Obama’s Katrina? America’s Northeast Suffers As President Puts Re-Election Ahead Of Relief

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LaborUnionReport @ Redstate:

Powered by a gas-rationed generator on Saturday night, a quick glance at the Drudge Reportshed little light on what many in the Northeast are experiencing first hand: Devastated communities left in the darkthirsty New Yorkers ‘dumpster diving‘ for food, many faced with lootingfear of nightfall, and a President who, rather than leading at a time of crisis, continues his stump speeches and demonizing ordinary Americans in order to get re-elected.

Although many on the Left may find the comparison to Barack Obama’s handling of Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath to Hurricane Katrina offensive or “unfair,” it is as fitting as was the criticism directed at George Bush from 2005 through today.

In 2005, even before the devastation of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina was fully realized, theLeft immediately began the blame game aimed at then-President George Bush.


As NewsMax noted on August 29, 2005:

A handful of liberal bloggers have wasted no time politicizing the Hurricane Katrina disaster, alleging that the Iraq war has stripped New Orleans of National Guard protection and blasting President Bush for not dealing with global warming.

“So far today, I’ve looked at Global Warming and Katrina and the crisis resulting from Louisiana’s National Guard being in Iraq instead of defending their state,” complains the “Swing State” blog.


“Can’t you just see Bush staying on vacation while all this happens THEN touring the damage like he’s some kind of concerned hero?” the American Blogger griped. [Emphasis added.]

Isn’t that what Barack Obama did last week when he toured the damage of New York New Jerseyfor photo ops before taking off to return to the campaign trail?

Baseball bats & machetes.

Meanwhile, in anti-gun New York, after nearly a week in the dark, residents are having to arm themselves with guns and whatever make-shift weapons they can to ward off would-be looters.

Hardened New Yorkers are ready to battle lowlife criminals to protect their homes and stores in storm-ravaged areas plagued by looting and break-ins.

In Coney Island, several residents were loading up their guns, sharpening their machetes and brandishing other deadly weapons.

Jacinto Gonzalez, 42, picked up a baseball bat and stood guard outside his two-story rowhouse on West 27th Street near Neptune Avenue with his family.

Another Coney Island resident, Roberto Aviles, brandishing a rusty 3-foot machete and warning he has a gun, who has lived in Coney Island since 1995 with his wife, says he’s ready to take on phony burglars posing as Con Ed workers.

“I’m prepared inside here,” the 76-year-old Aviles said, showing off his rusted, three-foot machete and warning he had a gun. [Emphasis added.]

Of particular note, the handling of Hurricane Sandy is already being compared to that of Katrina–and not by those wishing to score political points, but by those who are feeling the inefficiencies of the offcials handling of the hurricane’s aftermath:

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We got our power on last night around 8:00 pm after 6 days…It was a challenge for sure…you adapt… you get creative…you have to… We were Blessed – Power was the only thing we lost…

Downed trees took with them power lines and transformers… Trees need to be carefully removed before the power can be fixed and turned on… Getting gas is also a challenge….long wait times.

Govenor Christie has been very engaged as usual…no complaints here…but, of course, many in the state will find fault in his Leadership – these are the perpetually angry asshat Liberals and there are many here…

As far as New York goes…the Blame Game is On!!

“The trouble-plagued giveaway began when Gov. Cuomo’s office announced in the morning that officials would try to ease the post-Sandy gas crisis by giving out free fuel to both “emergency vehicles and the general public.””
The change came after the US Department of Defense — which provided the gas in coordination with the National Guard — said the gas was only for first responders.

A Cuomo-administration source blamed the mix up on the military.

“They told us. We simply conveyed the information provided by them,” the source said. “We had nothing to do with the execution. We didn’t select the sites. It wasn’t our trucks. It wasn’t our people. It’s not our fault.”

Cuomo’s office took the offer off its Web site later in the day.

“Right now, they’re not supposed to be for civilians at all — just the emergency-responder vehicles,” Wing said.

I don’t feel sorry for New York it’s run by a bunch of Asshats more interested in how much “soda” and “salt” one is allowed to consume….and kissing up to Liberal Groups and OFraud…

RATHER then THINK about a contingency plan in the case for a disaster [other than a terror attack]… their focus is up their asses

New York is now facing a disaster….and again tons of people who are “dependent” on the “Government” to “Save” them and save them they are not….so much for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!! and “having your own plan”….

It’s obvious New York does not have a [storm] disaster PLAN …just a BLAME GAME…

New Yorker’s deserve what [who] they voted for…sadly they have short term memory and will vote in the same asshats or worse…

Kiss Up Mayor Nanny Bloomer is NOT A Rudy Giulani….

OFraud came to the Northeast for a Photo Op and to show face….he could give two shits..the campaign is more important to him…besides he couldn’t let Romney get here first!! Ofraud the Asshat!!

Apparently there have been “no lessons learned” from Katrina!!

If anyone does diligent research, and is honest about Katrina, they have to admit that the response to Katrina was a total failure on the part of both the local and state governments, not the feds. Every state submits a disaster response plan with FEMA. It is understood that for the first 72 hours, it is local first responders who are responsible. But when you have a city where half the residents subside on federal largess (taxpayer money) there is no personal responsibility involved. The government has taken care of them their entire lives and they expect the government to sweep them up in loving arms when a natural disaster strikes.

We are told we get the government we deserve. Obviously, New York is being taught tough love. Staten Island is a disgrace.


New York is now facing a disaster….and again tons of people who are “dependent” on the “Government” to “Save” them and save them they are not….so much for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!!! and “having your own plan”….

Too Bad! They were warned and did NOTHING about it.

No tears from “fly-over” country.

Consume fecal matter and expire, denizens of NYC. You voted in your pathetic leadership-time to pay the piper.

Take your medicine like a man.

Have you kept up with the news?
Generators, blankets, food, other materials abandoned in Central Park, waiting for the marathon. Folk huddled in the dark in Brooklyn, Staten Island, elsewhere. Mayor unconcerned with huddled masses. Mayor worried only about own image. But no sign of response from defunct NY liberal government.
Long Island union refuses help of non-union workers. Demand sent south to require union membership before any outside help would be accepted. We would rather be union and stay in the dark.

This is the liberal response to disaster. Us first. Our image, our union, before anything else.

And yet the libs will continue to vote themselves non-functional leaders!
It is hard to fathom.


And yet the libs will continue to vote themselves non-functional leaders!

No, liberal/progressives will continue to vote away freedom and liberty, in favor of safety and security, and in doing so, gain none of it.

Ivan I noted on other post that Curt, a Marine who keeps his word, is about to boot you off.
Good riddance

Semper Fi