David Freddoso:
So, the Obama administration says that healthcare.gov is fixed. Of course, it isn’t really fixed, but our expectations have been lowered so much that this is close enough:
Even if it isn’t perfect, more people are finally able to get through and see quotes. And that’s Obamacare’s big problem — the one we all expected, as opposed to the unexpectedly bad website issues.
Now that the site is sort-of working, people are learning that practically all of their disposable income will soon go to pay for more expensive health insurance that is substantially worse than what they had before. And people with employee plans aren’t safe, either — know that you may be in this boat soon.
Take this guy — Dave Petno, an insurance broker in Ohio who had been trying to get through the system and apply since it opened October 1. His story was picked up by the Daily Caller this morning. Here’s what Petno has to say:
I finally got a series of quotes for my family.  My family currently has an HSA Plan through Anthem with a $6,000 Deductible, and $6,000 OOP Maximum.  We currently pay $735/month for this plan design…
Today, I was able to generate a series of quotes from Heathcare.gov…Note, the lowest Bronze Plan (really crappy coverage) is higher than what we currently Pay.
The most comparable Anthem plan, with the same deductible, but an Out of Pocket Maximum of $1500 HIGHER than my current plan, is $1,117/month. Â That is a 52% higher than my current plan with Anthem. Â It is also important to note that the Anthem Marketplace plan includes MANY Fewer hospitals and doctors and does not include The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Summa Health System, and Ohio State University Hospitals, among others.
Note:Â He includes screen-captures for everything, just click through to see them.
Smartly, ObamaCare’s website was not ”fixed” or even announced as fixed until after Black Friday.
(I wonder how long we will be allowed to call it ”Black” Friday, since…..”racism!!!” and, more importantly, it doesn’t get businesses into the black anymore.)
One financial pundit on CNBC claimed that consumer sales for this Christmas will be negatively impacted by ObamaCare sticker shock.
I bet that’s true.
It works.
What you’ll pay for Obamacare
Here’s how much a mid-range plan on the Obamacare exchange will cost you, before tax subsidies
@This one:
And you are still a ridiculous, moronic troll. The screenshots from an insurance broker in Ohio showing a 52% increase in his family premium payment with an increase of his annual deductible of $1500/year you ignore – in typical leftist fashion because it shows the lie inherent in obamacare – then you quote CNN, a leftwing cheerleader that puts out obamacare propaganda with nothing but alleged áverage’ obamacare costs.
You still cannot refute that Obama lied repeatedly to cram his socialist nightmare onto the country.
You still cannot refute that obamacare costs much more than pre-obamacare insurance.
You cannot refute that choice of doctors and hospitals is profoundly limited under obamacare policies, and that millions of people have lost their policies because of pointless obamacare mandates that cannot be used by people forced to pay for coverage they do not need or want.
You cannot refute that despite having longer than the amount of time the US needed to defeat the Nazis and the Japanese, the big government socialists have produced a completely unworkable website that even today is still a giant megafacepalm failure.
“It works”? Really? Like the family in the news because they were told in addition to their expensive family obamacare plan, they had to get a separate individual policy for their 18 month old child because the family plan would not cover children under two years of age?
Your willful blindness to the total failure of the obamacare debacle only shows your ignorant zealotry.
@Nanny G:
Next think you know Rev Al will be protesting “White Sales” as racist.
@This one:
So tell us your experience with the website and how much you saved? If it works so well that should be something even you can handle.
Clueless again you are.