Palin Emails: Trig Baby Gifts Donated to Military Families

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March 2008. Talking about throwing baby showers and donating the gifts to young Army wives and possibly a crisis pregnancy center. And, um, no. No radio microphone in the delivery room. LOL –


[Bob] Wants KWHL to throw me a baby shower. I say “yes” , if the gifts can go to these young Army wives who don’t have much, they’re far from their families, the dads aren’t there for the newborns first months , etc. And now Ft. Wainwright ‘s aviation unit was notified of a four month extension on deployments. Would u assign someone to work with Bob on that angle? Thanks

Kris Perry:

Yes, I’ll give him a call initially and then have someone work with him on details. Love the idea about the young army wives.

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I’m still waiting patiently until she makes it ‘official’. I’m so looking forward to seeing her take the oath of office and becomes one of this nations most revered and beloved Presidents in history!!!!

SPARTAN relax. One block is the 2 year liabilty of frivous lawsuit after leaving office. But it seems to me to be good stratigy to let the field diminish. The kick Romney’s idiotic ass good.

Patience Danielsan….wax on, wax off.