Ernest S. Christian:
By gaining quick congressional enactment of the tax reforms in the Ryan-Brady GOP blueprint, “A Better Way for Tax Reform,” President Trump can in months accomplish historic reforms that have for decades eluded other presidents and Congresses. Furthermore, the economic burden of the blueprint’s roughly $1 trillion import-tax adjustment will for a combination of reasons fall partly on foreign companies that export into the U.S. market. If President Trump uses that $1 trillion of import-tax revenue to finance a big cut in U.S. income-tax rates, he can, in effect, require foreigners indirectly to help pay for the reduced income taxes on Americans. A good deal for America.
In addition to facilitating “tax shifting” (we get the money, others bear the economic burden), border tax adjustments provide a double-whammy boost to American jobs and income growth. That is because excluding exports from tax while taxing imports interacts powerfully with other vital reforms — such as low, newly reduced U.S. tax rates and first-year expensing of U.S. plant and equipment. Together, these reforms will help make America the predominant manufacturing and headquarters hub for doing business in the global economy. The Tax Foundation projects that within ten years, GDP will be 9.1 percent higher, wages will be 7.7 percent higher, and there will be 1.7 million more jobs than under current law.
The logic is impeccable. Instead of building plants abroad and having to absorb the new U.S. import-tax adjustment when they sell back into the U.S. market, American companies will invest in U.S. plants built here at home. Tax rates will be low on their income from products sold into the ever more prosperous U.S. market. In addition, the tax rate will be zero when they export American-made goods from U.S. factories. For the same reasons, foreign-owned companies will flock to the U.S. — bringing with them new jobs and purchasing U.S. equipment for doing business here and around the world. (If they stay abroad and sell their foreign-made goods into the U.S. markets, they will be hit by the import-tax adjustment set out in the Ryan-Brady plan.)
Because the GOP blueprint allows U.S. companies for the first time to stay home and export products tax-free, it also allows them the option of building factories abroad when necessary — but only for the purpose of gaining a beachhead for American exports and so that they may compete directly in foreign markets they cannot otherwise reach. If, on the other hand, they sell back into the U.S. market, they will be hit by the import-tax adjustment.
Indeed, it is possible that under President Trump’s version of the GOP tax-reform, a truly “runaway” U.S. company might be hit with an extra-large import tax when it manufactures abroad for the purpose of selling back into the U.S.
In a January op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, distinguished economist Martin Feldstein observed that induced changes in currency exchange rates can cause the entire economic burden of the import-tax adjustment to fall on foreign labor and capital. It’s uncertain whether exchange-rate changes always occur that quickly and powerfully. But in a more prosaic way, Economics 101 tells us that even with no exchange-rate changes at all, all or part of the economic burden of the import tax will fall on would-be foreign sellers into the U.S. market. They must lower their prices to absorb import taxes in those cases where there is (or quickly can be) a comparable American-made product.
Here’s the bottom line: Trump’s ‘Massive’ Middle-Class Tax Cuts Are Tiny Compared To Those Promised To The Rich
Possibly the fact that people are catching on to that angle explains this article, dated today, November 29: Deeply unpopular Congress aims to pass deeply unpopular bill for deeply unpopular president to sign
The special interests behind this legislation don’t really care about the resultant unpopularity of Congress or the President, because passage of the proposed tax reform bill would be Bender’s Really Big Score. They could buy a fresh batch of politicians and plenty of media leverage to make them look like the answer to all the woes of the average American voter.
Well, now you are confusing me. You and the rest of the foaming at the mouth left have been touting this tax reform as “tax cuts for the rich”. Is $143 a year for a family “rich” now?
That’s because the “wealthy” you liberals love to vilify are a tiny percentage of all taxpayers… yet they pay almost 70% of the taxes. You should have quit while you were not this far behind; your class-struggle argument against the tax cuts gets weaker by the minute.
They also pay nearly nothing or even get more back than they paid. The only way they lose this in 2027 is if the Democrats vote to block extending the cuts, something that could be avoided if the Democrats would spend less time rubbing salve on their sore butts and do some legislating. But, of course, that is pretty much out of the question.
