#OccupyOakland Protesters Arrested on Thanksgiving After Attacking Police

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Just as obama said last week when heckled bu the OWS protesters, “you are the people I’m fighting for.” Nitwits all. The catch and release of these anarchists must stop. Breaking the law must have consequences. Thank you Mayor Bloomberg for allowing this to start, thank you all other prog Mayors that are allowing this to fester.


It has been allowed to fester, BBob, good use of illustration.
I have heard that Los Angeles mayor Villaragosa (sp?) has finally hit his limit.
Come Monday we MAY see the clearing of the (used to be lawn) area in front of LA City Hall.
Photojournalist Ringo may have had a lot to do with it, too.

@NanG#2 Thanks for the Link – I had to copy Ringo’s excerpt pasted below because although I was only looking at the Videos, he was actually there…How can these people stand it??? Total insanity… OMG OMG!!

“With the chanting, and the yoga, and the chemtrails, and the pot smoke, and the megaphones, it was like a crazy nightmare. And while all this was going on, the big, bearded guy who had been trying for an hour to give his speech about the communists controlling the address system on the main stage, had walked up the steps and was standing in front of the yoga holding his arms crossed over his head with clenched fists. In the new sign language of the occupation movement, this gesture means “unacceptable”.”

The Bearded guy was a brave soul. But he is spot on. One of the videos stopped dead just when he was getting to a good part, I don’t know why the video just stopped… I was wondering why he didn’t tell them to go start a commune out in the desert….that they could start their “own” community and be happy…. although they would have to do a lot of “work” and I do not believe that is in their Agenda, nor Ideology…

After seeing this I am more convinced then ever these people are Lazy, Pot Smoking Losers who want nothing more than a free ride….They all seem physically able to hold a job…

One sign I saw said something about not having ‘experience with a job’ /’can’t get a job without experience” …

OF COURSE you CAN get A JOB without EXPERIENCE, it’s called ENTRY LEVEL.. Idiot!!

ALL these people are a TOTAL MESS – They need to clean up their own act before they can clean up the world – Duh! Ugh!

More evictions:
Philadelphia mayor gives Occupy Philly 48 hours‎

Occupy Montreal protesters evicted from camp
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa ordered the shutdown of the Occupy LA encampment on City Hall grounds at 12:01 am Monday

Nan G.
yes in THE big CANADIAN CITIES, they closed their parking places for the owl