Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:
This is one clip it pays to watch to the very end. Sarah Palin appeared on Fox Saturday evening to talk about the Tea Party and challenge the Republican Party to stick to its platform ideals, warning at one point that the GOP could go the way of the Whigs if they don’t respond to the will of the voters. She also took questions from Twitter, including one which asked whether she’d run for Governor in Alaska again. (Answer: She’d rather work on policy to unlock Alaska’s natural resources.) But it’s near the seven-minute mark when Palin expresses frustration when a viewer asks if it isn’t better not to vote when one doesn’t like either candidate (via the Sarah Palin Journal):
PALIN: No no no no! Please go vote! Let me ask you — man, do me a favor. If this go-around you don’t know who you dislike more or like more, Romney or Obama — this go-around, give Romney a shot. We don’t want to repeat the failed policies of President Obama. That’s insanity, to repeat the same failures over and over again and expect a different result. Obama has proven himself that he doesn’t get it, he doesn’t get the free market, he doesn’t get American exceptionalism, and he won’t work toward that American exceptionalism. He had his chance — no hard feelings, thank you for your service, Mr. Obama. This go-around, though, let’s give Romney that chance.