Oil everywhere and not a drop for U.S. motorists – will it undo Obama?

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Despite his change of the U.S. economy into a hope-less version of Europe’s, President Barack Obama, the self-proclaimed fourth greatest president ever, could still be reelected.

Go figure. That may say more about us than it does him.

But despite economic woes, joblessness, so many people out of work for so long they quit looking, soaring debt and deficits and the looming threat of even worse on the horizon (ObamaCare), the likable but arrogant president could emerge victorious in November.


Unless gasoline hits $5 a gallon. That, we suspect, would be the straw that breaks the president’s back. If gasoline continues to be more expensive, even Mitt Romney, decidedly the least that the Republicans offer, could beat Obama in November.

Turn us into France, kill job creation, heap on us more bills and debts, OK. But if you raise the price of gasoline, you’re outta here!

The beauty of this scenario is it will be defeat at his own hands, voter rejection of his own making. He’ll be to blame for losing. All because he’s too ideologically smug to bend on his green faith.

Victor Davis Hanson has a column that gives a good explanation of the way Obama is killing his own reelection hopes by not changing his devotion to all things green and opposition to all things oil-ish.

Says Hanson: “I can understand why Obama is furious about the politics of oil, but frantically doing derrick photo-ops simply looks desperate and cynical. Far better would be to explain to the American people why his team once wanted higher fossil-fuel prices and why that was or is wise or is no longer true; and, why he has radically curbed new leasing on federal lands, and why that is wise or at least once was wise from 2009-12; and why tapping the reserve or getting other foreign nations to pump more is helpful in a way additional American production would not have been; and why he will insist on budget discipline and restore balance in the purchasing power of overseas dollars.”

The fact is, Obama wants you to think he’s responsible for more domestic oil being pumped, while the facts are just the opposite. His transparently foolish plea to the Saudis to pump more to reduce prices ignores the fact that an increase in U.S. production would have the same effect.

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I think the only way Obama wins is if he cheats which is a real possibility. The economy is an absolute wreck, unemployment is rampant with no relief in sight, and the poison pill that is Obamacare has started to be revealed as the sham the informed warned about.

Can Obama spin this crappy reality into a golden lie that enough voters will swallow?
If he can, then, yes, he can win re-election.
He’s tried it many times before and the WEB keeps showing up his lies.
But a lot of people don’t fact-check his lies.
Ever read this?
It is Federal Trade Commission’s consent agreements from five window manufacturers relating to their claims that consumers could cut their home energy bills by 40% to 50% with replacement windows alone .*
It’s really more like 7% to 15%, according to Consumer Reports.

But the LIE can go all the way around the globe before the truth can get out of bed and pull its pants on.
Obama’s counting on that.

We have to be fast AND accurate.

* REMEMBER the stimulus money did NOT pay YOU to recaulk your windows or put sealers around them YOURSELVES.
You had to pay (at the Bacon/Davis UNION rate) glasers to do the work. The stimulus money went to THEM!

This is really sad to say…I seriously don’t want to pay $5.00 a gallon for gas, but if it is an absolute to a pitiful Obama defeat… hell, I’ll pay $6.00 a gallon … and with much enthusiasm!

I think that the fake birth documents are problem that is gaining ground slowly, like Watergate, and will not go away. This will be his undoing.

As I’ve cited before, there’s plenty of gasoline in America—so much so that it’s become our number one export. And demand has decrease about 7%. Supply is up. Demand is down. According to the basic law of capitalism—supply and demand—prices should be reduce. Why aren’t they? I don’t think it can be blamed on Obama. But as soon as he tries to take some action to remedy the situation, conservatives will cry, Socialism!

Cite all you want, libzero… the amount of gasoline being refined hasn’t got whit to do with the price of a barrel on the global market. Supply is not up *globally*… it’s down, and the spare capacity is low. Global demand is up as well… primarily because so many nations subsidize their fuel prices post the refining process (i.e. Mexico as a prime example). The US consumption (different than demand) is not the indicator of the global market.

US consumption is down because prices are high.
Prices are high because barrel prices are high.
Barrel prices are high because of:

1: Global demand is up and spare capacity is low
2: Middle East volatility threatens oil production and/or shipment interruptions
3: Futures are betting on higher prices because of unfriendly government policies, regulations/taxes on new development of fields
4: The US dollar value is low, and Bernanke’s plan is to keep devaluing it as part of the Fed’s monetary policy for the next 10 years

You are obviously and woefully out of your knowledge comfort zone on this.

Lib#2 makes it so easy to score points for our side. It just doesn’t seem to understand that mindlessly regurgitating far left talking points that are easily destroyed only helps us.