Only One Question Remains as Susan Rice, Biden’s Shadow President, Leaves the White House

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by Sundance

In the game of test-match cricket, a game that can last three days at peak professional level, you have to ‘get out‘ to ‘get in‘.   You have to ‘get out‘ of the clubhouse in order to ‘get in‘ to the game.  The same is true for this story about Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice, leaving the Biden administration.   Rice has to get out of the administration in order to get in to the 2024 game.

Readers here will likely remember all previous discussion about the likely Democrat field for 2024.  Susan Rice and Gavin Newsom are both key players in the DNC big club game.  There is only one question at the core of the dynamic you need to ask, how will they off-ramp Joe Biden?

First, the White House announcement:

[…] “As the only person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan’s record of public service makes history. But what sets her apart as a leader and colleague is the seriousness with which she takes her role and the urgency and tenacity she brings, her bias towards action and results, and the integrity, humility and humor with which she does this work. I thank Susan for her service, her counsel and her friendship. I will miss her.” (link)

Susan Rice is the pliable foot soldier, the protege’ of the Lightbringer, Chicago Jesus.  Rice is the female version of the entire apparatus of the Obama team.  Susan Rice is Barack Obama in female form, and as Ric Grenell said eloquently, Susan Rice is “the shadow president.”

A Newsom/Rice or Rice/Newsom ticket is a no brainer.  Both are foot soldiers for the Lightbringer movement’s fundamental change agenda, although Rice is the apex player and Newsom is the ideological, intellectual and cognitive equivalent of John Fetterman with better style.  Most people still do not understand that Barack Obama is not just a person, he is a complete political construct -a movement in a box- consisting of multiple component groups all working in synergy.

The focus of the Obama movement is domestic and ideological.  The “fundamental change“, as outlined previously by the front man for the group, is domestic – exclusively domestic.  The Lightbringer doesn’t care about foreign policy stuff; all of that angle is sold to the multinationals and highest bidders.

Foreign policy is not a thing for Teh One true bringer of enlightenment; their focus is USA domestically centered. In her capacity as Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice was the guiding hand behind every element of Biden domestic policy.

The microphone from the Obama basement does not transmit into the earpiece of Biden; it communicates into the two-way radio of Rice.

If Susan Rice is departing, the question becomes how the club removes Biden from the 2024 race?  There are a multitude of approaches and leverages available for the Lightbringer’s team, which includes Deputy AG Lisa Monaco at Main Justice.

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how will they off-ramp Joe Biden?

They will out joe using his own words against him.
They’ve been hiding his past from us all for a couple of years but that dam began to break recently.
For example….
Here’s joe from 2007 (before the dementia took hold) warning us about what might happen if we quit Afghanistan and left all those weapons behind:

There’s no other reason for this to be found all over the web now when it was hidden for a couple of years.

Hell, you think that could be the straw that broke the degenerate, mentally incapacitated camel’s back? He has thousands of stupid, hypocritical statements and policies like that. No, what will have to happen is that Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland will turn on him and brush him back with some charges. Explain that, unless he leaves, they’ll get rid of him first, THEN go after Hunter, when idiot Biden can’t pardon him. Thanks to Comer, they can show him what might happen to the rest of the Biden crime family as well. He could even have all his ill-gotten assets stripped. I guess idiot Biden could claim “witch hunt”, but I doubt that will play. They could pull a MEGA-Flynn on him.

Yeah, I don’t seem to remember when greg put forth evidence that the Trump plan included immediate surrender and total abandonment of all military equipment. Sounds more like joe was a yellow belly and was afraid of the tollyban.

Obama lacked the guts to carry out his full agenda under his own name. What if it cratered? His “legacy” would be stained (more than it already was by a lethargic, failed economy, history debt, failed foreign policy, rampant racism, violence, illegal spying, IRS, DOJ, FBI, EPA weaponization, etc) more than the history-rewriters could handle. He likes it more when he can operate behind the scenes and use morons like idiot Biden to do his bidding. That way, when Afghanistan turns out like Iraq did, it’s all idiot Biden’s fault.