Two Occupy Wall Street protesters, one a key leader of the movement, stayed at a swanky, $700-per-night New York City hotel while their fellow protesters camped out in Zuccotti Park, the New York Postreported.
Peter Dutro, a member of Occupy Wall Street’s finance committee, and Brad Spitzer, a California-based analyst who attended demonstrations during a business trip, both stayed in the W New York Downtown Hotel last week, with Spitzer reportedly opening his room up to other protesters as well.
According to its website, the W calls itself “the ultimate urban extravagance” with a state-of the-art entertainment system and 350-thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, goose-down comforters and pillows. It even invites guests to unleash their “inner Gordon Gekko” in the fitness center, a reference to Michael Douglas’ character in “Wall Street.”
The Post reported:
“Tents are not for me,” [Spitzer] confessed, when confronted in the sleek black lobby of the Washington Street hotel where sources described him as a “repeat” guest.
This dovetails nicely with these stories about how few are actually IN their tents at night:
The thermal images that prove 90% of tents in the Occupy camp in London are left EMPTY overnight
Occupy Toronto is a Potemkin Village
Conservative Ezra Levant took an infrared camera down to Occupy Toronto and discovered nearly all the tents are empty
Nice pics at sources.
Hypocrisy, they name is OWS.
The OWS fiasco is if nothing else is a peek into the life and times of a prog. They are the antithesis of what they try to project, They shout for freedom of speech and yet they squash any dissent. They call for peace and non violence and yet they destroy and vandalize. They want you to share the wealth but they will not share theirs. Progs, that label describes a reptilian life form, perfect analogy.