What they say is that the golf course is paid for by private funds.
But the WWII Memorial was paid for by private funds. They claimed that the need to protect federal lands required barrycading it nevertheless.
And some private home owners leased government land on Lake Mead. These are private homes. Therefore paid for by private funds. The only connection to the government was that they pay the government for their lease.
They’ve been forced out of their homes. And yet Barry golfs.
Have any of the Federal worker’s in the White House been laid off? Perhaps for the duration, all non-essential White House staff should also be furloughed. Michelle should be pitching in and showing her own self sacrifice by personally cooking and serving her hubby the same “healthy” meals she wants public schools to serve our children. Let everyone living in the White House make their own beds, clean up after themselves and do their own laundry. Those who are manning offices can surely take out their own trash and take care of such housekeeping chores, just as those Federal “employees” serving in our military do.
If Obama was a real leader, he would be setting the example and making personal sacrifices while Americans are suffering. And the last thing he would be doing would be making sure that his golf course stays open, much less going out their and hitting a few rounds, when he should be working with Congress to negotiate a compromise. Democrats claim to value reaching across the aisles and compromise so much when Republicans have control. By refusing to negotiate at all, they prove that they are nothing but hypocrites.
obama is just practicing for when he wants something, and the people will have to obey him, or he will have the power to punish them any way he sees fit. Watch for states to start forming their own militias.
The Federal and state governments can organize and regulate organized militias as per the Militia Act. What would be better would be to create volunteer community Civilian Defense Irregular organizations, under similar organization as neighborhood watch, where citizens of all ages and capabilities can learn how to prepare for emergencies and community defense with mentoring, and where they do not fall under the direct control of government.
@Ditto: #3
The problem with a civilian militia is that if a state or the federal government would ban the public from having guns, this means the militia would have to give up their guns. The militia could also be declared a terrorist organization. A right of a state to have a militia is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and it also guarantees that they can have guns.
I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. According to the Militia Act, many of us are too old to be considered for recruitment, While others may not be considered “able-bodied” enough. A militia is a regular military organization. “Regular” in this case indicates that a militia is regulated by a government body.
What I am talking about is free citizens who form their own community based organization of irregulars as last ditch protection of their communities, such as those who are rejected from military service and are behind when the drafts are initiated. Veterans who are highly unlikely to be reactivated, the elderly, amputees, or any other folk who have the right to bear arms and are still capable of defending their families and communities. Surely you’ve heard of communities forming such groups during WWII. Organization of everyone who was not expected to serve in the military, reserves or government organized militias. The old, the 4-F. These American Citizens are the ultimate, final defense, so why shouldn’t they have the right to train?
Shutdown Horror: White House Mess Menu Shortened
Shutdown takes its toll on White House operations
Why the First Lady, (who still has a chef and reduced kitchen staff,) would need to go to a fancy restaurant for an anniversary dinner when she is already being pampered in the most exclusive posh digs in the US, points to the high society idiocy of this MSM reporter.