Once Again, The Democrats Are Losing On Guns

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Perhaps the Democrats thought their Children’s Crusade would put them over the top this time, after repeatedly losing the battle over guns. But so far, it doesn’t look that way. Most people believe that stricter gun laws will either have no effect or lead to increased violent crime. And Rasmussen finds that 54% think massive government failures are mostly to blame for the Parkland, Florida shootings, while only 33% blame a lack of gun control. Interestingly, the finding is even more pronounced among those who have school-age children: 61% think government is mostly to blame, while only 23% point the finger mostly at guns.

In other words, despite the non-stop efforts of CNN and MSNBC, attitudes toward gun control and violent crime haven’t changed much. It may well be that a few modest changes will be made, e.g. a ban on bump stocks, which hardly anyone cares about. But if the Democrats believe they can ride vilification of America’s largest civil rights organization to victory in November, I think they are mistaken.

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The Statement by the President of the United States of America today was extremely alarming. Take the guns before due process, then you have to prove you are not a danger? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Telling the democrats to stuff their gun grabbing bill with talking points of todays meeting?
This could have been prevented by the FBI, just another known wolf, I wouldn’t want to see this agency get another dime until they prove they EARN it. They are sure Russia is already messing with the mid terms but cant track down a kid on the internet using his own name. So we want to give away more rights, they get more power for being FUps?

Republicans admittedly do have the crazy people’s support. I’d put them all on a watch list. Because they’re clearly bat-shit crazy:

Worshippers clutching AR-15 rifles hold commitment ceremony

Does John Hinderaker think he’s going to win support for his position by belittling young people who are speaking out against a status quo that will assure another event like Parkland? But winning support isn’t really his game. His game is more about maintaining an established division. He’s preaching to the choir.


I’d put them all on a watch list. Because they’re clearly bat-shit crazy:

I’d put you in a re-education camp cause you have wrong think on what power the government should have like privacy, shove your paranoid control freak attitude.
Your link is hilarious a bunch of moonies? No one was threatened or shot.

They’re armed religious loons. In Pennsylvania. The taking of the sacrament featuring the AR15s followed a church “President Trump Thank You Dinner.”

Anti-LGBT cult leader calls on followers to purchase assault rifles

Hey, at least they aren’t Muslims. And there’s probably not a single Democrat in the congregation, so there’s that.


I’d put them all on a watch list. Because they’re clearly bat-shit crazy:

I’d put you in a re-education camp cause you have wrong think on what power the government should have like privacy, shove your paranoid control freak attitude.
A bunch of moonies with unloaded guns your article is hilarious.


Republicans admittedly do have the crazy people’s support. I’d put them all on a watch list. Because they’re clearly bat-shit crazy:

A good start would be to ban anyone that exhibits liberal tendencies from owing a weapon. Their homes should be invaded and searched to make sure they don’t own any weapons. Violent movies, rap music and violent rhetoric are all products of the left, as well as the mindset that human life is totally disposable when it creates a distraction or inconvenience, such as their support for abortion.

Worshippers clutching AR-15 rifles hold commitment ceremony

I want you to point out for me what the overtly or covertly violent aspect of this ceremony.

Anti-LGBT cult leader calls on followers to purchase assault rifles

Sovereignty means that we are able to defend ourselves against an aggressive satanic world, when we are threatened.

Emphasis mine. Where’s the scary part? Much more threatening is a taxpayer-funded program which cultivates living humans to harvest their body parts to sell. Yet, liberals ardently and whole-heartedly supports Planned Parenthood.

At the very foundation of the governmental failure in Parkland was the policy there to under-report or non-report criminal incidents in the community in order to make it appear it is safer and cleaner to attract residents and investments. This is probably a result of Scott Israel’s culture of non-enforcement he created, which resulted in four armed officers waiting until a gunman runs out of ammunition to rush to protect children. The total and inexcusable failure of the FBI is just icing on the death-cake. Every bit of this are details the left clamors for but are not upset in the least when, due to bureaucratic incompetence, fails to perform in the manner it was intended to perform.

The Dumb-O-Crats want to ban anythin g or regulate it the Stupid Jackass Party always wanto to ban and confiscate all privately owned guns my else did that traitor John Kerry sign the UN Small Arms Control Treaty

Can we look at all the FBI big fails, Orlando, Boston, San Bernadino, 911, the original towers bombing, Garland, Parkland, they cant seem to catch these criminals, but they Got a General, who was no danger to anyone, just serving his country. yup will just have to see how many more known wolves we will tolerate, cause every known that uses a gun the media has such glee blaming everyone but the ones that could have stopped it from happening. Do they have stock in memorial candles?

