Obama’s Orlando Response Proves He’s In Denial About Terrorism

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D.C. McAllister:

In a speech Tuesday, President Obama asked, in defensive tones, “That’s the key, they tell us. We cannot beat ISIL unless we call them radical Islamists. What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change? Would it make ISIL less committed to try to kill Americans? …So someone seriously thinks that we don’t know who we are fighting?”

No, Mr. President, you don’t know whom you’re fighting. When you refuse to say the name, to call a thing what it is, you give it power. Just ask Lord Voldemort. Refusing to speak the name reeks of fear, denial, and distraction. When you call out someone for who he is and what he believes, you are exposing him. You’re saying, “I know you. I know where and how to find you. And I will destroy you.” It empowers us and weakens them.

Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people in a gay nightclub, told us exactly who he was. He pledged allegiance to a foreign enemy who has been our adversary since before 9/11. They are radical Islamists, who are committed to violent jihad. Of course they leave off the modifier and simply call themselves Islamists or soldiers of Islam. Out of respect, maybe we should do the same. How a person identifies himself is what matters to the rest of us, and we can’t impose another identity on them against their will. So Islamist it is.

Identifying Them Is the First Step

Mateen was an Islamist who believed, like others of the same faith, that Allah’s command to kill unbelievers is their “code of ethics.” That means killing homosexuals, Christians, Jews, secularists—anyone who is not of Islam. The United States, being a powerful, hedonistic country, is at the top of the list.

Obama asks what difference does it make what we call our enemy. I’ll give you one example as reported at PJ Media. Law enforcement in Orlando failed to detect this killer because they “never guessed” a gay club would be targeted by jihad. How blind can you be, given the fact that Islamists kill thousands of gays in the Middle East every year, throwing them from buildings and beheading them (along with Christians, Jews, and Muslims)?

Putting homosexuals to death is part of Islamic commands. This is known, as the Dothraki would say. The text Abu Dawud says regarding homosexual behavior, “kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.” Another text by Muhammad says “stone the upper and the lower, stone them both.”

Yet law enforcement in Orlando were ignorant of this well-known fact. TheEast Orlando Post reported Sunday a statement by James Copenhaver, a veteran investigator and former Orlando law enforcement officer, that gay clubs were completely off the radar.

I have been in this business for 30 years, and we all in law enforcement have talked about one of the theme parks getting hit by these terrorist killers. Never in all my years of training, and being involved in several investigative units, to include the FBI Task Force, would we have ever guessed a LGBT club be a target of an terrorist attack.

If they had actually known who the enemy is, if our counter-terrorism strategy allowed for radical Islam to be used and its adherents investigated, they would have known for a fact that homosexuals were a target.

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Wake up-schools are next. Read Dorn’s book Innocent Targets. paul ryan should be censored and removed-bigger tern that the fool and his drama skills are so poor. he really needs to take some acting classes. Operantem et uanitate et fabula. he is not a good actor-no academy award for sucking up to the pres.

More gun control and gun confiscations is not the answer but yiu can always bet these braindead liberal demacrats will demand more gun control becuase liberal demacrats are stuck in Stupidland

“Obama asks what difference does it make what we call our enemy.”

No, he explained why it makes a difference, and inquired why leaders on the right seem to be too frickin’ dense to understand what is totally obvious. What difference does it make? is a rhetorical question, pointed at a brainless fixation similar to various distractions we’ve seen before; their past obsession with Obama’s flag pin, for example.

Most of them are probably capable of understanding why it’s in our nation’s best interest to differentiate between a billion or so Muslims in general, and a relatively small minority of radical Islamic extremists who slaughter Christians and other Muslims with equal enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, they don’t want to give up a politically useful meme that can so easily be made to take the place of intelligent discussion about a complex topic. It’s so much easier to expand and exploit ignorance, fear, and prejudice—a tactic currently being exploited to the fullest extent possible by Donald Trump.

Their fixation on this meme serves another purpose besides mindless attack on Obama: It also distracts from the fact that the GOP hasn’t done anything at all to counter the threat of ISIS themselves—including advancing any sort of detailed alternative approach of their own. Any specific suggestion could represent a serious political risk, so they avoid specifics altogether. The consequence is that they have had no meaningful, constructive input in the matter of addressing a serious threat to the nation.

The equivalent to this would be FDR’s Day of Infamy speech without any reference being made to Japan. As long as there is denial as to who the enemy is, we will lose more people on our soil now that they’ve managed to take advantage of the complacency of not only this administration, but the 50% plus Americans who approve of its performance. Expect more carnage in the good old (and declining) USA.

Do you have any doubt that the enemy is Islamic fundamentalist extremists? Does anybody?

Haven’t you heard that the Obama administration has been methodically targeting and killing their leaders and propagandists on a continuous basis for nearly 2 years now, in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Africa? Or that the U.S. has been providing air support for coalition forces that have retaken half of ISIS-controlled territory? Are you aware of special forces actions that have taken place on the ground in hostile areas? Do you ever bother to look at the DoD’s webpage reporting recent news concerning Operation Inherent Resolve?

Please remind me what those who are continuously accusing Obama of doing nothing have done themselves. Because I can’t think of a damn thing.

I am so tired of the bullshit…particularly now that it is all serving the purpose of attempting to put a know-nothing blowhard in the White House. I realize the propaganda machine is pretty much running on auto-pilot at this point, but that’s the end it is now serving.


Do you have any doubt that the enemy is Islamic fundamentalist extremists? Does anybody?

Well, Barack Obama for one. He doesn’t seem to have a clue.
If a man had a gun shooting people and the Chief is sending officers to the scene, don’t you think it would be helpful if he said. “Go to this scene, there is a man with a gun shooting at people” Or should he just say, ” hey guys, why don’t you ride down to the park and see if anything is going on” So if you want to raise awareness about Islamic jihadists, it might be helpful to say, ‘we want to raise awareness about Islamic jihadists’.
I know I’m expecting a Dimocrat to have logic, and I know that’s not the case.


am so tired of the bullshit…particularly now that it is all serving the purpose of attempting to put a know-nothing blowhard in the White House.

What ? you think 8 years of a ‘know nothing in the White House” is enough? Don’t we get to have a chance also? It couldn’t possibly be worse than the disaster currently there. I mean, isn’t he compromising his principles? Living in a house that slaves built?

@Redteam, #6:

Well, Barack Obama for one. He doesn’t seem to have a clue.

Oh, really? And how exactly does that explain the fact that his administration has been repeatedly targeting and killing the leadership cadre of the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, al Shabaab, and affiliated organizations through most of his time in office? How does it explain over 9,000 completed U.S. airstrikes against ISIS that have been carried out at his orders since August 2014, continuing on through the current month?

I don’t know if you’re completely unaware of the fact the U.S. has been militarily supporting coalition forces in a continuous war against ISIS for nearly 2 years, or if you know but are in a state of total denial because the party you support hasn’t even gotten around to debating the President’s formal request for Congressional authorization.

These do-nothing jackasses have lost whatever credibility they ever had as critics of a President who is actually trying to do his job. They’re like people standing around criticizing somebody else’s efforts to put out a fire that threatens the entire neighborhood, while refusing to lift a finger themselves.

They don’t even make helpful suggestions. There’d be too much political risk involved.

Iraq and Syria: ISIL’s Areas of Influence, August 2014 Through April 2016

President Obama Job Approval. It’s gone up over this past week. Possibly it isn’t Obama who’s in denial. He’s even in positive territory in the latest FOX News poll.

It’s possible relentless negativity is gradually becoming played out as a means to election and reelection.