The richest are most definitely part of the $143,000-and-above category, and their individual dollar-shares of the 77% of total tax cuts that category would divide up among themselves would most definitely be far, far higher than the group’s average $16,660 individual shares.
They pay more taxes because they have enormously higher individual shares of the nation’s total wealth and income. Would it be rational to expect the poorest to pay the most taxes? Basic living costs take up most of their income.
Justice and rational, progressive tax schedules are not vilification. Wealth and success are commendable and good. I save the vilification for rich shysters and greedy bastards; for people who buy privilege and power, and then use it to rig the system to acquire even more.
You mean like people who go to Washington DC and end up rich? Like the Clintons who were “dead broke” and now rich? Gee what did they ever do to become rich?
How about Al Gore who has made a fortune on AGW while he is a high carbon bandit.
Another do as I say not as I do idiot people like YOU kiss up too.
I don’t disagree that the Clintons, over the course of their entire lifetimes, have become wealthy. They became political rock stars, commanding enormous sums for books and speaking engagements. They also became the subjects of endless accusations by their political enemies, and endless extensive investigations—none of which have ever resulted in criminal charges, let alone convictions.
Remind me how their progressive agenda rigged the system in a manner that favored their own personal advancement. That seems to have slipped my mind.
It really seems to bother you that Democrats sometimes become very wealthy. How unfortunate.
How did AGW make Gore rich? Other than money from books and lectures on the topic, most of his wealth seems to have come from investments in the advanced technology and service sectors. I suppose he may have wound up there by avoiding investments into industries having large carbon footprints. That likely put his money in the right places at the right times. Early investments into companies like Microsoft made a lot of people very wealthy.
@Mully: Dead broke yes nearly destitute only 3 mansions. The 12 million Bill pulled in selling the stolen antique door knobs, their first year after leaving the WH.
Yup and Trump just raking it in seems his net worth is less than when taking office, and he still donates his salary which might mean a hefty tax refund for him this year lol
Good. You can admit the wealthy pay a LOT of taxes. Now, why would they not benefit a bit from tax cuts? Especially since many small businesses, one of the specific targets of the tax cuts for the purpose of stimulating the economy, creating jobs and boosting tax revenues, are part of the “wealthy” category?
Yet the left LIES about “tax cuts for the wealthy” as if only they benefit from the reforms. Why is that, exactly, if the left wanted to promote the ideal that they want to honestly discuss the topic?
No, no, no. Didn’t you read Mully’s post? They became FABULOUSLY wealthy since 2000, when they, according to Hillary, were DEAD BROKE. Or, was she lying? The Clinton’s took a $1 million deduction for charitable contributions… TO THEMSELVES. Bill raked in $500,000 for helping with the Uranium One scandalous sale of uranium to Russia. They take in hundreds of millions of dollars to their phony charity and use it as an ATM. Any of that strike you as “unfair”?
Anyone that supports those thuggish criminals does not deserve to have an opinion on tax reform.
The left isn’t lying. The wealthiest will be the primary beneficiaries of the tax reform proposals, and will benefit to a far greater extent. The average worker will receive relatively little benefit, and many will eventually see higher taxes as a result.
The cost of the cuts—around $1.4 trillion in additional debt—won’t be the problem of the wealthy, because the wealthy aren’t so reliant on the programs and services that will become too expensive to sustain.
It isn’t the left that has done the calculations and projections, by the way. They’ve been done by the CBO, and by a variety of non-partisan tax organizations.
Because it says so in Clinton Cash?
@Greg: According to Hillary’s released tax records, she and Bill donated $1,042,000 to charity last year. Of that, $1 million went to the Clinton Foundation. Since the charity spends on overhead, travel, salaries, etc. much more than they do on actual chatiry work, they effectively paid themselves. That comes out to 96% of charitable donations to themselves.