@kitt: They can do their job if they are allowed to objectively look at the evidence without the PC glasses or stop pursuing the phantom dreams of liberals.


The Statement by the President of the United States of America today was extremely alarming.

This could be another set up just like when he appeared to be caving on DACA. The end result is that it exposed the dems as open borders extremists who publicly put illegal immigrants over the American people. He could have made this statement to get the dems’ real goal (gun confiscation and getting rid of the 2A) out in the open. He knows without support of the pro-gun crowd he’d be finished because the dems will get control of Congress and impeach him on bullshit charges thus completing their coup.

Here is another good article by Kurt Schlichter on the broader picture of the left’s motivation with all of this. When you look at what has happened, it certainly lends credibility to his take. Think about it. The left has now openly supported the weaponization of the federal government to be used against people opposing their political beliefs. They have openly advocated censorship of people with opposing political beliefs. They have openly advocated violence against people with opposing political beliefs. Sounds similar to what the Communists and NAZI’s did during their reigns of terror, doesn’t it? The Second Amendment is more important today than ever.


@kitt, #8:

From the FBI’s public information website — What We Investigate

Click on any of the headings, and then its “News” subheading: Terrorism News; Counterintelligence News; Cyber Crime News; Public Corruption News; Civil Rights News; Organized Crime News; White Collar Crime News; Violent Crime News; WMD News.

That should give any reasonable person some indication of what the FBI does right. It’s a highly effective investigative and law enforcement institution. That doesn’t mean that things won’t sometimes go wrong. Absolute perfection is not an attainable state.

I’m so weary of generalized attacks on our nation’s governmental institutions and on the dedicated people who are part of them any time they run afoul of the right’s propaganda or political agenda.

@Greg: If someone calls in a specific report of a threat and they don’t even follow up on it, and then that threat results in a mass shooting, who would it be that missed the opportunity to protect the victims? I would not be surprised if you dishonest liberals eventually get around to blaming the NRA, but they are WAAAAAAY down the ladder of responsible parties…. the LEAST responsible in fact.

Here’s what you are weary of: your weak, leftist agenda-driven exploitation of human tragedy not resulting in the elimination of the citizens’ rights that are obstructing the march towards socialism.

Why don’t you send back your Social Security checks and rip up your Medicare card in protest?

How’s the swamp-draining project coming? How about that $31,000 executive dining room set for the new HUD director? How long does it take some people to figure out that they’ve been had?

@Greg: #11 Fast and furious thats why seems intentional at times, 911 got the deepstate the patriot act, I just hate that everyone is penalized for their F-ups, the school to prison avoidance turned this kid into the monster he is, Charlie Manson was also a product of government policy child rearing. I do not wish to completely rely on my safety to a bunch of screw ups, local, state or federal.
My statement was not generalized, 1 phone call for 2 alerts, 1 phone call to the regional office, an arrest for making terrorist threats, or animal torture both posted on line using his own name. Known wolf after known wolf does anyone at the department get fired, people are dying no one accepts responsibility. This isn’t propaganda its funerals.


Why don’t you send back your Social Security checks and rip up your Medicare card in protest?

Why? I’ve PAID for those.

Remember the media covering the $500 billion HUD “lost” under Obama? Yeah, me neither. I wasn’t had… I never voted for Obama.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Not fair the Government has been losing trillions for a long time, 22 million to study aliens to one of Harry Reeds pals was a recent discovery, after years of Blue book debunking everything as swamp gas or temperature inversions, One General said we were going to have a war in space within a few years. I dont know how we even get there, we have to shuttle-pool with Russia now, thanks to Barrys genius of laying off our rocket scientists. With core education we are not producing any more of those. Hey Russia, China we want to blow your asses off the moon, can we get a ride?

@Greg: #13

How about that $31,000 executive dining room set for the new HUD director?

Maybe he was just trying to keep up with the remodel of Lizzie Warren’s pet agency…

$31K is a lot – but only about one-third of the cost of the bike racks for the CFPB’s parking garage.

(BTW, the dining room set order has since been cancelled.)

