Obama’s Strange Love Affair with the Muslim Brotherhood

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Roger Simon:

It’s hard to fathom how or why our administration ever thought the Muslim Brotherhood saw democracy as other than a means to an end — and a particularly repellent one at that — in the first place.

It’s not as if the MB is subtle. They have proclaimed who they are since their founding by Hasan al Banna in 1928 and have not wavered in any significant way since in their global jihadist goals. They have also been unstinting in their massive misogyny, homophobia and rigid support of Shariah law über alles (quite literally über alles, since the Brotherhood were — virtually the last still unrepentant — allies of Hitler in WWII).

You know, liberal stuff.

Democracy, as their kissing cousin Turkey’s Erdogan so blithely explained, is “like a streetcar. When you come to your stop, you get off.” Or, as one of the Brotherhood’s own internal documents put it in that oh-so-distant year of 2007, they (the MB) are dedicated to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house.”

That’s from the Muslim Brotherhood’s “General Strategic Goal” for North America. The “miserable house” of Western civilization of course includes all the tenets of classical liberalism and most of those laterally paid lip service by today’s soi-disant “liberals” (rights of women, rights of homosexuals, freedom of expression, ad tedium, ad hypocrisia).

And yet those same liberals — not to mention the increasingly addle-brained John McCain who seemingly can’t tell an al-Qaeda operative from Paul Revere — are suddenly pounding Saharan sand in outrage at the extreme treatment of the Brotherhood at the hands of the mean Egyptian military.

Give me the proverbial break!

The only hope for democracy in Egypt — and it’s a mighty slim one, maybe the size of a third of an M&M crushed under a camel — is the military. At least they’re not insane.

Nevertheless, the president of the United States is not amused. We read our government is secretly “reviewing” our support of Egypt. They are urging the Egyptian military to negotiate with the Brotherhood, the same religious fanatics who evidently just told 24 Egyptian policemen to lie face down in the Sinai desert and summarily executed them, the same madmen who are running all over Egypt burning down Christian churches.

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I feel so sorry for Roger L. Simon at PJMedia.
A few months ago he announced he was retiring from publishing there.
But, in the time since, he has pulished as much, if not more, than he used to!
He feels compelled.
I understand it.
But it would be great if someone younger would pick up the reins a bit more for him.

That said, on Obama and the MB, it does seem as though Obama has favorites among the Muslim terrorists of the world.
He is more than willing to drone to death al Qaeda members, even American-born ones.

But he bends over backward for Hamas and the MB.
Since Obama has 5 years of a record of actions, the pattern is pretty clear.

Other Obama favorite terrorists?
His brother, Malik, is the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) .
The IDO has been created by the Sudanese Government, which is considered by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist state.
This places Malik Obama in bed with terrorists and working as an official with a terrorist state.
This brother is the one Obama’s IRS fast-tracked for his charitable status for the foundation.
The foundation is NOT doing anything for widows, orphans or people with HIV/AIDS, as advertised.
Its money supports Malik and his 12 wives in a hotel in Kenya.
And any ”dawa” Malik does is in behalf of spreading Wahhabist Islam across the African continent.

Nan G
it’s like a bad dream and it’s real awake or asleep,
the danger is there also, you cannot walk without checking over your shoulder,
and you cannot trust any words from the WHITE HOUSE,
time have change for the worst, AND WHO CAN FIX IT?
CONSERVATIVES here suspected the bad thing coming to hit THE PEOPLE,