Oh, so we’re back to that. Again, since that tiny percentage of taxpayers get a tax cut, how does it add up to $1.4 trillion?
No, because that is what their IRS return showed.
@kitt, #59:
Really? Says who? Because the truth has repeatedly been demonstrated to be otherwise:
A fact which has been verified by way of examination of their own tax returns and the Clinton Foundation’s annual financial statements. Unlike those of Donald Trump, the Clintons’ tax returns have been made available for public inspection year after year.
I get so weary of Trump’s bullshit and outright lies getting a free pass, while the documented truth concerning his enemies is totally ignored in favor of disproved smears and rumors.
The Foundation pays for all their travel and lodging expenses. It is basically an ATM for the Clinton’s. 10% of the Foundation’s funds go to actual, real charity.
Trump’s returns have been made public. Problem is, you can’t find anything you want in them, so you keep demanding more. Well, go pound sand. Him graciously releasing more returns would be met with the same gratitude as when he gets three thugs released from Chinese prison. To hell with the dishonest left and their continuous search for something to whine about.
You need to rotate that 180 degrees, then you will be accurate.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #62:
When they’re traveling on Foundation business, why shouldn’t their travel costs be covered? They’ve personally donated far more to the Foundation each year than their travel costs have ever amount to. Their personal donations have run into the millions.
The 10% figure is load of manure. As was previously pointed out, it’s been documented that 80-90% of the Clinton Foundation’s total donated funds go toward the costs of the charitable activities themselves. Most of what remains goes to cover the Foundation’s fundraising expenses.
All of the three most respected charity review organizations in the United States give the Clinton Foundation very high ratings:
Charity Navigator conducts independent reviews of how charities utilize their funds and how transparent they are. They give the Clinton Foundation 4 stars out of a possible 4 in both categories.
Charity Watch gives the Clinton Foundation an A, which is their highest rating.
Give(dot)org, also known as the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance, gives the Clinton Foundation full accreditation, finding that it meets all 20 of their standards for Governance, Effectiveness, Financial Management, and Fundraising.
Those are the actual facts.
Want to read about a genuine “charity” fiasco? Look up the details of the Trump Foundation’s numerous problems. There’s a long list of serious improprieties—and nobody is making that stuff up.
Clinton Foundation has some issues with their financial reports. Shocking.
The colluders accuse collusion
More Clinton emails with classified information sent to Clinton Foundation that were not turned over to investigators
Contributions to the Clinton Foundation tank after Hillay’s defeat
Even if President, Hillary wants the Clinton Foundation to continue taking foreign money
Hillary aid sent Clinton Foundation classified information
Mills’ classified emails to Clinton Foundation to help Bill get speaking engagements
African money OK with Clinton, even from regimes she used to denounce
Clinton’s make charitable donations to… the Clinton’s
Clinton Foundation ripping off the Haitians
Clinton Foundation gets heads up about questions about Uranium One deal
Clinton’s used Haiti to filter millions in donations right back to themselves
Ten inconvenient truths about the Clinton Foundation
Most of the Foundation’s spending goes to travel, expenses and “other”
Charity Navigator gets favors from Clinton Foundation, then gives them 4-star rating
$140 million in donations, $9 million to charity
Clinton Foundation tax filings show only 10% goes to charity
Clinton Foundation contributions helps con man get $10 million to build houses in Haiti… which he stole
Clinton Foundation donors get fast access to State Department
Comey on board of HSBC, a bank connected with Clinton Foundation
The Foundation is a cloaking device to sell government influence. Hillary blurred the lines between the Foundation and the State Department, actually sending classified information to the Foundation. Contributions have tanked since Hillary no longer has any influence to peddle. Charity Navigator got favors from the Foundation in exchange for a favorable report. The others as well, probably. That’s how they work.
Trump didn’t use his foundation as a clearing house for US government influence. Hillary did.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #64:
Conspiracy theory is not reality. It doesn’t matter how many websites or propaganda outlets are pushing a false narrative; if it’s false, it’s still false. Facts remain facts. An absence of evidence isn’t proof that evidence is being hidden. Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton is Professor Moriarty, criminal mastermind. How do you account for the fact that no evidence can ever be found establishing the truth of their endless outrages, when they’ve been subjected to microscopic examination and investigation after investigation for decades?
