We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men, women, and transgendered—and any other human who is able to elude the tyranny of work for a couple of weeks—are created equal. We gather to be free not of tyranny, but of responsibility and college tuitions. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that a government long established and a nation long prosperous be changed for light and transient causes. So let our demands* be submitted to a candid world.
First, we are imbued with as many inalienable rights as a few thousand college kids and a gaggle of borderline celebrities can concoct, among them a guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment and immediate across-the-board debt forgiveness—even if that debt was acquired taking on a mortgage with a 4.1 percent interest rate and no money down, which, we admit, is a pretty sweet deal in historical context…
…but down with the modern gilded age!
We demand that a Master of Fine Arts in musical theater writing, with a minor in German, become an immutable human right, because education is crucial and rich people can afford to fund unemployment checks until we find jobs or in perpetuity, whichever comes first.
We demand a minimum wage of $10, no … make it $20. We earned it. And we demand the end of “profiteering,” because there is no better way to end joblessness than stopping the growth of capital. We also demand a maximum wage law, because selfish American dreams need a firm ceiling.
We demand the institution of direct democracy, because if a bunch of people say it’s OK, it’s OK. And everyone deserves to have his or her voice heard. Except Mr. Moneybags, who we demand stop contributing his own money to candidates we disagree with, to issue groups we loathe, and to lobbyists who do not work for organizations featuring “Service,” “Employees,” “International” and/or “Union” in their title.
Have you noticed the Occupy Wall Street crew is almost a pale as the MSNBC and NYTimes Editorial Board line ups?
This is one of 61 photos the Washington Post put in their photo gallery.
NOTE what is printed on the bottom of the poster: SOCIALIST PARTY USA
Anyone surprised?
I can relate to quite a few of the Wall Street protest signs.
One of my favorites: “I can’t afford my own politician, so I made this sign.”
Supposedly the stupidity is coming to Madison Wisconsin this Friday with “Occupy Madison”
I have been trying to hire decent employees for the manufacturing plant I manage all summer and have only gotten a few,and I mean very few, good candidates. Many of these jobs I am trying to fill pay 18 to 20 bucks an hour but I can’t fill them unless I am willing to settle for somebody who shows up most of the time and is breathing.
But we have plenty of time to protest against “the man”. I honestly thought about going down and handing out applications but I dropped the idea. These are the kind of people who feel they are entitled, they aren’t actually going to work for something.
It’s frustrating that in this down economy you would think you would be swimming in job applications but I think people have gotten used to sitting around and collecting their checks.
@Bobachek: As a loyal Husker, my hats off to Wisconsin for an absolute drubbing!! You beat us at every aspect of the sport and best of luck for the rest of the season. You have a great team there!!
Living here in California I have also come to admire your Govenor who has shown the kind of courage and smarts that will serve your state well. Won’t be moving any time soon though cause the wearther here in Carlsbad, CA is exceptional.
Keep the faith and hope for a brighter future come the next Presidential election as we send 0-bama and his blame game politics back to the sewer from wence it came.