Victor Davis Hanson:
Last week, in sober and judicious tones Obama all but warned Americans that they cannot se
usly support Trump, who, he implied, is little more than a reality-TV conman. But such admonitions come from
whose speech in praise of Rashid Khalidi was suppressed by the media, and whose entire memoir was only belatedly found out to be impressionistic fiction. Obama lowered the bar and Trump skipped over it.Can Trump mislead much more than did Obama, who assured Americans that they would never lose their doctor or health plan but rather save money and have better care, and that pulling peacekeepers from Iraq would ensure a stable and self-reliant country? Obama, remember, also bragged abroad that he had all but closed Guantanamo within a year and would stop the Bush habit of piling up more debt? After Ben Rhodes and Jonathan Gruber, what exactly are the presidential standards on veracity that we must hold Trump to?
Can Trump act any less constitutionally than has Obama? Will he scan existing law, and order his attorney general to enforce some statutes but ignore others? Will he boast that “I won” and thus has a pen and a phone to sign treaties with foreign countries without Senate ratification? Will Trump, in Obama fashion, threaten to cut off federal funds to cities that believe in biologically identified male/female restrooms, while encouraging other cities to defy federal immigration law? Sanctuary cities in California, but not in North Carolina? Are we back to 1860 and state nullification of federal law if and when the president wishes it?
Read the whole thing
People pop off without listening to Donald Trump.
What did HE say about his VP pick?
And why.
Calling into MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” …..
So much for ”Can Trump act any less constitutionally than has Obama?”
I mean, HYPOTHETICALLY, of course he could.
But what do his words sound like he intends to do?
Reaganomics Band Gets Back Together to Advise Trump on Plan