Trump’s “charity” foundation is the subject of multiple investigations. The list of apparent legal and ethical issues and improprieties is long, and none are particularly difficult to figure out. Nobody is going give that operation their official seal of approval.
Trump tells his followers whatever they want to hear. He repeats what they already believe back to them constantly. They’re now at the point where they don’t even question what he says, no matter how unlikely:
Trump Says G.O.P. Tax Bill Won’t Benefit Him. That’s Not True.
Of course it’s not true. Anyone should be able to figure that out. But his base doesn’t.
@Greg: The Clinton Foundation is corrupt to its very… foundation. I’ve provided loads of evidence, and have loads more, but cluttering up the page with stuff you’ll cover your eyes while shouting, “LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA” would simply be a waste of time. The Uranium One investigation will break it wide open.
Nobody has provided any evidence. People have provided only stories and opinions. When there’s actual evidence, there are legal consequences.
There are many powerful people, private and elected, who would like nothing better than a Clinton take-down. They’re now in control of the House, the Senate, and the White House. So why aren’t the Clinton’s being prosecuted? Because there’s no actual proof of any of this b.s. You don’t go into a courtroom and start citing internet sources, books by political hack authors, and things you heard on radio talk shows. You’re expected to demonstrate that the charges are true.
It’s the opinion of my cousin’s husband that the subbasements of certain Las Vegas hotels and casinos are linked to Area 51 by a complex network of secret underground tunnels. The proof can be found on the internet. He’s heard first-hand accounts on late-night radio.
@Greg: Hmmm… yet you believe “stories and opinions” when accusations are made against Trump or Moore.
There is a BOAT LOAD of evidence. I have provided but a bit. The Clinton Foundation is so corrupt it is an open joke. Enjoy your delusional existence.
Why aren’t the Clinton’s being prosecuted? Because the government and, after so many liberal activist judges have been installed, the judicial system protects its own. Hillary lied, committed perjury, on video before Congress. Why was she not prosecuted for perjury? Oh… that’s right. Because “she didn’t MEAN to.”
Trump is different. He is not part of the club. He could very well have some of this open corruption actually prosecuted. We’ll see, but just because they get away with it doesn’t mean they didn’t do it.
@Greg: #67 not under LV under Denver International, keep your conspiracy theories straight. The laughed at Art Bell when he was reporting on EMP dangers , Monsanto, Government spying, NWO, Geoengineering and government controlled Media way back in the 90s.
The middle class and working class are being told they’re getting tax cuts. Yes, they will, but that’s not the full story. In fact they’re about to be set up for a massive shake down. Why aren’t the central facts known? In part, because the “hearing process” has been a joke:
FURIOUS Congressman Blasts Republicans’ Tax Cuts For The Rich
Listen closely to the questions and answers in the following exchange. They reveal the sort of things that have been well and purposely hidden:
Congresswoman masterfully exposes Trump tax scam as a giveaway to big corporations
Bernie tells it like it is, exposing some very inconvenient facts. The tax reform bill is being rushed through before the public can become aware of what’s actually in it. If they knew, it could never be passed. Everything he says about it is true. His predictions about what will necessarily follow are a clear warning.
Don’t even bother claiming this is the same thing that happened with the Affordable Care Act. It isn’t. The eventual passage of the Affordable Care Act was preceded by months of Congressional hearings and public debate.
@Greg: Boo hoo hoo. Hey, Greg; elections have consequences. The consequences of the last one was economic disaster. The consequences of this one is economic growth and prosperity.
What is Sanders saying that isn’t true?
Do you think the outcomes of the reform bill provisions that Representative DelBene’s line of questioning reveals are things that most voters would support?
Elections do have consequences. That is being demonstrated on a daily basis. Some people don’t seem to be able to figure out the long-term implications of what they’re seeing.
