwing Democrats.
The minimum sentence would have been sixty days for Steve Bannon. The lawless criminal organization the DOJ sought six months. The judge decided to split the difference instead of asking, “Say, why is this the first prosecution of a political actor for contempt of Congress? Why was Eric Holder never tried?”
Meanwhile, the disgraced FBI agent Tim Thibault, who claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation” to get Joe Biden elected, is refusing to cooperate with GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee.
When he refuses a subpoena next year, will he be going to jail, do you think?
Or nah?

Disgraced former FBI agent Timothy Thibault is refusing to cooperate with GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee as part of their planned probe into the FBI’s conduct surrounding Hunter Biden, The Post has learned.The stonewall could set up showdown should Republicans retake the House next year.
In an Oct. 7 letter from his attorney, Thibault said, “Concerning the request for an interview, because the subject matter pertains to sensitive law enforcement information and/or pending investigations, our client is not in a position to accept this invitation at this juncture.”
Thibault also said that he would not comply with an earlier letter sent by Republican committee members demanding he preserve documents from his days with the FBI.
“Our client is now retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation … As such, he no longer possesses an FBI laptop or mobile device, and he no longer has access to the FBI’s records and materials,” the letter said.
Thibault is facing scrutiny from Republicans for his role in allegedly suppressing the FBI’s Hunter Biden investigation before the election.
“Thibualt can refuse to cooperate now, but can’t hide from a Congressional subpoena in the future,” said a person close to committee Republicans.

Oh yeah? Think the corrupt DOJ believes in equal justice?

Post columnist Miranda Devine reported wrote last month that Thibault had been assigned as the agency “point man” to manage Hunter Biden’s business partner Tony Bobulinski — whose revelations about the first son’s shady dealings went ignored by the agency.In October 2020, Thibault ordered that a probe into Hunter Biden’s alleged “criminal financial and related activity” be closed, an agency whistleblower told Sen. Chuck Grassley in July.
FBI Director Christopher Wray said the allegations against Thibault were “deeply troubling.” The agent resigned from the FBI in August.

By the way, an Obama-era official is demanding that Durham keep his report on FBI malfeasance secret, and that Merrick Garland refuse to release it, because it could… harm the FBI’s reputation.
Note he demanded that Mueller make his report public.
But that’s (D)ifferent, you see.

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He will never see the inside of a jail. The appeal process will run this out for a decade.

Nope. Bannon’s going to jail and will serve the time he was sentenced to. No judge will overturn the ruling. It would be saying that the law no longer matters. No judge will do that.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

And it still won’t matter.

If you think the CCP is not heavily influencing the behavior of this police state regime, you should clean your eyeballs and take another look. Democrats don’t even try to hide their political motivations because, well, they don’t have to. They can rely on their Ministry of Propaganda media to lay a smoke screen before it all.

Who the hell is Steve Bannon to think he can defy the law and not go to jail? Ditto for Donald Trump. Trump conspired to overturn a presidential election with a campaign of lies. Bannon was a co-conspirator. He knew there was a plan because he was part of it. They should share a prison cell.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Trump has no committed no crimes.

Questioning the obviously rigged 2020 election is the duty of all Americans.

Biden won nothing. He’s not the president.

“Trump has no committed no crimes.”

That’s for a judge and jury to decide.

That’s for a judge and jury to decide.

Not without actual charges (there are none) and not in the wake of a six year abortion of justice in which any and all of these people have no legitimacy to charge Trump with anything, given how much and how often they’ve lied, censored, and outright broken our laws to invent “evidence” that doesn’t exist.

Any arrest of Trump will be considered a Leftwing insurrection on our Constitution and rule of Law.

Don’t. You can’t follow through on that one.


Your typing that all caps in boldface has convinced me.

Provide a link showing what Trump did and why he’s guilty.
If it’s on the internet, it HAS to be true.

Why do you oppose the appellate process?

Steve Bannon in First Interview Following Sentencing Tells Tucker Carlson His Wish for the Country. Steve Bannon was never at January 6th but the Jan 6th committee says hes guilty. Sentenced to 6 months. The biggest abuse of power and jailing non guilty.
Steve Bannon in First Interview Following Sentencing Tells Tucker Carlson His Wish for the Country. Steve Bannon was never at January 6th but the Jan 6th committee says hes guilty. Sentenced to 6 months. The biggest abuse of power and jailing non guilty. (

“Who the hell is Steve Bannon to think he can defy the law and not go to jail?”

EXACTLY! He’s no Democrat elitist like Holder or Reno; where does he get off thinking he can enjoy corrupt leftist privilege? OFF WITH HIS RIGHTS!!


