Obama’s Second Term Agenda Pamphlet Omits Immigration Reform

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John Sexton @ Big Government:

Obama made a major immigration speech last year casting the need for reform in economic terms and explicitly connecting it to jobs and the middle class. But the glossy jobs booklet the President is promoting in swing-state appearances makes no mention of the topic at all, even as he continues to say it will be a first year priority in his second-term agenda.

How is it possible that our color blinded POTUS managed to miss any reference to Immigration Reform in his 20+ page glossy rendition of his “Plan” for the next four years? Was this payback to Univision? As an American of Cherokee descent (yes – I must be related to Elizabeth Warren (not/never)), I know well that our wannabe “Buffalo Soldier” has now informed our Spanish descendent fellow Americans that he has no interest in even attempting to address any of the vexing illegal Alien issues facing our country. As President Reagan said, “There you Go Again”.

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Obama’s pamphlet is backfiring on him when even CNN debunks it!

CNN’s Erin Burnett’s original October 22 segment noted of a new Obama campaign brochure, then she took only four minutes to destroy the Obama administration’s claim that the president’s budget plan would eliminate $4 trillion in deficit spending over the next decade, a television segment that sent the Obama campaign into damage control mode for the past week.


Money (heh) quotes:

The money spent in Afghanistan and Iraq was largely borrowed, [in] the President’s words “put on a credit card.” And he even wrote that in his glossy. So how can the President save the money which was borrowed in the first place? And how can he save money that he never intended to spend, since the administration has long said it would end those wars? It doesn’t add up.


Here’s the problem. Some of these ideas still don’t add up. So let’s take the core of it: The President’s tax and deficit plan. According to the glossy, and I’ll read it here, “President Obama’s plan reduces the deficit by more than $4 trillion over the next decade.” How, you might ask? Well, first, the President includes a trillion dollars in spending cuts already signed into law last year. So those are cuts already on the books, no matter who’s in the Oval Office.


The non-partisan CBO analyzed this budget, and I’ll quote them, “Over the 2013-2022 period, the cumulative deficit that would result from enacting the President’s budget – $6.4 trillion (or 3.2 percent of GDP) — would be $3.5 trillion larger than the cumulative deficit projected under current law.” So that’s three-and-a-half trillion dollars in new borrowing they have to pay for before they even start the $4 trillion in cuts.