Everything. He is a socialist liar, just like Hillary is a money-grubbing liar.
Democrats know about raising taxes, wasting taxpayer money and raising more taxes. They do not know anything about economic growth; 8 years of Obama proved that. Just sit back and watch the growth happen.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #74:
McConnell says Senate has the votes to pass GOP tax bill
Mixed blessings. As in, small tax cuts that phase out by 2027, while those for corporations continue. Then your taxes will be even higher than before. And an additional $1.4 trillion added on top of current debt growth projections.
Bernie is right. They’ll come back in just a few years and explain that they can no longer afford the present levels of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Sorry about that. Hey, cutting those things has always been part of The Agenda. Now they’ll be made to do it. It can’t be helped. Because of that debt, which, being responsible republicans, they’ve always been trying to deal with.
Fortunately, if you’re one of the wealthy and permanent beneficiaries of the tax reform provisions, losing these benefits won’t bother you.
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) retains his integrity. He won’t vote for this scam. He’ll most likely be punished for it, and his principled stand soon forgotten.
EVERYTHING SANDERS IS SAYING IS TRUE. You haven’t even tried to demonstrate otherwise. Because you can’t. Nor can you demonstrate that anything Representative DelBene says isn’t true. Because she isn’t the one who’s answering the questions she’s asking. She’s cleverly making the man’s she’s asking reveal the truth.
While you were sleeping…
Republicans on Verge of Passing Tax Bill With Significant Revisions
Claire McCaskill reported earlier that Senate democrats had received their list of proposed amendments to the bill not through normal Senate channels, but from downtown lobbyists. That’s how locked down the process has become.
What do income taxes have to do with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid? They are self-funded. If liberals would stop handing that out to illegal immigrants that never pay into it or robbing the SS fund, there would be no issue. Bernie forgot to mention that, didn’t he; probably worrying about his wife going to jail for fraud made him forgetful.
Your evil “income inequality” became even more unbalanced under Obama. So, I guess you only like to see the wealthy benefit under failed liberal economic policies?
Hey, we simply have to pass it so see what’s in it. What’s so hard for Democrats to understand about that?
Blowing Up the Deficit Is Part of the Plan
“Starving the beast” is a name often given to this conservative strategy. It will be interesting when people finally figure out who will be expected to tighten their belts to pay for permanent corporate and high-end tax cuts.
Republicans have their own Obamacare now
I’m still waiting to hear how taxes going UP on millions of taxpayers and only less than 1% get a tax cut is going to increase the deficit. Which one of your many lying sources is lying, Greg?
Just the PROSPECT of this tax plan passing caused over 4% growth last quarter. Obama would have been cheering if he got 4% growth in a YEAR. Liberals do not understand economics, only confiscation.
I don’t know how you can compare this to Obamacare; people aren’t going to have to pay a $20,000 deductible to use their tax cut benefit.
The Trojan Horse in the Tax Bill
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #79:
No one has said that. What has been said is that households having average income will receive relatively low tax cuts that will phase out by 2025, while big corporations and the wealthy will receive tax cuts that are both far larger and permanent. The top 1% of all taxpayers will receive the greatest benefit of all.
Every non-partisan analysis of the tax reform bill has projected it will leave an enormous hole in the federal budget, even after new revenue resulting from economic stimulation is taken into account. The additional projected debt over a decade resulting from the tax reform bill alone ranges from a low of $1 trillion to a high of $1.8 trillion.
The tax reform bill as written is fiscally irresponsible. Which is to say, republicans are fiscally irresponsible. The distribution of the cuts is also stupid, assuming one really wants to aid average American families and encourage economic growth. It’s increased spending by average Americans that most increases the demand for goods and services, thereby boosting economic growth. Making the wealthiest 1 percent billions of dollars wealthier does not translate into an economically useful increase in demand, unless you’re in the business of selling Patek Philippe wrist watches or Kiton men’s suits. Multiple families spending the same money to buy clothes for their kids or a new minivan turns a lot more economic wheels. You’d think this would be obvious, just as you’d think the fact that republicans don’t really give a damn about debt and deficits would be obvious. These are just things they talk about to get relected.