It doesn’t seem that he’s being deprived of any rights.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael

Well, he (Bannon) clearly isn’t receiving equal justice under the law and if you claim he is, you only show what a left wing hack you really are.

Last edited 1 year ago by retire05

“Well, he (Bannon) clearly isn’t receiving equal justice under the law”

So you’re saying that complying with subpoenas should not be a thing any more for anyone.

Eric holder and Lois Lerner were both held in contempt of congress for far and away more egregious actions.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Stipulated for the sake of discussion. So now what? How many people get to escape consequences for that crime in order to satisfy your sense of equal justice?

Laws are misapplied to Republicans, and ignored for Democrats.

That’s how a one-party police state forms.

Hope you have a plan.

Laws are misapplied to Republicans, and ignored for Democrats.

That is exactly the reason that all political cases, such as Clinesmith and Bannon, should have a change of venue outside of the D.C. area.

No, I’m not. But either you know that already and are trying to be too cute by half or you still seem to have a problem with the English written word.

Never the less, what is fair for Democrats, who lie as a party policy, should be fair for non-Democrats.

Last edited 1 year ago by retire05

I’m interested in hearing how many non-Democrats need to be allowed to skate on “contempt of Congress” charges to equalize the injustice and allow us to go back to holding people accountable for that crime.

Or, conversely, which Democrats need to be charged with that crime in order to balance the scales of justice.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael

In your arrogance, you assume that I think those who are not Democrats should be allowed to walk when they violate the rules. Au Contraire, Groomer. But since Democrats are not held to the same standards of the rules/law, why should non-Democrats have to be held liable?

Or, conversely, which Democrats need to be charged with that crime in order to balance the scales of justice.

Where should I start? How about Eric Holder, Janet Reno, Lois Lerner, James Comey and James Clapper?

“In your arrogance, you assume that I think those who are not Democrats should be allowed to walk when they violate the rules. Au Contraire, Groomer.”

So you’re actually okay with Bannon’s sentence.

What I’m not OK with is people like Hillary Clinton walking after she, and the rest of the Democrat Cabal, have done exactly what they accuse others of. Hillary paid a foreigner for made up dirt on her opponent. Not only was that dishonorable, it was illegal.

But you never seem to mind what the Democrats do that is illegal. You just want to question me if I think a non-Democrat deserves jail time.

You tell me if you think Bannon deserves ANY time behind bars.

Last edited 1 year ago by retire05

Yes, he does.

Go ahead and charge all the people you named up above, too. I’m fine with that.

Perhaps you could email the slug, Merrick Garland, and tell him he has your permission to enforce our federal laws.

I’m sure he will act on your approval immediately.

Contact him with your whiny complaints. Maybe he’s just waiting for the right MAGA wanker to make his case.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael

Umm, maybe you should research what the term “wanker” really means. I’m sure you can do that with one hand while you choke your chicken with the other.

I chose the word with deliberation.

Of course you did, Groomer.

Basically, your position is that when Democrats evade justice, that’s just fine and weaponizing the DOJ to attack political opponents is fine as well.

Either everyone gets the same justice or no one does. Then,of course, you have chaos, which is the Democrat’s specialty.

“Either everyone gets the same justice or no one does.”

That’s why I said to go ahead and indict all the people he was whining about.

comment image

Our society no longer puts them in mental wards. We simply allow them to attend some university that will give them a degree and them let them infiltrate our public schools.

Michael is a clear example of how the teaching profession has deteriorated.

How do you figure? You’ve never seen me at work.

Psychology 101

You’re an easy read.

Last edited 1 year ago by retire05

It only seemed that way because the psychiatrists didn’t discuss politics with their patients.

“I’m interested in hearing how many non-Democrats need to be allowed to skate on “contempt of Congress” charges to equalize the injustice and allow us to go back to holding people accountable for that crime.”

All of them, if Democrats are afforded such a skate.

How about the right every Democrat has to ignore a Congressional subpoena? Democrats seem to enjoy. How about that one, scooter?

If you’d actually read my comments, you’d have noticed that I am in favor of indicting everyone retire05 was whining about, Champ.

Well, scooter, if you actually believed in equal justice, you wouldn’t be defending this travesty.

Hell it isnt like Bannon did tiny things like run guns to terrorists and drug cartels, he Backs Trump.

Or, use the IRS to over scrutinize conservative 501 groups engaged in political action.

michael is an idiot.

He picked the wrong side! Bush’s pal Eric Holder got no time, zero, nll!