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For all their complaining about Trump’s performance, not one Democrat has done ANYTHING to help face this crisis, none acted any faster or more effectively than Trump and not a single one offers any advice or suggestion of how anything could have been done better with the information available.

For instance, part of the criticism of Trump was that he complimented Xi for being transparent and helpful, BEFORE we knew he and the WHO were lying. AFTER we know they were lying, the Democrats all want to trust and believe the Chinese and the WHO instead of Trump.

Nothing of any possible value offered by the left and over and over, they show themselves to be nothing but whiny bitches.

Proving that all we ever get from the M.S. Media are Lies and Fabricated News Programs and fake front page news

That wasn’t the reason his bed was wet, but nice try.

You can be gay, effeminate, and still be an Alpha male. It’s a choice.

Stelter is so beta it hurts. He’s a fat little useless man that know one should even know about.