Lots and lots of fear mongering speculation. Lots and lots of loser crybabying.
Yeah, that’s all that HAS been said. The middle class (the vast majority of the population) is going to get a tax increase. The wealthy (1%) is going to receive a tax cut. That’s that. So, where does the deficit happen? How can you raise taxes on the majority and suffer a deficit? Lots and lots of loser crybaby fear mongering.
The Democrats tried desperately to prevent a tax cut from being passed because it will result in benefits to the voting public and an economic growth explosion not seen for decades. Spending cuts will indeed follow, but these will not be to social programs, other than the savings of people going to work and getting off the welfare roles, swollen so under Obama.
Every argument the left makes against this reform package is rife with conflicts with reality and within their own argument. Why is it every time the Democrats lose, the American people win?
Did you have something specific to say countering the arguments that democrats made? Or countering the arguments that non-partisan tax and economic experts have made? Pointing at them and proclaiming them to be silly doesn’t actually count for much. At least outside of the delusional Trump propaganda bubble.
I guess Mexico really will have to pay for that wall now, since the tax reform bill alone will assure years of increasing deficits. Where’s money for increased military spending and Trump’s imaginary infrastructure renovation plan supposed to come from?
The ongoing effect of the tax reform bill, for 2027 and years following
Note what happens with the top 1 percent of American households—and with the top 0.1 percent, which would be the category the President and his family fall into. Bear in mind that this category will also benefit enormously from the permanent cuts to corporate tax rates.
Have you seen the list of tax loopholes the reform bill closes? Neither have I. I’m not sure there is one. There is, however, a short list of 7 new loopholes that those with the highest income will surely appreciate: Tax law creates at least 7 major loopholes that high earners can exploit
Yes. They are notorious goddamn liars. They lie with every breath. Aside from the afore mentioned question, which apparently NO ONE has any response to, they have been lying about the tax bill while it was still in conference, still being modified, still being debated and without ever having read it.
Of course, there is their credibility when they were passing Obamacare to refer to. They lied about every aspect of THAT calamity and we all know how THAT turned out.
Trump has business widely varied business interests all across the country. There is literally NOTHING that he could do that would not benefit some of his interests somewhere. You liberals simply need to get over this jealous obsession that someone else is going to have something you do not. That is a fact of life and, of course, you regularly support candidates that screw taxpayers out of millions of dollars for their own benefit (even selling vital national assets for their own profit), so someone making money is not your prime concern; in this case, it is Trump scoring a major victory that is going to benefit the entire nation and the Republicans for a long time to come that sticks in your craw.
WaPoo has also firmly established themselves as a left wing propaganda organ, so save your cuts and pastes; I do not regard them as a viable source of information. Like the Democrats in Congress, they too are goddamn liars.
After the Bush tax cuts, deficits went down for four years, up to the time of the recession (and Obama running up yearly trillion dollar deficits). Yes, it is fully possible and most probable that the economic growth Obama kept strangled will more than pay for the tax cuts.
The left, with their infantile exhibition of sore loser, crybaby, spoiled brat reaction to losing an election with the WORST candidate anyone ever considered running, have totally sacrificed their credibility (they lost their honor and character long ago) and make a transparent display of being simply against anything Trump tries to do.
Run in fear from that tax cuts. They are the death of the far left Democrat party.
Some people tend to feel that way when they notice their pockets are about to be picked.
Yeah, which is why this tax reform is such a great accomplishment. The pocket picking is being greatly reduced.
Oh, by the way…republicans also just destabilized the health insurance market with a tax reform provision that killed the Affordable Care Act health insurance mandate, and don’t have a freaking clue how to deal with the consequences. If nothing is done, millions of Americans will lose their health insurance, and premiums for those with non-group policies will rise at a projected rate of 10 percent per year.
