Yesterday afternoon I went to check on how “Occupy Harvard” was doing. Not so well. It had been left vacant, again.
Not simply, as I’ve documented previously (e.g., November 12, November 18, andNovember 19), in the relatively early morning. That was perhaps understandable given that after the first couple of nights few, if any, of Harvard’s “space occupants” were actually sleeping in the tents. No, this time I found the site vacant in the middle of the afternoon, while there was considerable foot traffic through Harvard Yard, so that many people could notice the non-occupation.
Don’t take my word for it; you can view the minute-and-a-half video I shot while circling the site here. Note that at about 0:30 I show you the inside of the huge blue geodesic dome dominating the site which the space occupants seem quite proud of (see here and here). On the outside the dome states that it’s “OCCUPIED,” but on the inside . . . well, you’ll have to watch the video.
Here are some photos documenting the continuing non-occupancy of “Occupy Harvard”: (1) wide shots, which show various people in Harvard Yard even on a rainy day (everywhere, it seems, except at the “occupation”) here, here, and here; and (2) closeups documenting the state of the camp, and no visible occupants (not even at the info desk inside the center tent), here, here, here, and here.
In viewing these photos (and my earlier photos documenting the non-occupation of the site) it’s worth keeping in mind the commitment expressed at the top of the homepage of “Occupy Harvard”: “Occupy Harvard is located in Harvard Yard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
Also, I took a few photos showing that the gates to Harvard Yard are still barred to those lacking Harvard i.d.s, due to an “encampment” which hasn’t been taken down even though it’s not occupied in any meaningful sense — and in particular, showing the impact on tourists who would like to see the Yard but must settle for taking photos through the gates. See here, here, here, and here. I shot a brief video of a tour group which was unable to get into the Yard, which you can view here (the Harvard Crimson has a video about the impact of “Occupy Harvard” on tourists, here.)
And now for my substantive point. ”Occupy Harvard” being left vacant in the middle of the afternoon, less than a month since its launch, is a concrete example of the downside of the anarchic governance model at the heart of the “Occupy” movement, which is also at the heart of its failure to achieve anything of consequence. At the November 18 so-called “General Assembly” of “Occupy Harvard” I saw the future of so-called “participatory democracy” or “deliberative democracy” — the governance model suggested by anarchists who were involved in the early planning of “Occupy Wall Street” (see here) — and it does not work, not even at Harvard. And if it cannot not work even at Harvard, when applied by people who strike me almost without exception as intelligent, principled, and public spirited, then I doubt it can work anywhere.
Sort of funny. Reminds me a little of a particular lefty activist at my university campus, who would start ‘hunger strikes’ that fairly quickly devolved into juice fasts and then ordering of pizza (which I suppose still left him hungry part of the day).
The only thing I disagree with is this guy’s assessment that Harvard students would be the ideal people to make deliberative democracy work, and if they can’t do it no one can. That’s some pretty big Harvard egomania, right there. I know some Amish who would have a much better shot at it than a bunch of (grantedly very intelligent) young, mostly rich kids.
Zombie found the same satire at a Occupy he went to… BUT… HARVARD? Students sleeping out in the RAIN, MUD??? You kidding??? Would our defunct Pres have been doing that?? Noooooo… He would be [just like the rest of them] sleeping in a nice dry be in a warm house/dorm.
They make it [“Look” ] OR [ “Sound” ] like they are doing that but, it’s just the [“Opposite” ]…let the other sheeps do THAT dirty work….
Where were the Occupy Harvard people on Wednesday, November 7? Some of them were here, possibly: