On Podcast with Lt. Col. Bearclaw, Arnold Schwarzenegger Declares “Screw Your Freedoms”

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by Ace

An Authoritarian Austrian strongman/sexual weirdo. What could go wrong?

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a message for Americans who argue that face masks encroach on their rights: “Screw your freedom.””Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities,” the Republican former California governor said in a YouTube video released Wednesday. The action movie-star-turned-politician’s remarks were part of a discussion with CNN’s Bianna Golodryga and Alexander Vindman to promote Vindman’s new book, “Here, Right Matters.”
“We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’ When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious,” Schwarzenegger, 74, said.
The ex-bodybuilder likened opposition to face masks to bucking traffic laws.
“You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, that I have to stop at this traffic light here. I’m going to go right through it.’ Then you kill someone else, and then it is your doing,” he said.

Can’t wait until the damage this meathead imbecile did to his kidneys with steroids finally delivers some karma.

Below, Alexander Vindman’s wife.

Or is this Red Sonja? I can’t tell!

Via Kyle Shideler.
They all love celebrities so, so much. Even former celebrities like Grampa Achtung Trenbolone over here.
Via andycanuck:

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I voted Arnie in ’03. For 1 year he was the most conservative Gov in Cal history. 1 YEAR!
Then the Rove/Bush leftists got to him and told him he could be their man for President !
What? You say only native born! Neither of the 2 biggest votes getters in ’08 was “native born”!

When I heard him speak at the ’04 convention I said “Dr Jekyll meet Mr. Hyde!” He had made a 180 degree about face.

The last 18 years show that the Arnie I voted for was the fake. The real Arnie is Bush Republican seen here.

Yet it is not YOUR right to force me to wear a mask if I’ve been vaccinated and am asymptomatic just because it make YOU feel better.

If there was any data to show a strong and direct cause and effect of masks and transmission, Arnie might have a point.

As it stands, he doesn’t.

The Left is dead-set on using masks to further simple Marxism

Up your Shaft Arnold

arnie is a rapist, fraud, bugger, double-dealing arrogant pseudo-human. he has allegedly authored 21 books on health and vit’s., workout routines and equipment. recall him impregnating his maid?? recall his early homosexual life in the beginning of his body building career?? got to dig deep in this garbage’s history and read the foreign press.
Vindman lied his ass off and committed perjury during the bogus impeachment hearings. he violated the chain of command sooo many times he should have received a “dishonorable discharge. a grand piece of shit, now trying to boot-lick his way back into a political job.

Coincidence Arnie and Lt. Col are together? Hardly!

But, I would vote Arnie again if ’03 were redone. Davis was not the “Compassionate conservative” he implied he was!

I would not likely vote for Arnie in any other election.

I always liked Arnold. He made some great movies which is what he should stick to. However, someone who put steroids in his body shouldn’t be telling others what’s good to put in theirs.

One of the worst lying POS of a Governor should keep his lying mouth shut. Seeing as his dear daddy was a diehard NAZI.