Over 100 Million People In U.S. Now Receiving Some Form Of Federal Welfare

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Doug Ross:

…”[S]ince 2000 Medicaid has increased from 34 million people to 54 million in 2011 and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) from 17 million to 45 million in 2011,” according to a statement released on Wednesday by Sen. Sessions’ office… >But here’s our favorite part: “Spending on food stamps alone is projected to reach nearly $800 billion over the next decade.”…

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And don’t you understand that we are witnessing the worst recession/depression since the Great One? What are people supposed to do? With five applicants for every one job opening. More people have lost their jobs—which business CEOs have been shipped overseas to authoritarian capitalist countries like China and Vietnam—than has occurred since World War II. Not everyone is so mobile that they can just move to the Dakotas, or somewhere else—nor do they necessarily have the money to do so.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

The worst recession/depression since the Great One? And just exactly what do you think your Messiah Obama has done to make things better? The only reason the unemployment rate is 8.254% is because he keeps dropping people from the work force rolls. Tell me, Liberal1, how can our population continue to grow but the work force continues to get smaller?

And just what part of the U.S. Constitution says that you can tax one person to take care of another person? Or is answering that question above your pay grade?

Always read the small print on any republican chart.

“Figures include anyone residing in a household in which at least one person received a program benefit.”

In other words, if one disabled person living in a household of 10 persons receives SSI, Medicaid, etc, they’re adding 10 people to the total national welfare count.

The chart is a complete sham.

Apparently Jason didn’t read all the fine print.

This is U.S. Census Data collected non-partisan wise, and this chart covers that there has been an increase to welfare program recievers. Those already on SSI, Medicaid, etc didn’t suddenly duplicate to make this chart figure grow. There are roughly 311 million Americans in the United States, almost 1/3rd of the population is now on welfare benifits. And since Jason is a bit lazy:

Here are as of June 2012 Social Security payout totals: http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/quickfacts/stat_snapshot/

Hardly comes close to 100 Million Americans from the Social Security…

Currently standing roughly 1 out of every 7 Americans are using Food Stamps, from a little bit of browsing the Census Data. Or roughly 14 Percent of the Population which is about 43.68 Million Americans. Almost half of the welfare recievers of the rough 100 Million on one type of welfare or another.

As for Medicad, From 2009 :


This is where the rest of that 100 some million are. Now if they are food Stamp collectors or not, is a debateable issue. But in one way or form almost 1/3rd of the population is on welfare while the working population for Civilians is roughly 63 percent or almost 2/3rds of the Nation and is expected to decline as the welfare recievers increase if situations in the Economy do not turn around.

With the push by Democrats to swell the rolls of Medicaid it’s not hard to come to assumptions that the numbers for each state have seen some form of increase while State budgets have seen shortages or serious cut backs even in Blue States from declining Tax Revenue that was Expected from new Taxation Policies aka Illionis or New York State.

As of now most of the increase to welfare has been in Food Stamps. Still Welfare does nothing but help encourage people to stay within the poverty means with the current way and shape welfare is designed. It doesn’t place people into vocational training for demanded jobs, it doesn’t prepare people for fiscal stablity, nor does it encourage the children of those on welfare to become independent of the system. I should know, been on State Unemployement and COBRA plan before. All it did was increase my medical costs to 460 a month from a plan that cost me 130 a month and the State and Federal wanted to either deny my enrollments into colleges/technical insituties or force me to take higher costing certifications that the school would automatically deny enrollment to due to my fiscal situtation.

So you want to go, “Oooh those damn Republicans.” Fine. Go ahead, but this is a reciepe of disaster when the Federal Income Tax is only paid by less than 50 percent of the working Population and Businesses (corporate taxation) go out of business or move out of the nation. And it doesn’t help Social Security’s tax and Medicare funds of 500 billion is being redirected to the Affordable healthcare Law infrastructure forcing the Federal Government to use borrowed funds from the Chinese and Japanese to pay Social Security, Medicare and Food Stamp receivers. If that Welfare number grows from 1/3rd of the population to almost 2/3rds of the population and taxation revenue declines further, what do you think will happen? A sudden land of Utopia and sunshine with Unicorns prancing about? It’ll be Greece’s riots or London’s riots in a larger scale because the welfare recievers will not be getting paid because there will be no money to dole out.

Many of the Nations, China and Japan, who have lent money to the United States are on very nervous grounds Economicaly themselves and they are nervous about America’s ablity (or lack there of) to repay loans as the US National Debt is expected to be 16 Trillion by end of this year and expected to go into 20 Trillion by 2014 to 2016 pending how fast Congress spends(doesn’t matter which party, as both are guilty of big spending idiotics.) China has express interest, both in its private market and Government side, to purchase and own as many American Businesses as possible as a form of equity safe guard from their own economical troubles and expand Internationaly as the United States contracts slowly.


