#OccupyPortland Man Places Small Child Between Himself & Police

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Coward is a good call!! Absolute idiot, wacho liberal, and total ass also qualify. Then again I understand how the likes of 0-bama, Michael Moore, and Pelosi relate to them. What I don’t accept is that these losers are somehow the same as the Tea Party Patriots.

Hey, look at the bright side. There is a demonstrated willing to learn capability… even if it is from the global Islamic jihad terrorist mentors.

Where is social services? This is child abuse. Put a child in danger?

It’s interesting how much time and energy are being devoted to rolling out anecdotal material intended to collectively discredit the entire Occupy movement. Lice, TB, STDs, theft, rape, murder, public defecation, vandalism, and willful child endangerment are apparently typical behavior of everyone involved, while their motives for sleeping on the ground night after night in the cold and rain of early winter obviously involve nothing more than irresponsibility, laziness, and a desire to comfortably party.

“Man uses child as human shield” is one observation. Another observation would be that there are women, children, and old people among the protesters. It’s a fact that an 84-year-old grandmother participating in demonstrations in Seattle was pepper-sprayed in the face by police. (That has been cheerfully rationalized in some circles with the observation that she was blocking a public street, and is a local activist. Hey, Tea Party people are activists too, right? If we remove “activist” from the equation, I guess we’re left with the idea that it’s OK to pepper spray 84-year-old grandmothers in the face for blocking a public street.)

If only half as much attention were being given to the fact that the bipartisan super-committees still haven’t accomplished squat. As the Thanksgiving Day deadline approaches, politicians on both sides are likely giving thanks for anything in the news that serves as a distraction. Every camera should be pointed in that direction.

Compromise is essential. If we want a balanced budget without a total breakdown of the system and a total breakdown of social order, across-the-board spending cuts will have to be traded for revenue increases. There’s no other way, and there will be hell to pay if no action is taken. What is it about this that people don’t get?

Truly a pathetic attempt to defend the indefensible, Greg. For as much time as you and your pals spent, trying to spin this type of behavior (that never happened) from the Tea Party, you seem determined to ignore what is in front of your face. Allow me to summarize:

1: Apparently professional campers have no responsibility for day jobs and paying bills, since they are free to pan handle/mooch, squat in public and private areas but not clean up after themselves, and spend time devising ways to interfere with real working Americans, attempting to make a living and do their jobs.

2: The rap sheets accquired by the infestant movement grows daily, and includes rape/sexual assault, theft, violence towards police, a disregard from simple laws for not obstructing others going out their daily tasks, drawing permits, and simply sanitary habits.

3: Those that expose their children to the winter elements for a cause that consists of nothing but whining about them not being as rich as others who actually work for a living is despicable, and a serious dereliction of responsible parenting. To put a child in the street as a “shield” and obstruction is reminiscent of terrorists, using innocents as shields to protect themselves.

4: They destroy the property of others without a thought. The real laugh is their particular damage to the Wells Fargo banks, where they house their own mooched money. How stupid can you get… not to mention hypcritical. Personally, I think that Wells Fargo should get a judgement for damage, and freeze their funds until they pay for the damage their “movement” as caused.

I also think they should be billed for the millions it’s costing city taxpayers to police these infestants. Hey, rescue operations are often billed out to those they rescue… especially when they have been known to take undue risks intentionally. However their refusal to acknowledge that they are dipping into funds already short for police, fire/rescue personnel and educators, leaving taxpayers further on the hook for budgets underwater, shows they are dumber than dirt. They complain about economy, jobs, and merely put a further drain on an already bad situation.

Frankly, as far as I’m concerned, these folks… all of them who spend more than hours or a day at ANY infestant rally… fall in the too stupid to vote category. That you give this movement, who festered this mentality and actions, an ounce of credibility is unimaginable. And that you spent much time maligning the Tea Party, who were perfect guests by comparison, shows you are blinded by your love of anarchy and mob rule.

As far as the joke of the “supercommittee”… no disagreement. After all, as I’ve repeatedly said, and the infestants are too stupid to recognize, the problem is not business, corporations or capitalism. It is in Washington DC. Still no budget, and still temporary extensions to keep government “running”.

This committee won’t come up with anything to reverse the economic trends as long as there is a hairline of difference between establishment GOP and the progressive Dems when it comes to central government size and spending, and as long as this temporary denizen remains in the WH. A “compromise”, as proposed by you, is no cure. Without serious reform of entitlements and the tax code, and a slashing of the size of government in general, we will continue down the path of Euro-socialist nations.