Original cost estimates for the CFPB’s renovation were estimated at $55 million…that figure ballooned to more than $124 million…

CFPB’s employees now come to work in a building that features many high-end touches, including lounge seats for their plaza deck, sunken garden areas, male and female fitness rooms, and credenzas with quartz surfaces and premium drywall. The CFPB spent $88,000 for bike racks and parking striping in the garage

The $124 million figure translates to about $416 per square foot for the 303,000 square foot, six-flight office building. That cost makes the CFPB building among the top 10 most expensive office buildings in Washington, D.C.

Ballooning renovation costs for luxurious perks is only one of a number of high-profile controversies that beset the agency created under President Barack Obama. They include cases of widespread gender, racial and ethnic employment discrimination, massive data mining of 42 billion credit card transactions by consumers, and a history of bullying corporations into turning over millions in dubious settlement cases.

I guess it’s not easy to teach consumers how to be responsible stewards of money.

If he can avoid the same type of ‘scandals’ (in quotes, because I’ve been assured the Obama administration was scandal-free!), in his department, I’d say let him have the table…

@Greg: Once again, I’d like to remind everybody that Greg is a paid troll, sent by either the DNC themselves or one of their lobbies.

Without life experience, Greg will say anything; he’s even claimed to be a Puerto Rican, a Vietnam Vet, and a host of other things he is not.

He responds to targeted headlines and information, these targets assigned to him from his employer. He doesn’t have time to read the article, just spew Hitler-esque lies in the hope they will be accepted as fact.

This article was targeted, no doubt, because it has the words “Democrats are losing…”

He’s never won an argument, or ever spoke to a real question when it was posed. He just links to articles on tabloid websites that don’t even discuss the question you asked him.

So, the average Greg exchange goes like this:
“Greg, what time is it?”
Greg – “BLUE!”

He also knows the Dems are more corrupt than the Reps, but he can’t turn back now…



@Greg: #11

I’m so weary of generalized attacks on our nation’s governmental institutions and on the dedicated people who are part of them any time they run afoul of the right’s propaganda or political agenda.

And yet you don’t seem to be weary at all of participating in said attacks on ‘our nation’s governmental institutions and on the dedicated people who are part of them any time they run afoul’ of the Left’s ‘propaganda or political agenda’


…That should give any reasonable person some indication of what the FBI does right. It’s a highly effective investigative and law enforcement institution. That doesn’t mean that things won’t sometimes go wrong.

It would be a little easier if the ‘highly effective’ organization could try to put just a little more effort into the small things. Like, maybe following the law, their own procedures and oh, I don’t know – not operating with a ‘political agenda’.

Wouldn’t a ‘reasonable person’ expect that of any governmental agency?

“The FBI just told us that Director James Comey potentially lying to Congress should not be of interest to us, that it doesn’t speak to their ‘integrity,’ and that it shouldn’t impact America’s ‘confidence’ in them,” Bedford said. “They said this with a straight face. http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/01/fbi-denies-secret-comey-obama-meeting/

Department of Justice Inspector General will accuse former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe of approving an improper leak…and then misleading investigators who attempted to look into it: Misleading investigators? Isn’t that what Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos are getting prosecuted for doing? https://hotair.com/archives/2018/03/02/oh-ig-accuse-mccabe-misleading-investigators-approving-leak/

According to the Times, which cited four people familiar with the investigation…McCabe will be censured for disclosing the investigation’s existence to the Journal. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/01/doj-report-expected-to-cast-harsh-eye-on-mccabe-for-leaking-to-press-about-confidential-investigation.html

FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/01/nunes-fbi-may-have-violated-criminal-statutes-in-fisa-application-to-spy-on-trump-adviser.html

Senator seeks answers on why FBI waited weeks to act on Weiner laptop in Clinton case http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/02/senator-seeks-answers-on-why-fbi-waited-weeks-to-act-on-weiner-laptop-in-clinton-case.html

Hey, how about Jared’s half-a-billion in loans from Apollo Global Management and Citigroup, following on White House consultations with the lenders in question? Or his efforts to get money directly from the Qatari government? Or the 666 Fifth Avenue project and the Kushner family’s related $1.2 billion in impending debt?

I can see why you would need to keep up a constant stream of distractions. At some point it’s all going to hit the fan.

@Greg: #20

I can see why you would need to keep up a constant stream of distractions.

