Via, stick with this until at least 2:40, when things start to heat up, through 3:30 when the absurdity is fully revealed. His point about international approval is mundane: If we decide to act in Syria as part of a coalition, then there needs to be some sort of joint international resolution laying out the scope of the mission. To which Sessions replies, how come there didn’t need to be a resolution passed by Congress approving American intervention in Libya? We all know the answer to that, as does Panetta, which is why he’s reduced to mumbling here about maybe “informing” Congress of their plans if and when the time comes. The One doesn’t recognize the War Powers Act — even though his own lawyers do. If he wants to bomb Syria, he’ll bomb Syria, and Congress will get a heads up about it at some point and that’s that. Sessions is trying to get the SecDef to commit to seeking an AUMF before our next excursion but he simply won’t do it because he knows his boss doesn’t operate that way. Why hand the GOP a useful soundbite when he can take a dump on Congress’s prerogatives over warmaking instead?
Speaking of which, we’re getting closer:
Here is the thing: If Obama feels that he acts upon approval of the UN, and other nations using our troops to fight wars not in our interest, I’d say he needs to be either impeached or resign; if he feels justified doing another end run around congress, and using our troops as pawns to fight others war, it’s really time to take action. He can go, and get a job at the UN.
He was hired by us – americans; we pay his salary, and he is obligated by oath to govern according to the constitution. If he does not like – go, get out, and represent the US; let them pay your salary without the USA’s contribution.
Enough is enough; he needs to go, and so are his lackeys such as Panetta. Panetta, being a member of the communist party was placed at the DOD for that reason. The top military brass also need to fo, they have no right by law to use our troops according to their needs; troops are here to defend us, and our constitution, including fighting enemies within.
CNN is walking this back for Obama.
I’ll believe this guy IF he goes on record OR IF Panetta backs up his expressions.
Must be nice to have such a compliant media that, not only will they hide stuff from the public for you, but they will even do this for you.