Of Course: Anti-Weapon Crusaders Force North Dakota College’s Fencing Team Off Campus

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They’re doing this for your own benefit, you know.

“The current interpretation of the non-weapon policy [at] NDSU . . . understands our fencing equipment as weapons,” the club’s coach told Valley News Live, meaning that use or possession of the swords is prohibited and the club will have to find a home off campus.

It’s a new club, which is irrelevant. More relevant is the fact that none of the weapons used in fencing has an edge because, you know, this is a sport, not Game of Thrones.

The fencing club tried to argue that baseball bats were more serious weapons than a fencer’s slender, flexible, ball-tipped sport foil, and that argument was rejected by the college, for the usual reason: Because it’s True, and colleges are now officially opposed to things that are true.

Glenn Reynolds writes that colleges have become jokes.

Even fancy schools such as Harvard and Dartmouth have seen applications decline, with Dartmouth’s dropping 14% last year, a truly staggering number.It’s no picnic for public institutions either. “There have been 21 downgrades of public colleges and universities this year but no upgrades,” reported Inside Higher Ed. It’s gotten so bad that schools are even closing their gender studies centers, a once-sacrosanct kind of spending.


From the economics to the politics, colleges and universities are looking less like serious places to improve one’s mind and one’s prospects, and more like expensive islands of frivolity and, sometimes, viciousness. And that is likely to have consequences.

A Yale law professor penned a commencement address even though no one asked him to:

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It used to be that ignorant people went to college to become smarter. Now, people go to college and become dumber. Dumb enough to go into debt for the rest of their lives to achieve additional ignorance.


This statement is so true. I can’t think of a single employable skill that my 4 year education gave to me. Not one.

Symbolic dueling without even a possibility of harming one’s opponent.
Can archery be far behind?
The martial arts?

They’d better hurry up and outlaw irony then before it crushes them…