Here’s some stupid words from NBC’s “Think” piece:
These men, particularly Musk, are not only heavily invested in who can get their rocket into space first, but in colonizing Mars. The desire to colonize — to have unquestioned, unchallenged and automatic access to something, to any type of body, and to use it at will — is a patriarchal one. Indeed, there is no ethical consideration among these billionaires about whether this should be done; rather, the conversation is when it will be done. Because, in the eyes of these intrepid explorers, this is the only way to save humanity.It is the same instinctual and cultural force that teaches men that everything — and everyone — in their line of vision is theirs for the taking. You know, just like walking up to a woman and grabbing her by the pussy.
It’s there, so just grab it because you can.
I didn’t make that up. You probably think I made that up, but get this — I didn’t.
The desire to colonize — to have unquestioned, unchallenged and automatic access to something — is a patriarchal one.
No offense, but if women think that striving to achieve the impossible and add immeasurably to the sum of human knowledge and wealth is “patriarchal,” then:
1, It’s little wonder they make, allegedly 77 cents on each “male” dollar, and
2, 77 cents seems way too generous. Perhaps they’re being overpaid just because of their sex.
…This Columbusing attitude — a strident business acumen laced with an imperialist ethos — comes with an air of benevolence: Musk doesn’t just want to colonize Mars to satisfy his ego. No, he wants to colonize Mars to help his fellow humans….
Rather, the impulse to colonize — to colonize lands, to colonize peoples, and, now that we may soon be technologically capable of doing so, colonizing space — has its origins in gendered power structures. Entitlement to power, control, domination and ownership. The presumed right to use and abuse something and then walk away to conquer and colonize something new.
It’s called “progress” and “daring,” and you’re welcome for the electricity you’re currently using, Useless Mouth.
And yes, this is a woman writing (or xhe identifies as female, at least), and yes, of course xhe identifies as a Gender Studies Scholar.
….As if history hasn’t proven that men go from one land to the next, drunk on megalomania and the privilege of indifference.
This sounds an awful lot like a woman who’s very bitter that she doesn’t get a lot of second dates on
The raping and pillaging of the Earth, and the environmental chaos that doing so has unleashed, are integral to the process of colonization. And the connection of the treatment of Mother Earth to women is more than symbolic: Study after study has shown that climate change globally affects women more than men.
Yes, all those female roofers baking in the summer sun. Sad!
I guess, when comparing the exploration discoveries of women to men, I see… oh, wait. Never mind.
I don’t suppose she considers the possibilities of colonizing an uninhabited planet with the environmental and governmental knowledge based on all the mistakes made on earth. No, she hasn’t. Because she’s a liberal and all liberals do is find fault in what anyone NOT a liberal does.
I am anxious to see the results of putting stupidity down on paper has on furthering humankind.
Phooie on NBC abd screw them our major network Nit-Wits is being run by a bunch of whining little snowflakes who needs little lesson about the world beyond their basement and p;aypen
I just wish rich liberal women like Oprah and Pelosi would try to get off planet, perhaps they could take more with them.
In a sane world, this person would be laughed at, then pitied, and even watched for signs of dangerous antisocial actions…. She wouldn’t be given a voice, even on an obscure outlet like NBC.
Besides, Space is where “No MAN has gone before.” 🙂 Said so on your own network. 🙂
Becuae liberals want all boys to grow up to be Ballet Dancers as was depicted in that crappy movie Billy Elliot or as Herb Gardeners and vegans riding around on Big Ride Bicycles like Pee Wee Hermin
“Colonizing” is SO bad!

Traditionally, men went into the fray/unknown first, then, if it was safe, women might follow.
Today’s woke feminist is trying to judge all of the past’s chivilric (sp?) males by her weird standards of her imaginary reality.