Let me see…

Original topic – Dems latest efforts on gun control

#2 – Greg links to admittedly strange pro-gun folks

#6 Bill & #8 kitt – Mention FBI/government agency fails that could have prevented the most recent shooting had they done their jobs

#11 – Greg defends the FBI

#13 – Greg veers off-topic to spending by HUD

#17 – I respond to the HUD spending topic by referencing the far more expensive CFPB remodel

#19 – I respond to the defense of the FBI by mentioning specific issues where the FBI has actively undermined its own credibility and why it may not be seen as having quite as much integrity as it had in the past

#20 – Greg veers off-topic to Jared Kushner behaving like Hillary Clinton

Out of those, I know which ones *I* would see as distractions.

Specific to #20, why is it that it was somehow a ‘nothing-burger’ when Hillary was accused of it; but now that someone in the dreaded Trump administration – and better yet, related(!!!!) to Trump – is accused of similar behavior, it is now unacceptable and by damn, NOW “it’s all going to hit the fan”.

If he did wrong, then by all means, let the chips fall where they may.

However, if he receives different treatment during his investigation than Hillary did (snicker, IE, anything more stringent than ‘nothing to see here, move along’), then it would awfully difficult not to see it as ‘propaganda or political agenda’ – and not from the right.

@Greg: If anyone thinks that any of those people will attempt any influence peddling while the media and the rest of the left are SCOWERING all sources of information to find ANYTHING to use to attack them with, and when that fails, simply making stuff up… if anyone thinks they, billionaires already, would attempt to “get away with” something like that, then there is a special place in Stupidestan for you.

I don’t suppose the fact that all the parties involved have declared no illegal activity was involved in any of those transactions makes any difference, does it? No, of course not; only liberals with proven and documented records of lying their asses off are to be believed without question.

But, as soon as the DOJ and FBI get through with the backlog of Holder/Obama/Hillary/Lynch/Comey/McCabe/Steele investigations they need to complete, they can get on the Kushner Case.

Ah, hubris… They thought they could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. They were so cocksure of themselves that they actually said so in public.

They started out by declaring war on the media, on their critics, on those who didn’t support them, and on the institutions of government. They promoted anger and division. They belittled our friends and cozied up to our enemies. They belittled their own friends. They have much to hide, and they carried it all into the national spotlight. They’re going down, and it will all be their own doing.

Who does that make stupid?


They started out by declaring war on the media, on their critics, on those who didn’t support them, and on the institutions of government.

The media has been corrupt and blatantly supporting liberal candidates, policies and agendas. At least they don’t have people killed, like Hillary does.

They promoted anger and division.

You on the left have invented reasons to be angry and divisive, then went ape$hit over the imaginary issues you invented. There is anger and divisiveness because YOU want it.

They belittled our friends and cozied up to our enemies.

No, they reversed the Obama policy of treating our allies like dirt and giving away the farm to our enemies.

They have much to hide, and they carried it all into the national spotlight.

They have SO much to hide that you on the left have to make up accusations then, in the process of investigating the imaginary accusations of wrongdoing, nothing but DEMOCRAT crimes are revealed!

Who does that make stupid?

As Bugs Bunny once told Elmer Fudd, “Could be YOU, Doc.”

Now, what does any of this have to do with the left losing their quest to use the Parkland tragedy to divert attention from their own failures to blame the NRA and ban guns? You seem a little nervous about it.

Dems are losing on guns.
Where in the world is David Hogg?
Down a rabbit hole?
His sell-by date passed so the Left throws him under the bus, a la Cindy Sheehan the same week she ran out of money.
And how about Delta Airlines?
They listened to David Hogg and pulled their NRA ticket discount savings.
Then the state of Georgia pulled a tax break for Delta.
A total of 13 people ever used their NRA discount, saving each about $20-40 per ticket.
Delta’s loss of Georgia’s tax break cost them $40 MILLION.
That’s an average cost of $3 million/passenger!
Bad business choice.
So, Delta also lost 4.6% of its price as a stock.

@Nanny G:

Where in the world is David Hogg?

I think he is working on his graduation from Central Michigan University.

@Greg: “BLUE!!”

What were you saying again? Can’t I just get the short version at WaPo.

As usual, you don’t refute that you are paid lying troll. Expect to be treated as such.


They promoted anger and division. They belittled our friends and cozied up to our enemies. They belittled their own friends. They have much to hide, and they carried it all into the national spotlight. They’re going down, and it will all be their own doing.

You are talking about the Democrats prior to the election, of course. Trump is the consequence of Dem and GOP corruption.

YOU promote anger and division. That’s why you are paid to be here.