@Greg: t’s a fact that an 84-year-old grandmother participating in demonstrations in Seattle was pepper-sprayed in the face by police.

Oh Greg… you missed your opportunity to ratchet up the violins by including “the priest” and “the pregnant lady”. LOL

Tell me, Greg, what do you suggest the police do with mob rule who are blocking the streets during rush hour, infringing on everyone else’s freedoms, and ignoring repeated warnings to move, or be the proud recipient of pepper spray? Police in Seattle are no strangers to mob rule and violence, being the site of plenty of the same mob rule during the WTO riots in 1999 by these same type of anarchists.

I have no sympathy for the woman, the priest or the pregnant lad, Greg. If you intend upon joining those, stepping on other’s rights, in “solidarity”, refuse to obey police instructions to move, then enjoy your pepper spray. She’ll live to step on someone else’s rights tomorrow. No fear.

As far as this being their “Kent State” moment… falls short big time. She’s not even much “the face” of the movement. I’d say the guy taking a dump on the cop car holds that position.

Now, I’m going to ask you this again, Greg. How do you expect cops to handle mob rule, who refuses to stop stepping on the rights of others? No running away. I’m just dying to hear your solutions to inconsiderate and illegal mobs.

November 19, 2011; Police pepper-spray passive students

The students might be doing this purely for it’s recreational value. Or, lice-ridden moochers that they are, perhaps they’re calmly waiting for their free pepper-spray delousing at the taxpayers’ expense. Possibly they’ve heard that inhaling a direct facial blast of pepper spray is a cheap high. There must be some such explanation. Obviously no one would passively accept this sort of treatment just to make a point. In the first place, that would require that they have some sort of point to make. It would have to be something that they considered fairly important.

@MataHarley, #7:

I have no sympathy for the woman, the priest or the pregnant lad, Greg.

If a lad is indeed pregnant, he has my deepest sympathies.

Now, I’m going to ask you this again, Greg. What how do you expect cops to handle mob rule, who refuses to stop stepping on the rights of others?

That would depend entirely upon the degree of misbehavior. If you’re destroying property, the police should haul your individual butt off to jail. If you’re sitting quietly on the ground to make a point, a policeman pepper-spraying you point-blank in the face is probably unwarranted.

I’m going to ask you again, Greg. The infestants/occupiers/protestors are those who refuse to leave their illegal squatting digs when ordered (UC Davis), mobs that refuse to leave the streets during rush hour, inconveniencing others, when ordered (Seattle), and mobs that are terrorizing people in banks, blocking exits of convention halls… all infringing on the rights of others.

What do you want the police to do? They requested, they ordered, and they warned. Obviously you are one who doesn’t mind when anarchist mob rule infringes on others. Perhaps because it’s not you who’s inconvenienced?

Frankly, I think the police are being far more kind than I in the same situation. Block my car, I’ll run you down. Come to destroy my property, and I’ll be using my firearm as a deterrent. Pepper spray is not only inordinately kind, it’s what they wanted so they could suck saps like you into their plea for sympathy.

Again, Greg. What do you want police to do with faced with mob rule? Those who will not vacate when ordered?

Again, Greg…

Please see #8.

I don’t disagree that lines need to be drawn. Responses should not have the effect of ratcheting up the levels of tension, however.

I trust that any aggressive police actions against passive Occupy protesters will not arouse outrage if the same thing happens next summer to passive Tea Party protesters. Likely they’ll come out again to stand up for Tea Party republican principles as soon as the weather is sufficiently pleasant.

They thought one of the lads was pregnant, but it was just a bad case of mustard gas. A quick thinking cop sat on his belly to restrain him during his contortions brought about by the pain; the condition was lessened almost immediately, but several of the tents in the immediate area had to be abandoned.

Greg: That would depend entirely upon the degree of misbehavior. If you’re destroying property, the police should haul your individual butt off to jail. If you’re sitting quietly on the ground to make a point, a policeman pepper-spraying you point-blank in the face is probably unwarranted.

You expect they are cooperating for being arrested? They aren’t even cooperating moving so that others can be on their way.

So I take it you offer absolutely nothing for a solution. They are “sitting quietly” blocking streets, or refusing to vacate their illegal squatters location, and you want police to do nothing and just let them sit there?

Thanks for standing up for the rights of illegal mobs, and dissing the rights of the rest of us, Greg. Enjoy your pepper spray, if you attend. You will not find me upset in the least.

But very funny about the pregnant lad… LOL