O’Keefe Files Suit Against Al Gore’s Current TV, Keith Olbermann, David Shuster

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Conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe filed suit for defamation this morning against Al Gore’s CurrentTV, as well as “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann and guest host David Shuster, for falsely referring to O’Keefe as a “convicted felon” and falsely reporting that O’Keefe had been accused of rape.


O’Keefe has not been charged with a felony, much less convicted of a felony, and he has not been accused of any inappropriate sexual or even physical contact. Both facts are a matter of public court record, and therefore the statements by Current TV, Olbermann and Shuster likely amount to defamation with actual malice.

According to the complaint (after the jump):

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& now Shuster is apologizing

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Keith O’s show is on 5 times per week on Current TV.
But in an entire week it only gets a total of 85,000 in the 25 through 54 demo.
That means only 17 thousand people even watch one of his shows!
Can he be guilty of defamation if he is, in effect, standing in front of his bathroom mirror and talking to himself?
Seems Keith and now apologetic David are scraping the bottom of the barrel for viewers.
Maybe one good lawsuit will put the whole network under.
If that’s the case, Go, Jimmy, Go!

As I said in the other related topic, O’Keefe needs to forget about monetary damages and instead sue for public apology, to be aired prior to each show, daily, for a year, with the apology approved by O’Keefe. As an addition, I’d sue also for inclusion of a full page apology to be placed within the major newspapers across the nation.

Olbermann and Schuster could look at it this way. It would be a big boost to their viewership share, at least for a little while until the novelty of seeing them grovel and whine on tv wears off.

But in an entire week it only gets a total of 85,000 in the 25 through 54 demo.
That means only 17 thousand people even watch one of his shows!
Can he be guilty of defamation if he is, in effect, standing in front of his bathroom mirror and talking to himself? Nan G

My how the mighty have fallen. Hard not to have a little schadenfreude glee at Olby’s abysmal ratings. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. I hope O’keefe takes what’s left of his and Shuster’s sorry reputations as well as that of Gore’s Current TV, along with a sizable chunk of their money. Who knows, maybe James O’keefe could end up owning Current TV, thus potentially saving the network from extinction, at least one not caused by Global Warming.
