Michael Potemra:
What do Tim Tebow, Pope Benedict XVI, and President Obama have in common? The mainstream-media complex, as represented by one of its bellwether glossies, is decidedly unimpressed with all three of them.
They all appear on GQ’s list of the 25 Least Influential People, or, as the article’s subtitle has it, the leading “impotent megalomaniacs.” The conservative Protestant quarterback and the conservative Catholic pope do not come as a surprise; but the comment about Obama indicates how far the progressive president’s stock has fallen. Quoth GQ: “He can blame Republicans in Congress all he likes and get away with it because congressional Republicans are the worst. But the fact remains that I have spent the majority of this man’s presidency watching bad things happen, then hearing a thoughtful speech about how we gotta make sure the bad things never happen again, and then watching as nothing gets done. Next time there’s an election, I want Nate Silver to analyze the data and tell me who to vote for so that I don’t end up casting my ballot for a very eloquent hat stand.”
Yes: Obama, who started out as a guy whom even some of his intelligent ideological opponents believed had a “first-class intellect and first-class temperament,” is now compared by his allies to “a very eloquent hat stand.”
How could obama’s puppeteers not know that by restricting the propaganda media like they did, that the propaganda media would turn against the marionette. They were brainwashing the public for obama, then they were told that they will no longer be allowed to take pictures, and that the administration will give them the pictures to show to the world.
Could it be that the puppeteers figured that the propaganda media was ready for the next stage of forming a full propaganda brainwashing machine where they would only print what they were told to? Is is also possible that the propaganda media FINALLY figured this out, and didn’t like what they saw coming? Is also possible that they saw that their ratings were dropping as fast, or faster than obama’s, and they had to do something to get the viewers, listeners, and readers back? Will the propaganda media not be the propaganda media any more? Will they actually start reporting the NEWS, and become a news media?