Catherine Candisky:
Ohioans purchasing health insurance on a new online federally run marketplace will spend 41 percent more for individual coverage than they would have this year, according to the state Department of Insurance.
The online health exchange will offer more than 200 different plans from 12 insurance companies approved by the insurance department. Premiums will cost on average $332.58 a month in 2014, compared to $236.29 this year.
For small group health insurance plans, six companies offering 184 plans were approved to sell on the exchange. Those plans will cost on average $401.99 a month in 2014, compared to $341.03 this year.
And to add insult to injury, our poltical overlords have, as we all knew they were going to do despite the false claims of Ezekiel Emmanuel, exempted members of Congress and their staff workers from the economic impact of obamacare. Taxpayers will now, under an OMB ruling, be on the hook to pay 75% of the health care premiums of members of congress and their staff.
Because, you know, politicians just can’t be expected to pay for health care like all of us peasants.
Pete #1: That is one of the things that irks me the most. If we, the common folk, have to deal Obamacare then our fearless leaders and others should be under then same law. No exceptions or exemptions from BHO down.
@Old Guy:
I was at a medical conference last April where Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel ( former obama chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel’s brother) spoke. Of course he lambasted physicians and blamed us for the high cost of medical care, and told us just how great obamacare was going to be. When I asked how obamacare could possibly be so great if Congress was exempting itself and staffers from participating, he became visibly angry, accusing me of lying and not knowing what I was talking about, and stated that obamacare included a clause requiring Congress to participate. He was disingenuous to say the least, because that clause was added by a republican, not originally was it in the legislation, and he refused to acknowledge that congress had already been talking about “fixing” the law to allow itself to opt out of the onerous burden of obamacare. He was extremely rude and refused to answer when I asked again if obamacare was going to be so great, why did Sebelius give out thousands of waivers?
All this was before obamacare employer mandate was postponed until after the next election.
It is precisely this behavior on the part of our political overlords that clearly demonstrates their evil intent. They absolutely know obamacare will be economically and medically untenable, but they are hellbent on ramming it down our throats while exempting themselves and their ledtist supporters.
Obamacare delenda est.