Trump claims Obamacare is ‘repealed,’ as GOP puts off aid to insurers
I think they already tried and failed to do that.
Congress plans to leave for Christmas without funding the CHIP health program serving 9 million kids
Surely they’re smart enough not to let that happen.
The health insurance market was already destabilized… wrecked, in fact… by the ill-conceived Obamacare. Fixing this problem (another of Obama’s residual disasters) will be painful, but it has to be fixed nonetheless. Forcing people to purchase insurance they didn’t want and, with the sky-high deductibles, couldn’t use anyway, wasn’t working.
Don’t complain about the cost of repairs when you supported the destruction.
No, the market has in fact stabilized around the Affordable Care Act, which is now viewed favorably by more Americans than not. This shift of public opinion occurred earlier this year.
America’s largest health insurance providers, the American Academy of Physicians, the AMA, the American Hospital Association, and the Federation of American Hospitals ALL opposed repealing the individual mandate, and officially went on record saying so.
Repeal will create worsening instability, cause some 13 million Americans to lose their insurance, and drive costs for individual health insurance plans up by an estimated 10 percent per year over the course of a decade. People not directly affected will see their premiums rise more quickly, as costs of the uninsured are passed on to those who are.
Republicans have already demonstrated they aren’t capable of coming up with an acceptable replacement. What they’re doing here is kicking the existing system apart a bit at a time, figuring people will then accept whatever solution they offer to the problems that follow.
This is the same strategy they’re applying to social programs they don’t like, and will eventually apply to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. They’ll create a rapidly expanding revenue hole by way of tax cuts that line their own pockets, and then point to the lack of funds to rationalize draconian program cuts, blaming democrats for the entire situation. Their increased wealth will render them largely immune to the worst consequences.
@Greg: Obamacare is a disaster. Insurers are getting out, premiums and deductible have skyrocketed, doctors have stopped taking Medicaid patients and health care is being rationed. You can put all the lipstick you want to on it, but it’s still a pig. Oink.
4 Reasons You Should Be Disgusted by the GOP’s Immoral Tax Plan
You were told that all along by the “lying mainstream media,” weren’t you? You should have listened, because that’s precisely what the bill will do.
And were you thinking the tax code was really being simplified? That was only part of the sales pitch, like the claim that the average household’s return would fit on the back of a postcard. It may seem a bit simpler for the average household, since they’ve lost a number of those pesky deductions, but the tax reform bill actually added new complexity. There will be new angles for the tax lawyers of corporations and the wealthy to work, and very few of the current loopholes were actually closed.
Remember your complaint that nobody had read the Affordable Care Act before voting on it? This 400+ page bill was rushed through so quickly that parts of the final document were handwritten in the margins. When asked, most republican lawmakers couldn’t remember the breakpoints on the new tax table they had just voted for.
The Republican Tax Bill Doesn’t Actually Simplify The Tax Code
There’s something for people to remember about all of this, when the predicted long-term effects begin piling up. Remember it when millions have lost their health insurance,
deficits begin climbing, and they begin talking about unavoidable cuts in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. It was entirely the GOP’s doing, start to finish.
@Greg: Well, we had to pass it to see what’s in it. What’s wrong with that?
I guess we’ll see if slogans and one-liners have any real power to overcome facts and logical consequences.
The tax reform bill will actually do things. They aren’t what the sales pitch claimed. They’re what’s actually in the bill. I’ve yet to see you address any of that. I’m not sure there’s much awareness of any of that. Warnings were automatically written off as lies without further consideration.
Republicans are intentionally accelerating the failure of the nation’s social safety net and retirement and health insurance programs by running up more debt and funneling the proceeds upward. The people who will benefit the most from the tax reform scam—and on a permanent basis—are the same people who rely on those programs the least.
An explanation of how the republican tax reform bill works, in 1.5 seconds.
@Greg: I know you and the rest of the whiners wont use the tax cuts to your own advantage you will tell the government they can keep your money cause they know better how to distribute it, in fact you will give any refund due to you back to the treasury. Demand they take more.