Obama’s awesome new race database even more awesome than you imagined

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Jazz Shaw:

We recently discussed a story that wasn’t particularly popular here (to be charitable) which dealt with a new White House plan to implement enforced neighborhood diversity in American towns and cities through the power and influence of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The rest of the nation wasn’t exactly pleased with the idea either, but it did raise some interesting questions. One of the biggest among those was the puzzle of exactly how the federal government plans to figure out precisely how many people in each racial pigeonhole are living where and how they are interacting. Is that sort of data even available to be used in making such determinations, assuming you wanted to do it?

The short answer seems to be “no.” The longer – and apparently more accurate – answer is, “not yet.” But never fear, citizens! As Paul Sperry reports for the New York Post, the required data collection is on the way and it’s going to be mind blowing.

A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”

Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

This Orwellian-style stockpile of statistics includes a vast and permanent network of discrimination databases, which Obama already is using to make “disparate impact” cases against: banks that don’t make enough prime loans to minorities; schools that suspend too many blacks; cities that don’t offer enough Section 8 and other low-income housing for minorities; and employers who turn down African-Americans for jobs due to criminal backgrounds.

I assumed at first that they would just be tapping into the census data, but that’s severely limited for this sort of preferential racial tracking. People tend to move around, so the big, decennial numbers tend to go stale after a while. Also, for the majority of respondents, they don’t tell you much more than a zip code to match up with the racial data – far less than you’d need for some of Obama’s ambitious plans. Sperry’s report breaks down some of the digital treasure troves which are being mined to fill in all of those gaps and it’s sounding more and more like The Central Scrutinizer from Joe’s Garage by Frank Zappa.

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I expect that all this will be used by Obama’s political machine (perhaps waiting until he is out of office,) to fuel the nation-wide race war necessary to target Whites and “overthrow” the “White slaver” government. Those Whites who can prove they have been loyal to the cause may be allowed to live out their lives on reservations. The old Constitution and it’s Republic will be discarded to usher in a new fascist United Democratic-Socialist State. The recent leftist uproar to revisit the Civil War and tear down it’s heritage makes perfect sense to me as being another brick in building a house of an anti-White coalition revolution. “Black lives matter.” “White Guilt”. Demanding “Rights for Illegal aliens,” Forcing Southern States to either topple their history or cry out in support of their heritage. Forcing White conservatives to defend against the invasion, to support the police, their religious traditions and their love of this Republic. Keep in mind here that the political left have refused to accept reverse racism. They hold that it can not be a hate crime or racially motivated attack if the victim is White.

Think it can’t happen here? If so you are very naive. Every day we are seeing more and more of the typical socialist takeover plan is put into effect. The military is being reduced in force, demoralized and undermined by a radical leftist makeover. They are disarmed and not allowed to carry weapons except in the field. The security forces controlling entry onto our military bases are contracted civilians. If a terrorist attacks and kills military members the current administration deems it a minor event not worthy of his notice.

Then there is the continual attacks on the Second Amendment, and all the sneaky underhanded ways that the Obama administration is collecting information that can eventually be used to “legally” disarm the populous. The drawback to the left’s actions has been that many people are seeing the growing threat and are buying and registering firearms and greater numbers are filing papers for conceal carry. But all that paperwork they have filled out will come in handy as the Federal government uses those records to begin confiscation. (Such confiscation visits are already occurring in California).

Try this:
Be sure to expand the ”Top Tapestry Segments.”
In my old zip (90813) Hispanics comprised all three of those top three demographic categories.
Income was well lower than the county and state it was in plus lower than the US average by far, too.
And check out that density!
17,256 (add to this the city just legalized goat and poultry ownership in dense areas) compared with the county, state and nation.

Try it with your own or any area that interests you.
Like in downtown Baltimore or in Ferguson, Missouri.
Even the sites of most Real Estate .coms include all sorts of info about the area around each home or property you look into.
What Obama is doing is legacy-building.
Lots of new gov’t workers combing through your personal info so as to sue the pants off you IF they need to for political reasons.

It would be the height of racism to assume that moving blacks away from their roots (or moving other people into black neighborhoods) would improve matters for blacks. So, disparity is just cover for spying on people.

Blacks who want to excel can do so.
Those who do not wish to better themselves never will.
Same with people of ALL races.

… but discussing which race commits the majority (by ratio) of the violent crime in America is racist.