Maybe the meaning of the words didn’t register the first time:

“Figures include anyone residing in a household in which at least one person received a program benefit.”

That sort of computation is so ridiculous it’s an embarrassment.

This is U.S. Census Data collected non-partisan wise

The non-partisan Census Bureau didn’t make the chart. Republican partisan Jeff Sessions made the chart. He used some figures he got from the Census Bureau’s public records. The way he used the figures is as phony as a 3 dollar bill. He must assume his constituents are stupid.

The chart is in the census PDF bub. All they did was use the chart. Still does not hide the fact that increase in welfare with a decrease of taxable workforce and businesses is a plan of failure.

Quibble about a chart??… Just do the research…I am going to say what the Lefty’s and Progressives “always” say if it affects “just one” hardworking taxpayer…”one taxpayer affected is one too many”….People in America should be working…. this proverbial Gravy Train is becoming empty…the shift of more ‘takers’ is getting larger and larger…. trust me, people are going to be getting less and less gravy….how will MORE TAKERS THAN PRODUCERS help the economy???? Seriously!?!

There is much FRAUD in the Welfare System…

“Government Agencies” aka “Social Services” are “ENCOURAGING” people to get on the “welfare doles” – with worded expressions like ‘You Should take ‘ADVANTAGE’ of what is available to you”… via the Government… And this helps with ‘getting people back to work” HOW?!?

I would encourage the trolls and the Lefty’s/Progressives to just shut the he[ck] up about the “figures” regarding ‘any’ chart…

Seriously what “kind of Government” ENCOURAGES people to get on the Welfare Doles???? I’ll answer that – A “Socialist Government” – What kind of “President” [leader??? rotfl] …Changes the rules for “Welfare to Work programs” instituted by another President – mid-stream – ???? “Force” a people to buy Healthcare?? I’ll answer this one too – A “Socialist President” !!!!!!!

This begs the question WHY????

Why discourage…small business, free markets, ruin an economy, people getting back to work?? why divide a country…all this through demon-ization??? Through Lies!!

Those who are realists and not in ‘denial’ most certainly “know why”…

Think about the way they [Ofraud & Co] are dividing this country and the way they [Ofraud & Co] are trying to disqualify Romney and his [real ] accomplishments in a [real ] business world… using downright lies…this web of deceit, fraud, and crony capitalism is.. astounding…

Life in of itself is a Risk…smart, intelligent people know and understand this….those who are weak and have a defeatist attitude will “buy into” the impiety of blame….BLAME everyone and everything…except yourself for your own failings…the right path is to strive to overcome obsticles and become better [aka taking responsibility] …. Government Poverty is NOT the answer…

This is what happens when DECORUM is taken out of the social equation…… and replacing it with entitlements…indoctrination and Government Poverty… This is NOT ‘true hope and change’ this is the Lie Obama want’s the ignorant and weak to buy into….

I take note that there are people who are truly in need of assistance… Disabled – mentally challenged – our elderly.


Obama touted ObamaCare because so many Americans were ”falling through the cracks.”
But the above shows Obama has been plastering up as many supposed cracks as he could in 4 years.

Yet, YET, YET Obama leaves cracks when they don’t cost him VOTERS.
The CBO finds that 30 million will be uninsured by ObamaCare 10 years from now!
See, they can’t vote for Obama in November, so, screw them.
ObamaCare was never about insuring the uninsured.
ObamaCare was always about buying votes on the taxpayers’ dimes.

Jason, you know what happens when the Gravy Train you’ve been waiting for arrives and all of the cars are empty, right?

100 million people on federal assistance doesn’t mean that the federal government is entirely at fault. The federal government is only trying to address the level of need that our economic system has been producing.


No, I suppose that Federal forcing of Mortage companies to give loans to Welfare recievers (major factor for the collapse of the Housing Market) or strangling various private businesses in the industry with regulations that carry fines up to 50,000 dollars or more per violation (OSHA for example), or terminating ITAR contracts with businesses means Government had nothing to do with causing the increase in Welfare.

Or I suppose that the amounts of stimulus spent “bolstered” businesses going bust because the Government was trying to force Market demands for goods that private citizens do not want had nothing to do with increases of welfare users.

Or I suppose that the Affordable Healthcare Law which was designed to force people who don’t need Medicade to be put on the rolls, making States budgets even harder to balance and manage as tax revenues decline has nothing to do with increases in welfare.

Or I suppose that the businesses going though lay offs, terminations, shut down, or being bought by foreign companies or countries due to Federal taxation policies that will increase business operation costs due from regulations along with Dodd/Frank and Affordable Healthcare law has nothing to do with welfare population increase

I suppose that wage deflation reaction from shakey market place enviroment that’s choked with Government Regulations that don’t protect customers and price inflation from Federal Reserve’s Quantive Easing schemes have nothing to do with welfare food stamp increases…

Greg you live in god damn la la land.