Obama’s new ally hangs seven on Christmas Day

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The Iranian regime hanged seven citizens on Christmas morning and at least 12 others in the days before and after the holiday, according to Iranian dissidents monitoring the human rights situation.

Seven prisoners being held in Iran’s Abdelebad prison were hanged “at dawn on Christmas day,” according to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an Iranian opposition group.

The latest round of state-sanctioned killings—which have hit an all time high in the past year—came just days after President Barack Obama praised Iran in an interview at the White House and said that it could be a “successful” member of the international community.

Obama claimed that Iran can be a “very successful regional power” if it decides to relinquish some portions of its contested nuclear weapons program, according to the interview, which was conducted with NPR.

”They’ve got a chance to get right with the world,” Obama was quoted as saying.

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No details on their ”crimes” but the death penalty applies to people who insult Mohammad, insult Islam, insult (not LIE, it can be the truth) a fellow Muslim, apostasy, homosexuality, converting to a different religion, etc.
How Islam is a force for peace is beyond me.
It seems to be a very divisive force, finding fault with anyone and everyone the leaders (ayatollahs) say are at fault.
Just recently a General in Iran called for Obama to become Muslim.
Brigadier General Qolamhossein Qeib-parvar in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), stipulated on Saturday, that President Barack Obama should convert to Islam.
Otherwise, as he said, ”I do not know why some people believe that some day we will make peace with the US and start relations with them.”
See: here
or here.

Nan, Islam is the Religion of Peace; the Peace of Mindless Submission or the Peace of the Grave.