The media has instituted an almost total news blackout of the attack that happened on Tuesday.
Via INN:
A well-planned firebomb attack on a bus full of Jewish schoolgirls Tuesday could easily have ended in tragedy, but no news source even reported that it took place, except for the one you are currently reading – Arutz Sheva.
The girls were sixth-graders from a religious school in central Israel. They were on a bat mitzva tour of the Cave of Machpela in Hevron, a site recognized by the government as an official heritage site, when four terrorists ambushed it with firebombs.
The mother of one of the girls, who was accompanying the trip, told Arutz Sheva that the ambush had been well planned. She described moments of horror when the firebombs exploded, one after the other, on the bus’s windows, east of the Halhoul bridge, as the bus made its way back from Hevron.
“This was a bat mitzva trip that had been approved by the Ministry of Education, which included a visit to Rachel’s Tomb. The buses were bulletproofed and had an armed guard,” she said….
I’m so glad the bus was fortified.
Islam is the real war on women.
Just last night I was reading about a Christian doctor, a woman, sentenced to death for ”renouncing her Islamic faith!”
Sudanese Christian Meriam Yahya Ibrahim, 27, was abandoned by her Muslim father when she was only 6.
Her mom raised her in her own Ethiopian Orthodox Christian religion from then onward.
She married Daniel Wani, an American citizen, in 1998.
The Islamist Khartoum regime claims that Ibrahim is a Muslim because her father is a Muslim.
In the Koran is a famously quoted line, “There is NO COMPULSION in religion.”
BUT… Sharia countries like Sudan one is never allowed to leave Islam and live.
More on the child abuse of her two children here:
Where’s John Kerry?
The hashtag brigade?
The Black Congressional Caucus’ ladies?
What, no #Hashtag from Michelle telling the Palestine’s to leave ‘our girls’ alone?
What is most infuriating to me is whenever it comes to the Arabs (aka Palestinians) and something happens the “news”- the “media” twists the aggression around and reports Israel as being the initial aggressor…and everyone in the world is up in arms when Israel doesn’t hesitate to fight back, or holds her ground….against the true aggressors…the Arabs in Palestine…
Where are all the big mouth Ass hats in Washington and where are all the liberals concerning this near catastrophe? Where is the condemnation??
Oh, I forgot…
how low, they are the lower than worms, those terrorist haters will never get better than what they are, you have to get them out of this world, send them in the world of the hell, where they belong for eternity, why does the palestinians make children , if they teach them to hate enough to agree to kill,
Kerry is a cockold drunk. He is out by 1600 hr., after that the dos is on its own.
This administration is not going to do anything. obama and this administration hate Jews-completely antisemitic in tone and text. Military weapons, monetary funds flow to al Qaeda, the MBH, and the palestinians on a daily basis. Two banks in NYC launder the monies for these terrorist group under direction of the pres.
yes that’s what i was under the impression all along,
Oddly, the story about two Palestinian demonstrators shot and killed by Israeli military forces 2 days later when a crowd failed to disperse as ordered hasn’t made the news here, either. One would think it would have, since a miraculous event was involved: Both were somehow shot and killed despite the fact that no live ammunition was utilized.
I am constantly amazed at the support that terrorists garner from you progressives. Tell us, Greggie, what is the population of Israel, and what is the population of the countries that surround Israel? Yet, in your small, limited brain, Israel is the aggressor. But after you realize that Israel faces insurmountable odds on a daily basis, yet remains the only truly free nation in the Middle East where even Arab Muslims can hold political office, compared to the Arab nations of the Middle East where Jews are persecuted, why don’t you tell us what worthy contribution all those Muslim nations have contributed to humanity in the last 200 years?
And then, you might spend some time researching the area known as “Palestine” and tell us when, exactly, it was ever its own sovereign nation and not attached to another nation, such as Jordan which is smart enough not to want those people now, and where the name “Palestine” actually originated.
The Jews occupied the land that is now known as Israel long before there were Muslims. Learn your history.
@retire05, #7:
I’m actually not amazed at all that you would misconstrue a link to the second article—which certainly contains more verifiable details than the first—as support for Palestinian terrorism, rather than as a comment on a supposed instance of a “media blackout.”
Well, obviously there was no media blackout on the shooting of two Palestinians, since it was in the NYSlimes.
Are you saying you don’t support the Palestinians over the Israelis? I took you for a regular Jew hater.
Now, care to address the actual topic of this thread?
I was once married to a woman who is Jewish. None of her family ever took me for that.
There are two sides to this particular issue. It will never be resolved without taking them both into account. People who can see only one side of the issue don’t help.
Prove it.
I don’t have to prove that to you, any more than I have to prove the fact of my military service. I don’t even have to care whether or not you believe me.
Your hostility is your own problem.
Well, the article you cite was published on the 15th. It’s worth noting that it can sometime take several weeks for articles to appear here, since the entirety of the Internet isn’t published on Flopping Aces instantaneously.
It’s also important to understand here, that 2 men engaging in a demonstration for Nakba Day, presents a significantly different scenario than that of Jewish girls riding a bus to school. So though we don’t yet have all the details, already the adolescent moral equivalency disintegrates when exposed to adult examination.
Also, keep in mind that this is a NY Times article. This of course means that the article is likely based on emotions reacting to incomplete facts, and thus we can likely expect the remaining details to filter through the new media in the following weeks.
To this end, we need to consider the author of the NY Times article, Jodi Rudoren, who has been accused of Anti-Israeli bias and a lack of objectivity. These criticisms are not uncommon.This is a woman who praised the Peter Beinart’s The Crisis of Zionism on Twitter. She communicates with Palestinian activists on Twitter and ultimately had to be assigned a social media chaperone. Though she has also received criticism of poor research by those in the pro-Palistinian camp, as well as those in the pro-Israeli camp. And if that’s not enough for you, even the Collective has accused her of the imaginary crime of cultural appropriation.
So it’ll be interesting to see what the real story turns out to be in the days and weeks that follow.
Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz Jewish?
She is fighting hard in the War on women.
Against women!
She wanted the law to allow men to SLIP Abortion pills on pregnant women without fear of arrest!
I thought slipping pills on ANYONE for ANY purpose was illegal in the USA.
Apparently there was a danger according to Debbie Wasserman Schultz that a baby inside a woman might be given implied ”personhood,” if killing it were criminalized even if it was done against the will of the mother carrying the baby!
See it all with audio here:
And I don’t have to believe you. Progressives are not known for their truthfulness, after all. And you would not be the first to falsely claim military service.
If you didn’t care, you would not have mentioned it in the first place. So right there, you discredit your honesty.
Hostility? Is that a progressive catch word for questioning a progressive’s truthfulness?
Whereas the right is well known for their lies. Simply turn on FOX News for Exhibit #1. Or listen carefully to any of your elected hucksters, shilling for whatever special interest is currently forking over the most cash.
I see no point in trading insults with someone who takes such pleasure in doing so. Have a good evening.
And just exactly what lies has Fox told? Maybe “if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance” or perhaps the lie that Obama would close Gitmo? Or maybe that there was not a “smidgen” of scandal with the IRS?
And I see no point in letting you spew your progressive crap thinking you are smart enough to impress anyone. You’re just another DailyKos/HuffingtonPost parrot who can’t think for yourself. Accept it, Greggie; you’re just a useful idiot.
The mere existence of FOX cannot be pointed to as an exhibitory piece of evidence to support your point. A specific instance needs to be cited such as those at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, among others.
This rhetoric more accurately describes Democrats; The Party of the Rich.