BUFFALO, N.Y. (CBSNewYork/AP) — Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton turned the tables on a heckler Wednesday, in an effort to make a point about the need to find common ground to solve the nation’s problems.
During a speech at the University at Buffalo, Clinton first ignored the man’s shouts as she spoke of Buffalo as a model for problem-solving through cooperation.
“Because we can’t move from crisis to crisis, we have to be willing to come together as citizens to focus on the kind of future we want,” she said. As the shouts grew louder from an upper section of bleachers, she added, “which doesn’t include yelling. It includes sitting down and talking.”
You mean like this?
What difference does it make if she isn’t going to yell anymore? I mean really, what difference does it makee?
this one time shouting set the stage for her loss,
who else is running on her side,
enough with the DEMOCRATS POWER,
and get jobs for the PEOPLE FULL TIME AT LAST,
No need to YELL about it!
I generally prefer subtle sarcasm to yelling, but either can make for entertaining television. The Monkey Court accusation.
Meanwhile, back in the real world: According to the White House 700,000 people have thus far submitted applications under provisions of the Affordable Care Act.
@Greg: Please provide a more reliable source than “the whitehouse”. It is this same whitehouse that told America you can keep your doctor, you can keep your current insurance, and it will cost less than your paying now!! That’s just the lies about Obamacare!! BTW, how are you coming on providing proof that Romney cheated on his taxes as Dirty Harry accused him of on the floor of the Seanate?? Thougt so.
GEORGE SOROS LOVES HILL, what difference does it make? Nothing except that the kingmaker has crowned the Woman partially responsible for the death of Americans in Bengazi, among others, as the heir apparent to his highness “O”. It’s time for us to start YELLING and make a difference.
@Greg: Do you even READ what you link, Greg?
Note this from you own link:
So, according to this, POOR people and people with pre-existing conditions are bothering to go through the process to find out IF they can get FREE health coverage.
Scan through this expose because, one story is an anecdote, but this many are DATA:
One after another screams out at you.
Like Susan of Colorado:
And Alicia of Florida:
@Nan G, #8:
Why should I believe “Susan of Colorado” or “Alicia of Florida” are accurately reporting the facts?
When I go to Data.HealthCare.gov, scroll down the database chart to Florida, and then move right to examine Premium Adult Individual monthly rates for Florida’s various rating areas, I find a wide range of health insurance offerings at far less than the $900-$1400 she’s quoting—and the quoted amounts are before any government credit. I can’t even find a Florida plan for an individual with a premium that high. Apparently she’s selectively quoting family plan rates, cherry-picking those for the most expensive examples among them.
Susan of Colorado should find a different radio station to listen to. There are no death panels. Nor can insurers any longer cut people off when they’ve reached some arbitrary coverage limit, which they commonly did before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act became law. Corporate decisions such as those are about as close as we’ve come to death panels in this country, and they were brought to us by the free market system and the impulse to maximize profits.
If Hill becomes the next prez we’ll all be YELLING because she is the queen of government insurance and obamacare will morph into a single payer system. Then we’ll be standing in line with the canucks in Thailand trying to get an MRI because HILLIARY SAID THIS IS GOOD FOR US AND YOU MUST WAIT 16 MONTHS BEFORE GETTING AN MRI.
that is not to make all THE PEOPLE happy,
what if she”s right and you”r wrong,
what if she is a tea party and you”r a lib
THE DATTA GOES FIRST, SO???????????????????
How about Kirsten from DC? You know Kirsten Powers? I won’t call her a huge lefty, but she is definitely on the left.
I didn’t see a $1400 premium on data.healthcare.gov in Florida either for an individual either. But her statement says:
I’m guessing that she is not using the “royal” our.
Cool. Maybe in a few months the number of applications submitted (which isn’t the same as people actually buying insurance plans) will catch up to the number of people that have been sent cancellation notices. 300,000 cancellation notices sent in Florida alone this week from Florida Blue. Another 160,000 in California from Kaiser. Blue Shield California, 119,000. New Jersey is expected to lose 800,000 healthcare plans in 2014.
But you go ahead and cheer lead ahead Greg.