Meredith Jessup @ The Blaze:
I shouldn’t have watched the latest Obama campaign ad so soon after eating my lunch. It made me sick to my stomach — both as a proud conservative, and as a woman.
“If you’re a conservative woman, and you believe in small government, then Barack Obama is your candidate,” the ad proclaims, “because he’s keeping the government out of the decisions that should remain between you and God, and you and your own conscience.”
First of all, really? When you think “small government,” is Barack Obama among the very first things that comes to your mind? Yeah, me neither.
Second of all, I cannot tell you how SICK and TIRED I am of having the Democratic Party and President Obama narrowly define “women’s issues” as birth control and abortion. Newsflash: women have brains in addition to vaginas. And with my very capable brain, I can tell you that the characterization of women as victims of some sort of conservative assault on their “rights” is not only degrading to my gender, but also insulting to my intelligence.
How, as a woman, am I all of a sudden in crisis because, under Romney, the federal government might continue to not take issue with my easily accessible and oh-so-inexpensive birth control?
Oh, could it be because Obama’s approval rating among women has slipped precipitously since he took office?
There are so many other issues in this presidential race to which women should pay attention, but President Obama hopes they don’t.
Here are just a few to mull over:
– 17 million women are living in poverty today — up 800,000 since President Obama took office;
– 7.5 million women are living in “extreme” poverty;
– Women working in President Obama’s White House are paid 18% less than his male employees;
– Women want their family’s health care decisions to be made by their doctors, not unelected bureaucrats;
– Women don’t want $4/gallon gasoline prices;
– Unemployment among women has gone up 15 percent since President Obama was inaugurated;
– Women are gaining jobs at 1/4 the pace of men;
– Women want the nation’s economy to grow more than 1.5% annually;
– Women don’t want to pass on trillions of dollars in debt and deficits to their children;
– Women want to retire someday, hopefully before Social Security goes bankrupt; and
– Women want stability in the housing market, not continuing record numbers of foreclosures and declining home values.
With all this in mind, how is it that the women in this ad think contraception and abortion are the most important issues this election?
Because that’s all Republican think about—in the first four months of 2011 alone, they’ve originated over 900 bills dealing with abortion or contraception instead of, for example, jobs.
Greg, why do you continue to use the false term “right to choose”. According to Planned Parenthood, 99+% of women made a choice prior to conception.
Here’s a novel thought: don’t want to get pregnant? Buy birth control pills, use them according to the directions or CHOOSE not to have sex.
Meredith has just smoked the self-proclaimed savior of women.
He’s all dressed up in his hero clothes and no one cares, except for Fluke, who flies across the country to get laid, but needs free condoms. I feel so bad for both of them. LOL
A couple points:
*If the reports that Obama’s Twitter followers are mostly fakes why would it be a stretch to think these ”republican women” are also?
*And there are SOME people, male & female, who register to vote Republican just to try to mess up the Republican primary.
Do they REALLY count as ”republican women?”
*Lastly there are some conservatives who are SO far to the right that anything-not-Ron-Paul is too darn ”leftist” for them! While, conversely, there are some Reagan-Democrats who later registered Republican but now feel this party is too darn far to the right!
Mostly, Obama is aiming at ghosts.
There are so few real Republicans who would rather vote Obama than Romney it isn’t even funny.
I had read that one tactic Obama is employing it to try to dishearten white Republicans into staying home.
Perhaps this is one part of that, but it won’t work.
@Nan G:
(“Shhhh! Let them waste their money on these stupid ‘pandering to Republican women’ commercials. It’s money that they wont have for other uses”)
In fact the Obama team should also do a commercial geared towards the religious right. Maybe telling them how “Jesus would vote for Obama!” And they can put that airbrushed halo over Obama’s head at the end. Yeah, that should energize the vote.
Busted: “Republican” woman in Obama ad has been a registered Democrat since 2006
Ed Morrissey reports.
Buzzfeed did the heavy lifting.
Powerline’s John Hindenraker found her Facebook page:
Her Facebook page is here; some of her friends congratulate her on appearing in the Obama ad. In addition to the fact that she is a registered Democrat, check out her Facebook “likes.” They make it obvious that Ms. Ciano is a devoted Democrat and a left-wing activist. Here are some of her “likes,” beginning with the earliest in time:
* Democracy For America
* Tar Sands Action
* Amy Goodman
* Barack Obama
* Being Liberal
* Bernie Sanders Tells You A Secret the GOP Would Rather You Didn’t Know
* Miss Piggy Delivers the Best Takedown of Fox News We’ve Seen All Month
* Think Progress
* The Best Quote From Barack Obama We’ve Seen This Week
* Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America’s Heartland
* Climate Reality
* The Amazing Victory Scored With Obama That More People Should Be Talking About
* The Sierra Club
* The Buffett Rule
* Obama For America–Colorado
* Denver Young Democrats
* Obamacare
* Latinos For Obama
* Michelle Obama
* Veterans For Obama
* I Love It When I Wake Up In the Morning and Obama Is President
* Obama Truth Team
* Democratic Party
It was logical that Obama wanted to showcase ”republican women for Obama,” but he might want to make sure they REALLY are Republicans next time.
Probably that realization set in around 2006, when Ms. Ciano registered as a democrat.