Debra Heine:
For the entire eight years of Obama’s presidency, we witnessed an obsequious MSM that only very reluctantly reported negative news about their hero, dropping problematic stories like a hot potato at the first opportunity. Thus, Obama’s many scandals became old news in a matter of weeks.
It is largely because of this that Obama and his minions can casually drop an absurd whopper like this and not be challenged on it:
Top President Barack Obama White House advisor Valerie Jarrett said in an interview with CNN Sunday that his administration has not seen a single scandal.
“The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” she said on Fareed Zakaria GPS.
“That’s because that’s who he is, that’s who they are, and I think that’s what really resonates with the American people,” she continued.
Obama and his team must be worried about his legacy now that he is on the way out the door and a Republican administration is coming in to “drain the swamp,” because he and his toadies have been pushing this nonsense about his “scandal-free” presidency for months, now.
The fake narrative first emerged in 2011 when liberal journalists trotted it out ahead of Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.
“Love President Obama or hate him, he’s run a tight ship and to date has been scandal free,” said Washington Monthly’s Steve Benen with a straight face in May of 2011.
The rest is here
Valery Jarret’s delerious as she is dumb must be those rainbows and unicorns or perhaps she has been smoking wacky weed from her hooka these liberal demacrats are more stupider then a sack of stones
It is no wonder that so many liberals were stunned at the results of the election. They live in a different world than real people, wear very dark glasses, keep their fingers in their ears and likely use copious amounts of chemicals in their daily diet.
To be fair, only liberals are parroting this inane narrative and, to a liberal, inciting violence against conservatives, using the IRA to attack conservatives, gross abuse of taxpayer funds, running guns in order to try and discredit the 2nd Amendment, bold-face lies to protect and promote the liberal agenda, weakening and endangering the military, foreign policy which weakens the United States is not scandalous. It is, in their eyes, what every totalitarian, oppressive central government does.
It’s their job.
Scandals? We don’t see no scandals!
@Bill- Deplorable Me: I think Obama’s admin was the most corrupt with it’s scandals since the Clinton admin with all the sex in the White House involving the rapist in chief.
The only explanation for Jarrett is 1. either she’s stupid, or 2 she doesn’t know what the word scandal means. or 3. She’s a liar.
All choice’s are essentially equal.
@RedTeam: Is “all of the above” an option?
The first order of business of your newly-seated republican-majority House was an out-of-the-blue effort to deep-six the independent Office of Congressional Ethics. Remember all that stuff about “draining the swamp?” Did they imagine that would go unnoticed?
Note to Congress: Please try to be less frickin’ stupid. Perhaps you should appoint an official stupidity monitor before proceeding with any other hare-brained moves, of which I understand you have compiled a long list.
Well, Trump did and he put a stop to that sh!t. He was the one ”draining the swamp’ not the lilly livered Rino’s in congress.
So I’m sure Trump would be proud of you admiring him for standing up for what he promised.
@Greg: Remember all the punishment heaped upon Charlie Rangel? Yeah, me neither. However, these “watch dogs” are always ready to pounce on a Republican, leveling whatever imaginary charges they can concoct, then let public opinion do the rest.
@Greg: #6
@Greg: #6
The reason Obama can get away with a statement like this is because the coordinated leftist television and print media did their best to bury, minimize and defend all of the wrongdoing committed by their friends in the administration. They’ll be taking the opposite approach now. Scandals will abound, even where there are none.
The latest the “intelligence agencies that accuse Russia of hacking havent looked at the DNC server, but hey lets start WW3 real evidence be damned.
Oh Podestas password, p@ssw0rd how clever! No hacker said ever.
@kitt: well, after 3 hours before the Senate intelligence committee, (intelligence committee is sure a misnomer with McCain(dumb as a post)chairing it) what is the evidence? Not one single piece of evidence that Russia had anything at all to do with it. Not one word.
@RedTeam: We knew that, so far AGAIN this admin has lied too bad you cant see my shocked face! The emails changing the election when the MSM that liberals were watching did not report on Wikileaks. 2 different Email scandals way confusing for most of them.